Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasta 390 rezultatų
Developing of Technologies
Anglų kalbos pasakojimas 11 klasei.
klientų lojalumo programos
Marketingo teorijoje lojalumas ilgai buvo suvokiamas kaip pakartotinis tam tikro ženklo prekės ar paslaugos pirkimas. Jis buvo apibūdinamas kaip nuolat pasikartojantis veiksmas, kurį atlieka vartotojas. Pastaraisiais metais lojalumo apibrėžimas keičiasi. Dabar lojalumas suvokiamas ne tik kaip pasikartojantis veiksmas. Vis dažniau kalbama apie prisirišimo prie prekių ženklo svarbą lojalumui. Svarbus tampa ne tik pats veiksmas, bet ir psichologinė šio veiksmo priežastis. Šiuolaikiniai marketingo specialistai pabrėžia, kad tikrasis lojalumas neįmanomas be prisirišimo
Argumentative compositions
A good argumentative essay (for/against) should consist of:
An introduction in witch you state the topic. A main body witch consists of two paragraphs. (APIMTIS 1PSL)
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. April 18, 1955, and died.
My dream house
To begin with, I must say that for the meantime I live in a five storied building with other buildings around it. My flat is on the fourth floor. The flat has all modern conveniences, but is not very large. As I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
Anglu kalbos prezentacija apie nedarbo lygį ir infliaciją.
I am writing in connection with The Milton Hotel, which I saw advertised in The Sunday Times on 25 November. I stayed at this hotel in December and I am sorry to say that I was very disappointed.
Engineering materials
Trumpas Powerpoint skaidrėmis padarytas pristatymas apie pagrindines medžiagas, naudojamas inžinerijoje.
Translatio transformations of English Verb + Nuon Collocations in EU Documents on Ecology
Kolokacijos - tai žodžių junginiai, dažnai pasitaikantys sakytinėje ir rašytinėje kalboje, sukuriantys naują semantinę reikšmę ir skirstomi pagal savo funkciją ir sandarą. Kaip ir kiti kalbos vienetai, verčiant yra transformuojamos naudojant pagrindinius vertimo trasformacijų tipus – perkėlimą, pakeitimą, įterpimą ir praleidmą. Šio darbo tikslas – išrinkti kolokacijas, sudarytas iš veiksmažodžio ir daiktavardžio analizuojant Europos Sąjungos dokumentus ekologijos tema, pastebėti ir analizuoti kolokacijų vertimo transformacijas. Darbo uždaviniai – apžvelgti įvairių autorių teorinius požiūrius, susijusius su darbo objektu, pateikti asmeninę sampratą, apžvelgti transformacijų dėsningumus ir susisteminti bei apibendrinti tyrimo duomenis.
Many people believe that the way we live our lives today is having an extremely bad effect on the environment. Here are some examples of environmental problems and solutions.
Pollution - is damage to the air, sea, rivers, or land caused by chemicals, waste and harmful gases. Pollutants include toxic waste, pesticides, and fertilizers.
An informal letter
My name is Giedre. I am from Lithuania. I have lived in Vilnius, a capital of Lithuania, since I was born. My family is not big. I am the only child. My mother works as a tourism agent and father is a clerk of the works.
Paslaugos internete
Todėl šiek tiek stebėtina, kad iki mūsų laikų verslininkai informacijai skyrė tiek nedaug dėmesio - buvo prekiaujama materialiomis apčiuopiamomis prekėmis, kiek rečiau - taip pat beveik apčiuopiamomis paslaugomis, o apie prekybą informacija pagalvodavo nedaug kas. Tačiau mūsų amžiuje tiems laikams atėjo galas, ir galime drąsiai sakyti, kad XX amžius - informacijos amžius.
Turbūt pirmieji masiškai pardavinėti informaciją pradėjo laikraščiai ir žurnalai. Pradžioje jie tiesiog teikė skaitytojams daugiau ar mažiau objektyvias žinias apie politiką, ekonomiką ar kultūrą; tokias žinias, už kurias pirkėjas buvo nusiteikęs mokėti pinigus. Po to spaudoje buvo pritaikytas nepaprastai galingas ginklas - reklama. Taigi laikraščiai jau ne tik pardavinėjo skaitytojams jų norimas žinias, bet kartu teikė jiems informaciją, kurios patys skaitytojai dažnai visai nenorėjo, tačiau už kurią sutiko mokėti tos informacijos šaltiniai. Paprasčiau tariant, spauda pardavinėjo vartotojams informaciją, o gamintojams - potencialius vartotojus.
Daug naujo į informacijos verslą įnešė radijas ir televizija. Šioms masinės informacijos priemonėms įsitvirtinus vartotojų gyvenime, informacijos pateikimo galimybės labai išsiplėtė - tai jau nebebuvo vien juodos raidės ant balto fono ar spalvotos fotografijos; radijas leido pateikti informaciją panaudojant gyvą kalbą ir muziką, o televizija - dar ir judantį vaizdą. Reklamos reikšmė nepaprastai išaugo - juk jei laikraščiai iš bėdos gali išsilaikyti vien pardavinėdami savo teikiamą informaciją, tai radijas ir TV, nerinkdami abonementinio mokesčio iš savo auditorijos, dažniausiai gauna pelną tik iš reklamos. (Tiesa, yra įvairios mokamos kabelinės televizijos atmainos, tačiau ir jų tik maža dalelė išsilaiko be reklamos užsakovų.) Tačiau nors radijas ir TV išplėtė informacijos pateikimo galimybes, jie susiaurino galimybes informaciją pasirinkti. Klausytojas negali kontroliuoti to, ką transliuoja radijo ar TV stotis. Jis gali išsirinkti stotį, kurios profilis jam atrodo labiausiai tinkamas - kaip ir spauda, RTV stotys dažnai specializuojasi tam tikrose informacijos rūšyse -, tačiau tokiu būdu gaunamos informacijos pobūdį jis gali kontroliuoti tik dalinai. Taigi informacijos gavimo radijo ir TV būdą galima būtų pavadinti pasyviu, ir tai yra didžiulis jo trūkumas.
Koks gi yra aktyvus informacijos rinkimo būdas? Žmogus aktyviai renka informaciją, kai ieško kokios nors įmonės telefono firmų kataloge, varto valgių receptų knygą ar rausiasi bibliotekoje bandydamas rasti straipsnį apie jį dominančią planetą. Tačiau toks informacijos rinkimo būdas yra nepatogus dėl universalumo stokos. Juk norint rasti valgio receptą, virimo knygą dažnai reikia pasiimti iš bibliotekos arba nusipirkti knygyne; o ją įsigijus ten rasi tik valgių receptus, bet ne firmų telefonus ir planetų charakteristikas. Informacijos apie firmas ir planetas vėl reikia ieškoti atskirai, taip gaištamas brangus laikas, kurį būtų galima panaudoti naudingesnei veiklai. Taigi mums reikalinga sistema, leidžianti greitai, pigiai ir be vargo gauti norimą informaciją. Čia mums į pagalbą ateina kompiuterių tinklai.
Trumpa Internet tinklo apžvalga
Kompiuterių tinklas - tai daugybė kompiuterių, sujungtų tarpusavyje taip, kad galėtų keistis informacija. Dabar pasaulyje yra nesuskaičiuojama daugybė tinklų, tačiau šiame darbe nagrinėsime tik tuos tinklus, kurie yra tarptautinio Internet tinklo dalis.
Internet - tai pasaulinis duomenų perdavimo tinklas, šiuo metu jungiantis dešimtis tūkstančių TCP/IP protokolu dirbančių tinklų ir daugiau nei 60 milijonų vartotojų daugiau kaip 110 šalių. Prie Internet prisijungusių kompiuterių skaičius kasmet padidėja dvigubai. Apie 10 procentų tarptautinio telefoninio srauto yra susiję su informacijos perdavimu Internet tinklu. Internet tinklas yra atviras - prie jo gali prisijungti kiekvienas norintysis.
Plačiausiai naudojama Internet dalis - World Wide Web tinklas. Tai hipertekstinė sistema, kurioje informacija gali būti pateikiama panaudojant tekstą, spalvotą grafiką, nuotraukas, garsą ir videovaizdą. Šiuo metu testuojamas naujas WWW dokumentų standartas, kuris leis juose panaudoti ir trimatę grafiką. Kaip tai veikia? Vartotojas sėdi prie kompiuterio, modemo pagalba prisijungęs prie vietinio Internet providerio serverio, ir ekrane mato WWW dokumentą. Tam tikros WWW dokumento dalys (pabraukti žodžiai ar paveiksliukai) yra tartum vartai (arba nuorodos, plg. links) į kitus WWW dokumentus. Pavyzdžiui, skaitant firmos Omnitel WWW puslapį apie Lietuvą, galima rasti sakinį apie Vilniaus Universitetą. Kursoriumi (pele) pasirinkus šiuos pabrauktus žodžius, patenkama į naują dokumentą - Vilniaus Universiteto WWW puslapį su VU emblema kairiajame kampe. Čia pateikiama informacija jau vien apie VU, tačiau ir iš šio WWW puslapio per įvairius vartus galima patekti į vis naujus ir naujus WWW dokumentus.
Žinoma, tai ne vienintelis būdas “keliauti” po World Wide Web. Turint galvoje, kad į WWW tinklą įeina milijonai (paskutiniais duomenimis - apie 13 mln.) serverių, kuriuose guli milijardai įvairių per WWW prieinamų dokumentų, kyla klausimas - kaipgi šioje košėje susirasti reikiamą puslapį? Lengva ir greita reikiamų dokumentų paieška yra būtina norint, kad WWW funkcionuotų ir duotų realią naudą. Todėl šiai problemai yra skiriama daug dėmesio.
Rasti WWW tinkle vartotoją dominančius dokumentus galima įvairiais būdais. Vienas jų - pasinaudoti specialiais paieškos serveriais (search engines), kurie leidžia užduoti raktinius žodžius ar frazes, apibūdinančius vartotoją dominančią informaciją, ir po kelių sekundžių pateikia paieškos rezultatus - sąrašą nuorodų į WWW puslapius, susijusius su jūsų paieškos tema. Pavyzdžiui, norint rasti koordinačių matavimo prietaisais (coordinate measuring machines - CMM) prekiaujančių firmų produkcijos kainoraščius, užtenka prisijungti prie kurio nors iš daugelio paieškos serverių ir liepti jam atlikti paiešką pagal žodžius “CMM pricelist prices”. Keletą akimirkų pagalvojęs, serveris pateikia tokį ar panašų sąrašą su nuorodomis (vartais) į firmų reklaminius puslapius:
MITUTOYO/MTI Corporation
Mitutoyo is the world’s largest manufacturer of precision measuring instruments, including Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM).
Romer Inc.
Romer is the worldwide leader in portable CMMs systems.
FSI / Fork Standards, Inc.
FSI is a leading supplier of CMMs, optical shaft encoders, photoelectric sensors, industrial counters, and controls.
ir t.t. Pabrauktos frazės - tai vartai, kurių pagalba pasiekiame mus dominančius dokumentus, tarp jų ir kainoraščius.
Yra ir kitokių paieškos būdų - pavyzdžiui, galima pasinaudoti World Wide Web Geltonaisiais puslapiais (WWW Yellow Pages), kur WWW dokumentai klasifikuojami pagal pobūdį - prekyba, gamyba, ryšiai, transportas, mokslai, menai, laisvalaikis ir pan.
Taigi, nors Internet WWW dokumentų paieškos sistemos dar nėra tobulos, jos nepaprastai palengvina vartotojo darbą.
Mes trumpai susipažinome su pagrindiniais Internet WWW tinklo veikimo principais. Toliau pereisime prie šio tinklo komercinio panaudojimo temos.
Paslaugos Internet tinkle
Paslaugas, “pagimdytas” Internet tinklo ir ypač jo WWW dalies, galima sąlyginai suskirstyti į tris stambias kategorijas:
1. Vartotojams skirtos materialios prekės ir paslaugos, reklamuojamos per Internet tinklą;
2. Vartotojams skirtos nematerialios paslaugos, teikiamos Internet tinklo pagalba ir neišeinančios už jo ribų;
3. Internet providerių teikiamos reklamos paslaugos firmoms.
Trumpai aptarsime visas tris kategorijas.
Materialių produktų ir paslaugų pasiūla Internet tinkle
Vis daugiau firmų naudojasi Internet World Wide Web tinklu, kad pristatyti potencialiems vartotojams save ir savo siūlomas prekes, o taip pat sudaryti vartotojams galimybę užsisakyti norimas prekes nepaliekant savo minkšto krėslo. Tai nulemia daugelis faktorių, tarp jų:
1. Milžiniškas ir sparčiai augantis Internet vartotojų skaičius; platus vartotojų amžiaus, gyvenamosios vietos, profesijos ir pomėgių spektras (nors Internet aušroje juo daugiausiai naudojosi mokslininkai ir akademinis jaunimas, dabar į tinklą įsijungia paties įvairiausio amžiaus, išsilavinimo ir profesijų žmonės - tam turėjo įtakos itin paprastų WWW dokumentų skaitymo programų atsiradimas)
2. Palyginti žema reklamos Internet tinkle kaina (daugelis Internet providers siūlo laikyti savo komercinį WWW puslapį Internet tinkle vos už 10-50 dolerių mėnesinį mokestį, o tai nėra didelė suma net smulkioms firmoms)
3. Galimybė maksimaliai efektyviai supažindinti potencialų pirkėją su savo siūloma preke ar paslauga (panaudojamas tekstas, vaizdas ir garsas)
4. Neribota reklamos trukmė (iš tiesų, juk reklama RTV kanalais transliuojama geriausiu atveju keletą kartų per dieną po keliasdešimt sekundžių; laikraštyje ji būna tol, kol laikraštis pasensta ir išmetamas - paprastai vieną ar dvi dienas, tuo tarpu WWW tinkle informacija apie firmą ir jos siūlomas prekes ir paslaugas gali būti prieinama bet kam 24 valandas per parą, 365 dienas per metus).
5. Tai, kad informaciją apie firmą susiranda būtent tie vartotojai, kurie jos ieško, taigi nešvaistomi pinigai adresato nepasiekiančiai reklamai.
6. Galimybė leisti vartotojui užsisakyti produktą nepaliekant namų ir netgi nenaudojant pašto ar telefono paslaugų (kaip rodo patirtis, iš pažiūros toks paprastas dalykas turi didžiulę reikšmę - galima drąsiai spėti, kad didelė prekių ir paslaugų dalis yra nenuperkama dėl to, kad potencialus pirkėjas pamiršo namie piniginę ar tiesiog tingi važiuoti į parduotuvę kitame miesto gale, tingi ieškoti konkrečios firmos katalogo, tingi net užsakinėti tą katalogą telefonu. Prekių užsakymui per elektroninį tinklą reikia mažiausiai laiko ir pastangų)
Dėl šių ir kitų priežasčių vis daugiau firmų savo produkciją reklamuoja Internet pagalba. Tipiniu pavyzdžiu galėtų būti firmos Romer Inc., gaminančios portabilias koordinačių matavimo mašinas, WWW puslapis: trumpai pristatoma pati firma (company profile ), pateikiama detali informacija apie pačias mašinas - jų techninės charakteristikos ir kainos -, pagaliau tiesiai per kompiuterį jau turintys šias mašinas vartotojai gali gauti techninę pagalbą, o jų neturintys - išsirinkti norimą modelį ir jį užsisakyti. Tereikia įvesti pavardę, firmos pavadinimą, adresą ir kreditinės kortelės duomenis, ir, jei elektroninė bankinių atsiskaitymų sistema dirba tvarkingai, po poros savaičių prekė pristatoma vartotojui į namus. Absoliutus komfortas.
Specifinės paslaugos, neišeinančios už tinklo ribų
Beveik viskas, kas pasakyta prieš tai einančiame skyrelyje, tinka ir kitai Internet tinkle siūlomų paslaugų rūšiai - tai paslaugos, kurios ne tik užsakomos per Internet, bet ir suteikiamos per šį tinklą.
Internet tinkle galima perduoti tik informaciją. Iš tiesų, juk kirpėjas nesušukuos jums plaukų per kompiuterį, lygiai kaip ir kepėjas neiškiš picos pro ekraną. Todėl antroji mūsų nagrinėjamų paslaugų rūšis - grynai informacinės paslaugos. Jos labai įvairios. Tai ir solidžių žurnalų elektroninės versijos (pavyzdžiui, užuot prenumeravus Wall Street Journal popieriniame pavidale, galima sumokėti tam tikrą sumą pinigų ir gauti priėjimą prie šio leidinio per Internet), ir verslo informacija, pavyzdžiui, daugelis biržų teikia paslaugas per Internet tinklą (visai nesudėtinga ne tik nagrinėti įvairių kompanijų akcijų kursų grafikus, bet ir pirkti ar parduoti tų kompanijų akcijas neatsitraukiant nuo kompiuterio), ir įvairiausio pobūdžio pramoginiai serveriai (kompiuteriniai žaidimai, didžiulės meno ir ypač erotikos kolekcijos, kurios tampa prieinamos per WWW tik daugiau ar mažiau palengvinus piniginę).
Tokio tipo paslaugas siūlančios firmos dažnai naudoja try before you buy metodiką. Pavyzdžiui, prisijungus prie erotinio serverio, vartotojui parodoma keletas linksmo pobūdžio paveiksliukų, kad sužadinti susidomėjimą, o tada durys užtrenkiamos prieš pat virpančią iš susijaudinimo nosį - jei nori pamatyti daugiau, ŽYMIAI daugiau, būk malonus - pervesk nedidelę pinigų sumą į mūsų firmos sąskaitą ir galėsi mėgautis iki valiai. Lygiai ta pačia metodiką naudoja ir kompiuterinių žaidimų kūrėjai, ir net tokios rimtos organizacijos kaip Newsweek savaitraštis ar firmos, siūlančios verslo informaciją.
Kitas specifinis tokių paslaugų bruožas - didelė kategorija paslaugų teikiama nemokamai arba su žymiomis nuolaidomis vadinamiesiems nekomerciniams vartotojams. Pavyzdžiui, jei privatus asmuo nori užsisakyti naują firmos Autodesk programinį produktą, jam nurodomos dvi kainos: keli tūkstančiai dolerių, jei produktas bus naudojamas komerciniame darbe, ir kelis kartus mažesnė suma, jei pirkėjas yra studentas ir programą naudos tik mokymosi procese, kitaip tariant, jos pagalba neužsidirbs pinigų.
Specifinis per Internet teikiamų paslaugų bruožas yra tas, kad jų tiekėjų įdedamas darbas nepriklauso nuo klientų skaičiaus. Iš tiesų, kai daržovių pardavėjas aptarnauja dešimt žmonių, jis gauna pinigus, bet praranda dešimt agurkų. Kita vertus, firmai, prekiaujančiai bet kokio pobūdžio informacija per kompiuterinį tinklą, nebetinka klasikinis komercijos apibrėžimas, sakantis, kad komercija iš esmės yra būdas, kuriuo rinkoje keičiasi prekės savininkai. Internet tinkle vartotojui parduodama ne pati prekė ar paslauga, o tik jos kopija. Net už šios kopijos pristatymą susimoka pats vartotojas (mokesčių telefono kompanijai pavidalu). Taigi Internet paslaugų rinkoje faktiškai neveikia masto disekonomijos principas - kuo daugiau vartotojų įsigis prekės ar paslaugos kopiją, tuo didesnį firma gaus pelną. Juk iš esmės firma sukuria tik prekės ar paslaugos originalą, o kopijos jai visiškai nieko nekainuoja.
Lieka aptarti trečią su Internet susijusių paslaugų grupę. Tai
Internet providers teikiamos paslaugos
Internet providers atlieka panašų darbą, kaip ir laikraščių ar RTV stočių savininkai. Jie turi savo serverius - galingus kompiuterius, kurie dieną ir naktį dirba įjungti į Internet, ir yra tartum tarpininkai tarp gamintojų ir vartotojų. Daugelis Internet providers suteikia savo klientams galimybę reklamuoti savo prekes ar paslaugas WWW tinkle. Įvairių providers teikiamos paslaugos šiuo aspektu labai skiriasi: vieni jų orientuojasi į vietines firmas ir siūlosi ne tik priimti jų reklaminius WWW puslapius į savo serverius, bet ir pasirūpinti, kad tie puslapiai būtų įtraukti į solidžius Internet Geltonųjų puslapių katalogus, suprojektuoti ir meniškai apipavidalinti pačią reklaminę medžiagą, netgi parinkti geriausią tos medžiagos pateikimo stilių. Toks pilnas paslaugų paketas paprastai kainuoja nemenkus pinigus (nuo kelių šimtų iki kelių dešimčių tūkstančių dolerių vien už reklaminės medžiagos paruošimą vartojimui tinkle), prie kurių dar prisideda mėnesinis mokestis už reklaminių puslapių palaikymą Internet tinkle, ir yra dažniausiai siūlomas solidžioms firmoms, kurioms negaila pinigų reklamai. Kiti provideriai apsiriboja tik kliento reklaminės medžiagos laikymu savo serveryje (žinoma, taip, kad dokumentas būtų prieinamas per WWW). Jie vienodai aptarnauja tiek vietines, tiek ir užjūrio firmas. Klientas pats sukuria savo reklaminį puslapį (t.y. suprogramuoja nesudėtingą HTML formato failą) ir Internet priemonėmis (paprastai ftp) nusiunčia jį į providerio serverį, kur ta reklaminė medžiaga guli tol, kol mokamas sutartas mėnesinis mokestis. Paprastai toks mokestis neviršija 10-50 dolerių per mėnesį. Klientas gali kiek norima kartų keisti reklaminę medžiagą - tai jis daro pats, ftp protokolu siųsdamas papildymus savo reklaminiam puslapiui). Klientas nebūtina netgi žinoti, kur yra jo providerio serveris - Internet tinklas nėra organizuotas teritoriniu principu ir geografinės sąvokos jame praktiškai neturi prasmės: greta galima rasti informaciją iš skirtingų pasaulio pusių.
Kai kurie Internet providers taip pat teikia nuolaidas nekomerciniams vartotojams arba apskritai aptarnauja juos nemokamai, taip darydamiesi reklamą sau patiems. Šio referato autoriaus asmeninis WWW puslapis guli Geocities serveryje drauge su tūkstančiais kitų nekomercinių vartotojų puslapių. Kompanija Geocities yra stambus Internet provider ir gauna didžiulį pelną iš komercinių WWW puslapių palaikymo. Todėl ji gali sau leisti šiek tiek labdaros ir priima studentų WWW puslapius nemokamai.
Kaip matome po šios trumpos apžvalgos, globaliniai kompiuterių tinklai jau vaidina nemenką vaidmenį pasaulio prekių ir paslaugų rinkose, ir ateityje tas vaidmuo ne tik ne mažės, bet didės stulbinančiu greičiu. Spėju, kad dar po dešimties metų net ir Lietuvoje bus sunku rasti namus, kuriuose nestovėtų kompiuteris, įjungtas į Internet tinklą. Plečiantis techninėms galimybėms, informacijos perdavimo greitis kils, ir kartu kils perduodamo vaizdo ir garso kokybė, taigi didės reklaminės medžiagos įtaigumas, kas tik dar labiau paskatins Internet tinklo panaudojimą prekybos tikslams. Greičiausiai plėstis turėtų antroji Internet paslaugų rūšis - čia lemiamą poveikį turės jau minėta masto disekonomija, tikriau jos nebuvimas. Atitinkamai turėtų sumažėti srautas paslaugų, siūlomų panaudojant įprastines masinės informacijos priemones - spaudą, radiją ir televiziją. Galbūt tai sukels ir daug problemų, tačiau globalinių
Labour Market in Lithuania
Good afternoon, everyone.
I’m here today to speak of labour market in Lithuania in recent years, especially after integration to EU.
This talk is divided into 4 main parts.
1) Firstly, I’d like to look at Official situation of Lithuanian labour market through the recent years
2) Secondly I’ll be talking about Jobs in shortage and demand and Need of high Qualification
3) Thirdly, Emigration from Lithuania in 1990-2002
4) My fourth point will be about Emigration from Lithuania after entering EU and the wages.
Finally I’ll be looking at the conclusions
My talk will last about 15 min
If you have any questions, please stop me at any time, and I will be happy to answer them
Official situation of Lithuanian labour market through the recent years
Having rewieved the changes which have taken place in Lithuania since the restoration of independence in 1990, it can be said that the market economy in Lithuania is becoming stronger and that this process is irreversible. This period has seen the creation in Lithuania of a consistent system for the realization of social security and labour market policies.
The labour market in Lithuania has in the recent past been characterised by positive changes influenced by the implementation of the country’s investment and economic policies as well as the means used to realize the Lithuanian Republic’s employment programme: the number of employed is increasing, the number of people out of work is decreasing along with unemployment rate.
The fundamental right to social security and work is provided for by Article 48 of the1992 Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, which states that every person is free to do the job or business of their choice, and that they have the right to suitable, safe and healthy work conditions, to receive fair payment for work, and social security if they are unemployed. The work of foreign nationals in the Republic of Lithuania is regulated by law.
Researches made by interviewing people out of work, give us the numbers of 75 % of those, registered the jobless in Labour Exchange really wanna find a job, and there is yearly a downward numbers interested just in unemployment relief.
Labour market suppose that in year 2004 the number of the unemployed in average can be around 145 000, this is 20 000 less than the year before.
United States Of America
Los Angeles is far and away the most populous city in California and is located in the southern half of the state. It’s a great and very diverse city, from Hollywood to East L.A. you can find every possible lifestyle represeneted in this micro cosmos.
TV in my life
I have about 20 TV channels, they are: TV3, LNK, BTV, LRT, ORT, RTR and others. I also have few KOSMOS TV’s channels, for example: Cartoon Network, Discovery Channel, VIVA, and BBC. I like some of them and hate others. So here are a few words about the channels that I like. So, my favorite channel is VIVA. VIVA is a music channel. 24 hours a day of music, can you believe it? I like to listen to music very much, and sometimes I even make music myself, that is why I enjoy watching VIVA. I also like NTV.
The only child in a family
There are a lot of differences between families with one child and bigger families with two, three and more children. Nowadays more families have only one child. It is because of many reasons. First of all - the career. Women are able to have a good job and they do not want to let someone take up their working places. Even after that, they cannot find a job. Another disadvantage is big expenses. Many families cannot maintain their sons and daughters.
Family relations are one of actual themes in today’s world. The only child gets all the attention from his/her parents; parents do not have to divide their senses. Because of that, children, who grow in a family like this, are spoilt. In fact, when a person has to share something with others, with sisters and brothers, they are much less kind and friendly.
Brothers and sisters usually are the best friends. They trust and understand each other. The only child can talk about everything just with his/her friends or parents. For some kind of children, it is difficult to tell parents their problems and friends are not reliable at times. That is why it is better to have someone who thinks like you.
Maybe it is difficult to maintain a big family, but sometimes it can be better for it all.
Sleep disorders
INSOMNIA The term insomnia is used in reference to complaints about a symptom, namely, dissatisfaction with the amount or quality of one’s sleep. Whether or not a person has insomnia is almost always a subjective decision. A difficult feature of insomnia is that people seem to overestimate their sleep loss. One study that monitored the sleep of people who identified themselves as insomniacs found that only about half of them were actually awake as much as 30 minutes during the night. The problem may be that light or restless sleep sometimes fells like wakefulness or that some people remember only time spent awake and think they have not slept because they have no memory of doing so.
NARCOLEPSY AND APNEA Two relatively rare but severe sleep disorders are narcolepsy and apnea. A person with narcolepsy may fall asleep while writing a letter, driving a car, or carrying on a conversation. Individuals with this dysfunction have recurring, irresistible attacks of drowsiness (apsnūdimas). These episodes can occur several times a day in severe cases, and last from a few second to 15-30 minutes. Essentially, narcolepsy is the intrusion (įsibrovimas) of REM episodes into daytime hours. During attacks victims go quickly into a REM state, so rapidly in fact that they may lose muscle control and collapse (smarkiai nusilpti) before they can lie down, they may report experiencing hallucinations. Narcolepsy runs in families, and there is evidence that a specific gene or combination of genes confers susceptibility (teikia jautruma) to the disorder. In sleep apnea the individual stops breathing while asleep. There are two reasons for apnea attacks. One reason is that the brain fails to send a “breathe” signal to the diaphragm and other breathing muscles, thus causing breathing to stop. The other reason is that muscles art the top of the throat become too relaxed, allowing the windpipe (gerklė, trachėja) to partially close, thereby forcing the breathing muscles to pull harder on incoming air, which causes the airway to completely collapse. During an apnea, the oxygen level of the blood drops dramatically, leading to the secretion of emergency hormones. This reaction causes the sleeper to awaken in order to begin breathing again. Most people have a few apneas a night, but people with severe sleep problems may have several hundred apneas per night. With each apnea they wake up in order to resume breathing, but these arousals are so brief they are generally unaware of doing so. The result is that those who suffer from apnea can spend 12 or more hours in bed each night and still be so sleepy the next day that they cannot function and will fall asleep even in the middle of a conversation. Sleep apnea is common among older men. Not waking up is probably one of the main reasons people die in their sleep.
SLEEP DEPRIVATION (miego atėmimas, netekimas) . The need for sleep seems so important that we might expect being deprived of sleep for several nights to have serious consequences. Numerous studies have shown, however, that the only consistent effects of sleep deprivation are drowsiness, a desire to sleep, and a tendency to fall asleep easily. Subjects kept awake for 50 hours or more show nothing more noticeable than transient inattentions, confusions, or misperceptions. Even sleepless periods exceeding four days produce little in the way of severely disturbed behavior. In one study in which a subject was kept awake for 11 days and nights, there were no unusually deviant responses. Intellectual activities such as answering short test questions seem unaffected by several nights of sleep deprivation.
• Establish a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up
• Stay away form caffeinated drinks like coffee or cola for several hours before bedtime. Drink milk.
• Don’t eat heavily before going to bed
• Regular exercise will help you sleep better
• Relax before bedtime, avoid stressful thoughts
Pagrindiniai anglų kalbos laikai
Present Simple
1.To express an action that happens again and again, that is a habit.
I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Nick always helps his friends.
2.To express a fact which is always true.
Rockets fly faster than airplanes.
Expressions: always every day usually sometimes never
Present Continuous
1.to express an activity that is happening at the moment of speaking
What are you doing now?
2.to express an activity or situation that is true now but it is not necessarity happening at the moment of speaking.
Don’t take the book I am reading it.
3. to express a temporary activity
I’am living with my friends until I find a place to live
4. to express a planned future arangement
I am having a meeting with my classmates tomorrow
We don’t use Present Continuous with words: like believe know think want remember hope neeed remember
Past Simple
1. to express a finished action in the past
I bought this book in Vilnius.
2. to express actions which follow each other in the story
Shakespeare was born in England. He wrote hamlet in 1599. He died in1637.
3. to express a past situation or habit
Jack played chess very well when he was a small boy.
Past Simple time expressions
Last night
Two days ago
I did Yesterday morning
in 1985
When I was young
Past Continuous
1. to express an activity in progress in the past.
When I woke up it was snowing
2.to describe a situation or activity during the period in the past
Jan looked lovely. She waswearing green dress.
3. to express an interrupted past activity
I was sweeping the dust when the vaz broke.
4. to express an ninconplete activity in the past in order to contrast with the past simple which expresses a conpleted activity.
I was reading a book during the flight
5. the past simle is usually used to express a repeated past habit or situation.
I went out with Jack
But past continuous can used if a reapeated past habit becomes a longer ‘setting’ for something
I was going out with Jack when I first met Harry
My memories of school days
I remember how a girl from 12th form gave me a pencil and my first exercise book, how she took me to the inside-yard of the school to listen a boring speech of the director. Then I remember how I found my seat in the very last desk in the middle row in the class. And my first desk-friend later became one of my best friends, even now, when he is studying in Vilnius, we sometimes meet each other.
Another thing that I remember from the first class, is my teacher, who is already retired now. I loved her like “a good aunt”, I guess, sure not when she wrote me a bad mark.
Other impressive thing that happened for me at school is when we finished 4th form and entered a completely new way of life - we were allowed to walk everywhere in the school, every lesson was in another place and we had a lot of teachers. I really disliked that system, but I couldn’t change it at all.
Then, after couple of years I left my native school and moved to Belgium. There I also went to school, called “Humaniora” - it would be “gymnazium” in Lithuanian. And the biggest impression there was that students there were looking more serious in what they did. Sure, in a free-time you can see a lot of guys and girls smoking, sometimes drinking, they are dressed unordinary, bet at school every of them becomes good, diligent and friendly. They know what they want from the school, and they get it.
And then……… I came to the school called “Rygiškių Jonas secondary school”. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe not - but, anywhere, I’m here and that’s all. I can’t say that this school is good, bad or better, it’s like all other schools in Lithuania. It’s made not to fit the child, here child must fit the school. But, I think, a lot depends on the student himself, his behavior, his minds, his wish. Of course, there are some teachers, like everywhere in the world, that are intractable, but they are minority. And all other teachers really wants (I think so, at least) us to have only good memories of our school days.
Health life
Purpose live health, you must eat health food. In food has been at six basius food component. Following components is vitamin, mineral, cellular, carbohydrates, fats and protein. Vitamin give the people vital process. They help take energy and parcitipates set mechanizm. Minerals help comprise new components. Cellulars encouraging digest food and nutritions materials appropriation. Carbohydrates exclude energy. Fats is concentrated energy and protein is new cells materials. Health food is fruits, vegetables and next food with vitamin. Ill food is difficult food. Difficult food is Lithuaniain zeppelins, mushrooms and next difficult digestible food. To health life enter and sports. We must been sporting. As we beeng sporting we obligatorily goes to sports clubs and practise. When we all that does then we live all desirable life.
Harmful pupils' habits
Drugs, alcohol and tobacco using circulate between pupils in Lithuania. The most common and the most observable pupils harmful habit is smoking. In Lithuania about 55% of pupils’ smokes in 5- 8 form. Moreover, from 38% until 77% smokes in the higher classes. On the average boys began to smoke in 6- 7 class, or girls in 8- 9 class. Tobacco smoke from a cigarette contains more than 5000 chemicals. Sixty of them are known to cause cancer. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug that acts as a stimulant, causing your heart rate and blood pressure to rice. As you smoke, tar coats your lungs and increases your risk of lung cancer. Smoking causes about nine out of ten cases of lung cancer. In addition, it causes approximately one- third of all heart disease and strokes.
Drugs are the other harmful habit. Drugs is mostly using in discotheques, parties, nightclubs, recreational centers. About 2- 3% of pupils have tried or sporadically is using it. Pupils use drugs to relax or sedate the central nervous system. They can cause cyanosis. In addition, they can paralyze the portion of the brain that controls breathing, and thus cause death.
Using of alcohol is very common: about 92- 95% pupils are taste it and about 10- 21% use it regularly. Alcohol is a drug, a chemical that changes the way the body works because of the chemical reactions in the brain, and its affects the way people think, feel speak and move. Alcohol is the number one drug abuse problem today. It is a direct cause of liver disease, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, brain damage and other physical illnesses.
To sum up, these habits is very harmful fore everyone and especially for pupils. Therefore, if we want to prevent it firstly we should begin from ourselves and take attention what is happening around us.
Happiness is an emotional or affective state that is characterized by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. States associated with happiness include well-being, delight, health, safety, contentment and love. Contrasting states include suffering, depression, grief, anxiety, and pain. Happiness is often associated with the presence of favorable circumstances such as a supportive family life and economic stability. However,There are several factors of being contented.
A very important trait of happy people is their social involvement with others. Close relationships with supportive friends and family and an interest in caring and loving relationships are a priority in the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, happy people are good at setting long-term goals at work. They find work to be a positive experience because they put themselves into work situations where they feel challenged and engaged.
The most important trait common to happy people is positive self-esteem. Such people like themselves and believe in themselves to be smarter, healthier and more sociable than the average person. They are also more optimistic, extroverted, and tend to have more realistic perspectives. They feel like they are in control of their lives. Also, research proves that people who are active in religious organizations are more contmented because they cope better with various life experiences and are less vulnerable.
In conclusion, hapiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you. To look at it in a simple way, contentment is when reality is better than your dreams.
Formal letter
I am twenty-year-old student at International business school. I have a diploma from computer science school. Also few months ago I finished psychological course.
In addition, I would like to point out that I have got some experience in recruitment sphere. Last winter I worked in the “Darbo birža” and I have enclosed references from my previous employers.
I know three languages well. The first, English, I speak fluently. I also speak fairly well Latvian and some Estonian. I feel this would be useful in this position as the firm work with all three Baltic countries. Also you can rely on my versatile and responsibility.
I believe that I am suitable for the job for a number of reasons. Firstly having worked in recruitment sphere, I now feel ready to take on challenge and responsibility of being recruitment consultant in your organization. Furthermore, I would like to use my knowledge of psychological working with yours clientele. And finally, I would like to get acquaint with yours organization personnel.
Essay tips
In several paragraphs, develop the position that you stated in your introduction. Your reasoning must be supported by background knowledge in the form of evidence: experiences, examples, references to other readings, etc.
Education is the key to the person’s career
First, nowadays the life in our country is very difficult and a lot of young people don’t go to school, they haven’t even got secondary education. There are a lot of young people, children especially in big town’s streets. Some of them work washing cars, selling papers, some beg and some have nothing to do. These youngsters very often commit crimes. It is very important that every youngster would attend secondary school. They would be busier and couldn’t commit crimes.
Second, Lithuanian children start attending secondary school when they are six or seven years old. They go to the primary schools which are in the kindergartens mostly. When they are ten or eleven years old they go to a secondary school. Pupils can stay at a secondary school for twelve years, but some of them leave secondary school at the end of the ninth form. They go to vocational junior colleges or manual training schools, where they can get both secondary education and the qualifications necessary for a job. Before that these pupils must take the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. But not only these, all pupils must take examinations. Everybody can go to a university after graduating from a secondary school, vocational junior college or manual training school.
Third, best students of universities can go to study abroad. There are a lot of exchanges programmes. Abroad university make good services to study there. Plus students get legal job for your spending. Exchanges programmes are very interesting because students look another countries, to meet with other peoples and to find new friends.
Finally, education is very important in person’s life. The years when we attend at school are the happiest. Educated people are intelligent. Then you are educated - life is better.
Education 2
Some years ago secondary schools taught the same subjects, had the same organization of education. Today they are very different: some of them teach humanitarian subjects, some - science. The school curriculum, the organization of the lessons, the timing of the holidays, dressing vary from school to school. Subjects can be taught in three levels even at one school. You can take your examinations in three different levels too. Lithuanian children start attending secondary school when they are six or seven years old. They go to the primary schools which are in the kindergartens mostly. When they are ten or eleven years old they go to a secondary school. Pupils can stay at a secondary school for twelve years, but some of them leave secondary school at the end of the ninth form. They go to vocational junior colleges or manual training schools, where they can get both secondary education and the qualifications necessary for a job. Before that these pupils must take the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. But not only these, all pupils must take examinations. Everybody can go to a university after graduating from a secondary school, vocational junior college or manual training school. The brightest students have a chance of studying abroad.
Pupils can transfer freely from one school to another. Secondary education is free. Pupils get their textbooks free, too. But some of higher schools and universities are not free. Students who have not very good marks in their Certificates of Secondary Education can study there too. But they have to pay money. Those pupils who are not very good at learning can go to evening school. It is easier to study there.
As for me I attended secondary school No.5 in Marijampolė. I start attending my school when I was six years old. I have been going to this school for twelve years now. Our school is 24 years old. It is not very large: there are about 1000 schoolchildren and about 5 teachers in it. I like my school because there are my friends in it, because my school is famous for skilled teachers. I am on a good footing with them. Some teachers are not very tolerant to schoolchildren who don’t agree with them, but most of them are very generous and nice people; I can go if I have a problem to them. So I am sad at the thought of leaving my school, teachers and class friends. It is definitely our last year at school so I have to do my best.
We have a canteen, a library, some cloak rooms, a big sport hall, a school hall in our school. We have a large playing field near our school. Inside the school building we have a lot of special classrooms where different subjects are taught. The biology room is my favourite because there are many dummies in it. My favourite subjects are English, Biology and Literature. There are some clubs at our school. We have got basketball and football teams. There are some singers and a lot of dancers at our school. On Saturdays we often have dances. We always celebrate various celebrations: The Day of Valentines, The Day of liars, The Day of teachers. We have a nice egg exhibitions in spring. But the most impressive is our New Year carnival.
My parents want me to be a doctor. It is their ambition, and I am planning to study medicine in Kaunas. I want to become a midwife. It’s a very responsible and significant profession. I hate having to ask my mum and dad for money. So I must study. But I don’t want to leave my family and friends. Anyway, I’m scared of living on my own in a big town. I must continue learning for the rest of my life.
Education is very important in person’s life. The years when we attend at school are the happiest. Educated people are intelligent.
The school year begins on the first of September and finishes in June. The school year is divided into three terms.
These pupils usually go to vocational junior colleges or trod schools where they can get both secondary education and the qualification. Education is free, everybody can go to a university or any higher school after finishing secondary school. In Lithuania children go to school five days a week. There is no school on Saturdays and Sundays. The school year begins in September and ends in the middle of June. There are three terms in a school year. I attend school called Gerosios Vilties. I have been going this school for twelve years now. Our school was build In 1965. It is a white, three storied building. There are about a 1500 pupils and hundred teachers in it. Our school is situated in a nice and quiet place. It is surrounded by beautiful lawns and playgrounds. Near the school there is a large sports field. In front of the school you can see a lot of young trees planted by our school leavers. My school is rather large, so it is very noisy inside during breaks. We study Lithuanian, English, Russian, history, mathematics, chemistry, biology, music and other subjects. There are lessons of handicrafts for girls and manual training for the boys. As well as special classrooms for most of the subjects taught at school, we have also got woodwork and metalwork shops, a gymnasium, a school hall and a library. There are two chorus in our school. The atmosphere in the school is rather friendly and democratic. I think I’ll remember my classmates, my teachers for a long time.
Dream house
My dream house is located about few kilometers from the big city, in a very picturesque place near the endless river or bottomless lake. I dream about place like this as I prefer clean fresh air and unpolluted water. I don’t find myself very happy in little and uncomfortable house, so my dream house is very cozy, comfortable, well planned, with lost of gigantic windows. If you asked about rooms, I must say that I don’t need many of them, but it is very important that all these rooms were as large as it is possible. The modern front door opens into a spacious hall, where are many portraits of family members, exotic flowers. As far as bedrooms they are very large, comfortable and elegant as well. There are soft, huge beds and many antique things. It makes me to feel comfortable. By the way, every bedroom has bathroom and toilet, which are spacious and modern. There are a majority of mirrors and wardrobes. There is no question that the accent of the house is living room, as it is the place where I can relax, watch TV, listen to music or just sit and look at the fire. In case I am speaking about my dream house, I must say that there without fail are sports hall with all modern and expensive sports equipment, and little relaxing sauna. There I could get a great rest for my body after hard day. In addition to this, I am able to add that there is a big kitchen in my dream house. The kitchen must be light and have all modern equipment such as huge fridge, microwave, modern oven, vacuum saucepans, dishwasher and some other things as dresser with amazing dishes. Oh, it just occurred to me that I’ve forgot to tell about furniture. My dream furniture is upholstered, comfortable, and elegant. Usually, it must make my dream house as cozy as it is possible. Another important thing which needs to be mentioned is that dominating color in my dream house is blue, as blue color is beautiful like a dream and I love this color.
That’s all about my dream house. I hope that one day my dreams will become in to a true. It would be great to live in house which is in my dreams.
Christmas in USA
People also buy Christmas trees. Almost every man decorates tree in a different way. The decorations mostly are made of glass: angels, various figures, soldier and balls they also put a fire in the fireplace and puts stockings over the fire place also they put beautiful light bulbs on they’re houses and windows. Little children believe that there is Christmas Father or Santa Claus who comes down the chimney on the night of Christmas Eve and brings presents. Most families put presents around or under Christmas tree and in the stockings they put candy and these are opened on the first Christmas day in the morning. The biggest part of people thinks that Christmas is the time for families. For many families, this festival is the only time when they are all together. On the Christmas morning the tearing of wrapping paper is heard as gifts are exchanged, opened and admired. As the turkey, goose or chicken is sizzling in the oven, their delicious aroma fills all houses. The family is dressed in their best clothes; sit down to enjoy a delicious meal, which puts a smile on everyone’s face. America celebrates Christmas almost the whole week until the New Year, but the first day is extraordinary and you must spend it at home with your family members. This is the time when the warm feeling of Christmas spirit fills the home as the children play happily with their new toys and the adults relax, all family members feel closest to each other after sharing a day of love and joy.
More and more people are beginning to open new business ventures (sumanymas). It seems like it is becoming the popular move. By opening a business there could be big profit(nauda)to be made, depending(atsizvelgiant) on the market. On the other hand, there are risks(rizika). It is said that there are two reasons why people start a business. The first reason is because they have inspiration(ikvepimas) for what they believe would be a great idea and the second is from desperation(neviltis).. There are various different ways to start a business. Not all entrepreneurs(verslininkai) begin their business by the thought of an idea. There are many other ways to go about starting a business. Buying a franchise, buying an existing company, the inventions of a product are all other ways to begin a business. People often start a business in a field that they know well. Although this is true, it is important not to limit the perspectives(perspektyva) of the kind of business to open. The areas outside of your interests may just be the right opportunity(galimybe) for you, which is why it is important to explore(istirti)other areas. This paper will talk about the general ways in which to start a new business and how to go about doing it.
Included will be how to get ideas to open a business, planning out the business structure, ways to get money to start the business, getting prepared(pasiruosimas), hiring(samda the staff, and getting the word out to the public. Getting ideas to Open a Business the business idea plays a critical role in the overall(apskritai) success of the business venture chosen.. There are many considerations(pamastymu) that must be thought of before determine(nulemti) the success of an enterprise, including the entrepreneur, financing and other external forces. In order to have a good business idea it should:
satisfy personal goals and interests, (patenkinti personalo tikslus ir..)
find a success place in the market,
making sure it is possible to produce the necessary quality of the product or service,
Meet or exceed your financial goals.(atitikti ar virsyti )
In order to meet all of these criteria, it is important to complete research(uzbaigti nagrinejima) on the business idea that has been chosen. Research information can be gathered(kauptas) from various different sources(saltiniu). Some of these sources being the library, looking at existing businesses, word of mouth, reading books, watching television, going to government departments, talking to university professors etc. If the research has not been completed then it more likely that the business will become a failure(bankrotas)
Planning out the business structure
The one basic question facing all new business owners is “what business structure is the best for me?”. There are three main types of business structures:
sole proprietorship, (private nuosavybe)
partnership,(kompanija partneryste)
All of these different structures are different and require(reikalauja) different things to make them work. The sole proprietorship is a business that has only one owner and for the purpose of his/her own profit, the partnership is a business which has two or more people and all of the workers work as co-owners(bendra nuosavybe), and the corporation is an artificial entry with obligations(netikras iejimas su isipareigojimais
Ways to Get Money to Start the Business
There are various different funds available for new business ventures to try and create more jobs. Entrepreneurs are more then welcome to come into economy. To get these funds the business plan has to be completed. The funds available are for many different types of people. There are special ones for immigrant entrepreneurs, women’s entrepreneurs, and young entrepreneurs. Loans(paskola) from the government are available in several different places. The loans from the Government are mostly interest free and unsecured(negarantuotas) loans. This, in comparison(palyginus) to a bank loan, is much better for the fact that there is no interest. If the only opportunity left is the bank then it is necessary to get a low interest loan. When there is the most common questions in starting a business is: “where do I start?”. The questioner below will help answer that question for new business people. This checklist (katakogas) will be the road map for starting a business. Most business owners should use this to make sure that everything is done before the opening of the store. Prepare a business plan. Prepare a marketing plan.