Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rastas 141 rezultatas

ĮVADAS I. Aukštojo mokslo bendrosios nuostatos 1.1. Pagrindinės sąvokos 1.2. Japonijos švietimo įstatymas 1.3. Lietuvos švietimo įstatymas II. Aukštasis mokslas Japonijoje ir Lietuvoje 2.1. Japonijos ir Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo studijų sistema 2.2. Bendrosios žinios: stojamieji egzaminai, studentai 2.3. Japonijos ir Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo finansavimas, administracinis personalas…… IŠVADOS NAUDOTA LITERATŪRA
Socialinis darbas  Referatai   (13 psl., 35,58 kB)
ĮVADAS I. Aukštojo mokslo bendrosios nuostatos 1.1. Pagrindinės sąvokos 1.2. Japonijos švietimo įstatymas 1.3. Lietuvos švietimo įstatymas II. Aukštasis mokslas Japonijoje ir Lietuvoje 2.1. Japonijos ir Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo studijų sistema 2.2. Bendrosios žinios: stojamieji egzaminai, studentai 2.3. Japonijos ir Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo finansavimas, administracinis personalas…… IŠVADOS NAUDOTA LITERATŪRA
Komunikacijos  Projektai   (13 psl., 35,57 kB)
Acid rain" is a general name for many phenomena including acid fog, acid sleet, and acid snow. Although we associate the acid threat with rainy days, acid deposition occurs all the time, even on sunny days. Something is acidic if it has a low pH. The pH of a liquid is measured on a scale which ranges from 0 to 14 with 7.0 being neutral. Anything with a pH value lower than 7.0 is acidic, and anything higher than 7.0 is basic.
Geografija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (3 psl., 6,71 kB)
Bendrosios mokomosios programos neskirtos mokyti konkretaus dalyko – jomis gali būti naudojamasi per skirtingų dalykų pamokas siekiant įvairių tikslų. Pvz, Komenskio Logo programa gali būti panaudota: per matematikos pamokas mokytis koordinačių, per lietuvių – rašinėliams rašyti, per dailę – piešiniams piešti.
Informatika  Pateiktys   (9 psl., 19,36 kB)
Pygmalion Summary
Two old gentlemen meet in the rain one night at Covent Garden. Professor Higgins is a scientist of phonetics, and Colonel Pickering is a linguist of Indian dialects. The first bets the other that he can, with his knowledge of phonetics, convince high London society that, in a matter of months, he will be able to transform the cockney speaking Covent Garden flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, into a woman as poised and well-spoken as a duchess. The next morning, the girl appears at his laboratory on Wimpole Street to ask for speech lessons, offering to pay a shilling, so that she may speak properly enough to work in a flower shop.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,47 kB)
Intosai veikla
Valstybės auditas šiandien reikalauja pasaulinio masto pripažinimo. Todėl reikia suprasti, koks yra svarbus nacionalinių aukščiausių audito institucijų (AAI) vaidmuo. Tuo pačiu metu didėja ir šių institucijų poreikiai, galimybės ir lūkesčiai. Tuo būdu valstybinės audito institucijos kiekvieną dieną susiduria su iššūkiais.
Apskaita  Referatai   (4,75 kB)
Giorgio Armani is the world's second largest selling designer (the first is Ralph Lauren) who sells approx. $ 2 billion per year retail. His products are sold in over 100 countries. He has reached this position because everyone looks fabulous when they wear Armani, they feel so confident, so chic and yet so utterly(visiskai) themselves. It is like magic. He is the magician. 1934 Giorgio Armani was born in Piacanza, Italy, an industrial town about 20 miles south of Milan. He was the son of Marie and Ugo Armani.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,89 kB)
Sparkling river in front of your eyes, blinding sunshine, a few boats rowing in the calm water and 35 degrees above zero. You’re just lying on the lawn near some kind of palace… You turn right, look at your friend and think, that it is a marvellous day. People are staring at you, but you don’t care… Actually you should be at the caves of stalagmites and stalactites at this moment, because you planned this yesterday, but such a beautiful day you won’t miss in some kind of cave… Aren’t you amazed?
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,88 kB)
Capital – CAIRO Area – 1001 450 km² Populate number – 66 100 000. Language – Arabic. Basic religion – Islam 94% , Other 6% Government – Many parties democracy. Monetary unit – Egypt pound. Literate – 50% Life duration – 61 years. People for 1 doctor – 1320. TVs for 1000 people – 109. Longest river – Nile (this river longest in the world). Egyptian History. gypt is one of the most fertile areas of Africa, and one of the most fertile of the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Because it is so fertile, people came to live in Egypt earlier than in most places, probably around 40,000 years ago.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,4 kB)
Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a country located in Southern Europe, with two small exclaves in North Africa (both bordering Morocco). The mainland of Spain is bounded on the south and east by Mediterranean Sea (containing the Balearic Islands), on the north by the Bay of Biscay and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean (containing the Canary Islands off the African coast). Spain shares land borders with Portugal, France, Andorra, Gibraltar and Morocco. It is the largest of three sovereign states that make up the Iberian Peninsula — the others being Portugal and Andorra.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (6,04 kB)
William Bradley Pitt. Height 5' 11" (1.80 m). Mini biography Brad Pitt was born in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane. His father, Bill, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising.
Canada and all of the developed countries in the world produce some kind of toxic waste(s). It doesn't matter whether it's a chocolate bar wrapper or a canister of highly radioactive plutonium, they're potentially dangerous to us and/or our natural environment unless properly disposed of. Toxic waste is defined as any waste that is hazardous to human health or to our natural environment. According to the Institute of Chemical Waste Management, about 15% of our garbage is classified as toxic, and only 85% (approximately) of that is disposed of properly. The rest is either illegally dumped or accidentally mixed up with non-toxic garbage.
Declaration of Independence (United States), in United States history, a document proclaiming the independence of the 13 British colonies in America, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The declaration recounted the grievances of the...
Referatas VU. Įvertinimas 10. Labai geras darbas. Language studies traditionally have emphasized verbal and written language, but in the late dozens of years have begun to consider communication that takes place without words. In some types of...
Present Simple – everyday/year, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, always, never, at weekends, on Mondays …Po when, as, while, before, after, as soon as, until, if; taip pat po who, which, that pgr. sakinys būsimasis, o šalutinis būtinai esamasis. Present Continuous (to be talking) – now, at the(this) moment; su įsiterpusiais always, constantly, for ever. Present perfect (to have talked) – just, already, yet, lately, recently, so far, ever, never, before. Baigtam veiksmui su today, this morning/afternoon/evening/week/month/year, kai jie reiškia nepasibaigųsį laiką. Nepasibaigusiam veiksmui su for ir since.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,32 kB)
Quantifiers - Some rules of thumb on the use of little, a little, few and a few. LITTLE : only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for hardly any, not much e.g. Look at the sky, there is little hope for bright and sunny weather tomorrow. A LITTLE:only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for a small amount, some e.g. Is there ? The weather forecast says there is still a little hope.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,12 kB)
Spartų turizmo augimą sąlygoja keletas veiksnių: globalizacija, demografiniai pokyčiai ir transporto raida. Įvairūs tyrimai konstatuoja, kad pagal apsilankiusių turistų skaičių Europa užima pirmaujančias pozicijas. Turizmas svarbus daugelio Europos regionų plėtrai. Pasaulinės turizmo plėtros tyrimai rodo, kad per pastaruosius metus kruizinio turizmo poreikis padidėjo. Tyrimuose minima, kad kruizų skaičius nuolat auga ir matomos jo galimybės dar augti.
Geografija  Kursiniai darbai   (23,56 kB)
Druskininkai – tai didžiausias Lietuvos kurortas, esantis šalies pietuose, 120 kilometrų nuo Vilniaus ir Kauno. Kurortas garsėja giliomis sanatorinio gydymo tradicijomis, nuostabia gamta bei sparčiai besivystančia turizmo paslaugų infrastruktūra. Netoliese įsikūręs Merkinės miestelis yra viena seniausių Lietuvos gyvenamų vietovių, garsios ir garbingos praeities miestas, buvęs žymus gynybinis, administracinis, prekybos, švietimo bei religijos centras.
Geografija  Namų darbai   (19,06 kB)
Arbatos istorija
VII m. e. a. kinų poetas Lu Tongas rašė apie arbatą. Arbatos tėvynė - Kinija. Apie stimuliuojantį gėrimą, vėliau pavadintą arbata, pirmą kartą užsiminta 2700 m. pr. m. e. kinų metraščiuose. Iki III m. e. a. arbata dažniausiai buvo vartojama tik kaip vaistas ar tonizuojantis gėrimas, ruošiamas iš šviežių arbatžolių. Tangų dinastijos laikotarpis (618-907 m. e. m.) tapo vadinamuoju arbatos aukso amžiumi, kai arbata pradėta gerti ne tik imperatoriaus ir kilmingųjų dvaruose, bet ir arbatinėse, neturtingųjų kinų namuose.
Žemės ūkis  Referatai   (22,64 kB)
Ieškant darbo
Dear Sirs, I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the “Daily News”. I would like to ask you to find me a job as a tutor assistant in a children art campsite.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (0,73 kB)
Motivation letter
Application letter for a job. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to apply for the position of student assistant that I saw advertised on your website. I am interested in working in the teachers' resource library, or in the accommodation department.
Almost everyone in Lithuania has a Christmas tree in their home which is decorated with electric lights and ornaments purchased in the store. There are some people who still follow the old traditions and use hand crafted ornaments to decorate the tree. It is done especially if the family has little children who like to make ornaments from paper or something else in order to put them on the branches of the tree.
Pagrindinės anglų kalbos gramatikos taisyklės. Present Simple laikas vartojamas reikšti įprastam,pasikartojančiam arba nuolant vykstančiam veiksmui dabartyje ,bet nebūtinai vykstančiam kalbos momentu. Teigiamajame sakinyje veiksmažodis vartojamas pirmąja forma(bendratis be dalelytės to), tik vienaskaitos trečias asmuo(he,she,it) turi galūnę es. Klausiamieji ir neigiamieji sakiniai sudaromi su pagalbiniu veiksmažodžiu do, o trečias asmuo su did. Pats veiksmažodis nesikeičia.
Hawaii is a group of islands located in the centre of the Pacific Ocean that became the 50th state of the United States of America in 1959. The 130 islands are of volcanic origin. Only seven of the eight major islands are inhibated :Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii's Big Island… GEOGRAPHY Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, over 2,000 miles from the nearest landfall. Distance makes for splendid isolation - these Polynesian islands are removed from all else but one another.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (7,33 kB)
Private schooling
Private Schooling Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that private schools offer a better education to children and better prepare them for college. Thesis Statement: Private school children are more involved in community service, are generally provided with a better education, and are more likely to apply and succeed in college.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,38 kB)
Neblogas tyrimas (research) apie kūno kultūros svarbą. Geras "main body", yra ir anketos pavyzdys. Tik grafikai išgalvoti, nes tikra apklausa nebuvo atlikta :)
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,53 kB)
Advice letter
Advice letter in English
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 2,71 kB)
Windsor castle
The developement of the castle. The private chapel. The grand vestibule. The queen's drawing room. The king's dining room. Winsor Castle is one of the official recidences of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is Head of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and also Head of the Commonwealth. The monarch’s direct powers these days are limited: as a constitutional sovereign The Queen normally acts on the advice of her ministers; nevertheless the government, the judges and the armed services all act in The Queen’s name and she is an important symbol of national unity. She is kept closely informed about all aspects of national life and the Prime Minister has a weekly audience with her.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9 psl., 7,67 kB)
I choose subject risk and benefit of starting a new business. This topic is quite interesting for me and necessary to know how it is developing recently. It is interesting, because many people are starting their business nowadays, they want to have independence and earn a lot of money. So it is useful to read articles of people which business was and is prosperous, how they succeeded. Why people start their business? Are they exceptional? What is the risk to lose everything?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9 psl., 19,39 kB)
The New York scene reveals many traces of … unrest. Insecurity reigs. Almost everyone hates his job. Psychiatrists of all schools are as common as monks in the Thebaid. “Who is your analyst?” will disarm any interviewer; books on how to be happy, how to attain peace of mind, how to win friends and influence people, how to breath, how to achiece a cheap sentimental humanism at other people’s expense, how to become a Chinaman like Lin Yutang and make a lot of money, how to be a Baba’i or breed chickens all sell in millions.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5 psl., 17,28 kB)