Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 108 rezultatai

Motivation at Royal Mail,Oxford Brookes University pirmo kurso darbas. Anglų kalba
Vadyba  Referatai   (6 psl., 11,4 kB)
There are many subjects and many teathers at school. Every subject is important for teather, which he teathes. But sometimes some subjects are not important for studens. Senior pupils are decided what they are going to study, and decided which subjects are the least important, so they can renounse some subjects. I am going to speak about the subjects which I am studying.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 6,45 kB)
Reklamos priemonių internete analizė BAKALAURO BAIGIAMASIS DARBAS
Rinkodara  Diplominiai darbai   (60 psl., 2,65 MB)
Anglu ese apie rukymo draudima. 10 klasei
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,59 kB)
Apie Kinijos svarbą ir vaidmenį visame pasaulyje.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 9,5 kB)
Teenager spends most of their money on clothes, CD, and going out. How do you usually spend your cash? What is your attitude towards saving? How much is your shopping influence by advertisements on TV, radio, newspapers, and magazine?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5 psl., 9,7 kB)
Kolokacijos - tai žodžių junginiai, dažnai pasitaikantys sakytinėje ir rašytinėje kalboje, sukuriantys naują semantinę reikšmę ir skirstomi pagal savo funkciją ir sandarą. Kaip ir kiti kalbos vienetai, verčiant yra transformuojamos naudojant pagrindinius vertimo trasformacijų tipus – perkėlimą, pakeitimą, įterpimą ir praleidmą. Šio darbo tikslas – išrinkti kolokacijas, sudarytas iš veiksmažodžio ir daiktavardžio analizuojant Europos Sąjungos dokumentus ekologijos tema, pastebėti ir analizuoti kolokacijų vertimo transformacijas. Darbo uždaviniai – apžvelgti įvairių autorių teorinius požiūrius, susijusius su darbo objektu, pateikti asmeninę sampratą, apžvelgti transformacijų dėsningumus ir susisteminti bei apibendrinti tyrimo duomenis.
Kita  Kursiniai darbai   (17 psl., 52,89 kB)
Objektų saugyklos Pagrindinės informacijos saugyklos yra: 1. Registrai. Jie yra procesoriaus viduje, todėl tai pats sparčiausias išrinkimo tipas. Deja, registrų skaičius labai ribotas. Jais pagal poreikius manipuliuoja tik pats kompiliatorius. 2. Stekas. Yra RAM’e (tiesioginės kreipties atmintyje). Procesorius saugo nuorodą į šį steką, ir, vaikštant “aukštyn”/”žemyn”, informacija įrašoma ir paimama. Gana greitas būdas (antras po registrų). Šiaip jau Java pačių objektų steke nesaugo, nes reikėtų nuolat perskaičiuoti objektų dydžius, perstumiant steko nuorodą „aukštyn”/„žemyn”. C++ tai galima. 3. Krūva (heap - „netvarkusis masyvas”). Yra RAM’e. Tai ir yra ta vieta, kur saugomi visi Java programos objektai. Pagrindinis privalumas tas, kad kompiliatoriui nereikia žinoti kiek kiekvienas objektas užima vietos. Su new sakiniu sukurtas objektas vykdymo metu automatiškai pateks į „krūvą”. Aišku, operacijos sulėtės. 4. Statinė atmintis. Ji taip pat yra RAM’e, tik specialiai tam skirtoje vietoje. „Krūvoje” esantys tuo momentu nebereikalingi objektai gali būti šiukšlių rinktuvo automatiškai pašalinti, o statiniai objektų elementai išlieka iki programos darbo pabaigos. Tokie elementai sukuriami naudojant atributą static. Paprastieji tipai. Vis dėlto elementariems aritmetiniems veiksmams paspartinti Java turi ir paprastų duomenų tipų (byte, int, double, ...). Tai nėra objektai, todėl jiems sukurti nereikia new sakinio. Jų įvedimo priežastis ta, kad tokiems elementariems objektams sukurti ir padėti į „krūvą” būtų sugaištama per daug laiko. Paprastųjų tipų kintamieji saugomi steke. Kiekvienam procesui Java turi atskirą steką. Nepriklausymas nuo asmeninio kompiuterio (PC) architektūros Daugumos programavimo kalbų galutinis produktas yra vykdomasis (.exe tipo) modulis, susidedantis iš konkrečių instrukcijų PC procesoriui. Tačiau Windows sistemos dažniausiai naudoja Intel firmos procesorius, Macintosh sistema naudoja Motorola arba PowerPC procesorius ir t.t. Be to, kiekviena sistema (Windows,Unix, Linux) naudoja savas papildomas bibliotekas. Todėl klasikinė schema Kodas Kompiliatorius Redaktorius vykdomasis failas (*.exe) PC turi vieną gana didelį trūkumą – vienos sistemos produktas dažnai neveikia kitoje sistemoje. Šio trūkumo neturi programa, parašyta Java kalba. Esmė ta, kad čia negeneruojamos instrukcijos procesoriui, bet programos tekstas (kodas) kompiliuojamas į specialų objektinį kodą, vadinamą baitkodu. Šį kodą toliau skaito ir vykdo Java abstrakti virtualioji mašina (JVM), kurią turi kiekviena kompiuterinė sistema. Taigi turime tokią schemą: Kodas Kompiliatorius bait-kodas JVM Java abstrakti virtualioji mašina JVM JVM – tai speciali Sun Microsystems firmos programa (bait-kodo interpretatorius), parašyta kiekvienai operacinei sistemai atskirai. Tai JRE (Java Runtime Environment). Ji itraukta į populiariausių naršyklių sudėtį (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera), į JDK (Java Development Kit ). Ją galima įdiegti ir atskirai. JVM jau gaminama ir atskiromis mikroshemomis. Taigi ją galima įdėti ne tik į PC, bet ir į TV stotis, o ateityje ir į buitinius prietaisus. Daugiaprocesė Programa tuo pat metu gali vykdyti keletą procesų (thread). Daugiaprocesiškumas yra organizuotas objektų lygmeniu – kiekvienas procesas yra atskiras objektas. Panaudojant synchronized modifikatorių resursai „užrakinami” (būtų blogai, jei keli procesai vienu metu rašytų informaciją į tą patį failą). Programų saugumas Saugumas užtikrinamas keliais lygiais. Tai ypač svarbu apletams (specialaus tipo taikomoji programa), nes jie plačiai naudojami interneto puslapiuose. Tam yra net speciali klasė java.lang.SecurityManager su eile metodų. Programinis lygis: - kadangi nėra adresų aritmetikos, tai neįmanoma programiškai sugadinti atminties; - neįmanoma perpildyti masyvo; - negalima ne tik rašyti, bet ir skaityti informacijos už masyvo ir eilutės ribų (todėl Java kalboje eilutė String nemodifikuojama). Baitkodo tikrintojas patikrina: - ar neperpildytas stekas; - ar su objektais neatliekamos draudžiamos operacijos; - ar tinkamai naudojami registrai; - ar teisingai keičiami kintamųjų tipai. „Smėlio dėžės” principas apletui: „įtartina” (neturinti skaitmeninio parašo) programa kaip vaikas įkeliama į smėlio dėžę ir negali : - skaityti/rašyti failo iš/į jūsų (kliento) PC; - išmesti, pervardyti, kurti naujų failų ir t.t. kliento PC. Vykdant apletą ne per tinklą, bet vietinėje failų sistemoje, didesnė dalis šių apribojimų netaikoma. Dar didesnes teises turi apletų paleidimo programa appletviewer.exe. Situacijų valdymas (exception) Nepageidautina situacija (klaida) – tai Java objektas, kuris sužadinamas klaidos vietoje ir vėliau gali būti „pagautas” ir apdorotas programoje. Taigi susidarius nepageidaujamai situacijai, pavyzdžiui, kai indeksas yra už masyvo ribų, galima ją „sugauti”, apdoroti ir tolesnius veiksmus jau nukreipti norima linkme. Tai nėra tas pats kaip tokių situacijų „gaudymas” naudojantis grąžinamomis reikšmėmis ar papildomais požymiais-kintamaisiais, kai galima tiesiog patingėti tai atlikti (arba blogai atlikti). Privalumas tas, kad kai kurių situacijų Java praleisti neleis – jas privalu kažkur apdoroti. Objektinis programavimas Java kalba Dar pačiai pirmajai objektinio programavimo kalbai Smalltalk Alan Kay suformulavo šiuos penkis objektinio programavimo (OP) principus: 1. Viskas yra objektas. Objektas ir saugo duomenis, ir atlieka operacijas su jais (duomenų ir metodų sujungimas į visumą). 2. Programa – tai grupė objektų, bendraujančių per pranešimus (pranešimu galima laikyti ir objekto metodo iškvietimą). 3. Kiekvienas objektas turi savąją atmintį, susidedančią iš kitų objektų (kompozicija - objekto viduje naudojami prieš tai sukurti objektai). 4. Kiekvienas objektas yra kurio nors tipo (klasės). 5. Tam tikros grupės objektai gali priimti tuos pačius pranešimus (paveldėjimas). Pabandykime perfrazuoti šiuos OP principus Java kalbos požiūriu. Duomenų ir metodų sujungimas į visumą (encapsulation) Duomenų ir jų apdorojimo metodų sujungimas į visumą Java kalboje atliekamas naudojant klasę. Taigi klasė yra tipas arba objekto šablonas, kurį sudaro duomenys ir metodai. Objektas jau yra realus klasės egzempliorius kompiuterio atmintyje. Objekto modelį galime pavaizduoti kaip kapsulę: Taigi sudarius A klasę, joks realus objektas atmintyje dar nesukuriamas: class A { // klasės turinys } Objekto dar nėra ir paskelbus A klasės tipo kintamąjį x: A x; Objektas gali būt sukurtas ir sakiniu new: x = new A(); //Objektas sukurtas! // arba iš karto: A x = new A(); Taigi objektas sukuriamas dinamiškai programos vykdymo metu sakiniu new: KlasėsVardas objektoVardas = new KlasėsVardas(); Arba dviem etapais : KlasėsVardas objektoVardas; ObjektoVardas = new KlasėsVardas(); Klasei galima sukurti neribotą skaičių objektų. Grižkime prie kapsulės. Jis turi būti uždaras. Pirma, tai užtikrina duomenų apsaugą, nes vartotojas gali atlikti su duomenimis tik tas operacijas, kurias jam leidžia tam skirti metodai. Antra, programuotojas-vartotojas gali rašyti programas „aukštesniu” lygiu, t.y. jis visiškai pasitiki esamais metodais ir jam nebereikia leistis į smulkmenas ir jų tikrinti. Ir trečia, programų (metodų) pakeitimai ir atnaujinimai programuotojui-vartotojui visai neturi reikšmės. Paveldėjimas (inheritance) ir kompozicija Tai klasės sugebėjimas paveldėti protėvių klasės duomenis ir metodus. Literatūroje vartojama daug skirtingų terminų. Pagrindinė klasė vadinama paveldimąja klase, superklase, protėvių klase, bazine arbs tėvo klase. Analogiškai naujoji klasė vadinama paveldinčiąja klase, subklase, palikuonių klase, išvestine arba vaiko klase. Mes vartosime terminus tėvo klasė ir vaiko klasė. Taigi vaiko klasė paveldi visus matomus (ne private tipo) tėvo klasės metodus ir kintamuosius. Visos Java klasės yra kilusios iš java.lang.Object klasės ir automatiškai palaiko visus jos metodus. Java neturi daugialypio paveldėjimo (netiesiogiai tai galima išspręsti naudojant interfeisus). Nereikia painioti sąvokų „kompozicija” ir „paveldėjimas”. Kompozicija – tai kitos klasės objekto panaudojimas naujai projektuojamoje klasėje. Kompozicija naudojama tada, kai kuriama nauja klasė tiesiog naudoja kitos klasės metodus. Paveldėjimas naudojamas tada, kai nauja klasė naudoja kitos klasės struktūra (interfeisą). Plačiau apie paveldėjimą aprašoma ketvirtame skyriuje. Polimorfizmas (polymorphism) Galime skirti dvi polimorfizmo rūšis. Tai metodų perkrova ir metodų užklotis. Metodų perkrova (overloading). Klasėje naudojama keletas metodų tuo pačiu vardu. Būtina sąlyga – metodai turi skirtis savo antraštėmis (parametrų skaičiumi arba parametrų tipais). Grąžinamos reikšmės tipas čia įtakos neturi. Metodo pasirinkimą nusako jo iškvietimo formatas. Tai atliekama jau kompiliavimo metu (tai dar vadinama „ankstyvuoju susiejimu”). Plačiau apie metodų perkrovą rašoma 3.5. skyrelyje „Metodų perkrova”. Metodų užklotis (overriding). Tėvo ir vaiko klasės turi vienodus metodus. Būtinos sąlygos: turi sutapti ne tik šių metodų vardai, bet ir jų antraštes bei grąžinamų reikšmių tipai. Taigi vaiko klasės metodas gali pakeisti (užkloti) tėvo klasės metodą. Metodo pasirinkimą lemia objekto, kuriam šis metodas kviečiamas, tipas (jei objektas yra tėvo klasės tipo, tai bus kviečiamas jos metodas, priešingu atveju – vaiko). Metodas parenkamas vykdymo metu (tai dar vadinama „susiejimu vykdant”). Plačiau apie metodų užklotį rašoma 4.2. skyrelyje “Metodų užklotis”. 1.3. Trys Java programų tipai Pirmas. Taikomoji programa (application) su komandų eilutės sąsaja Tai pats paprasčiausias ir kartu nevaizdžiausias programos tipas. Programa paleidžiama main metodu. Taigi bent viena programos klasė privalo turėti main metodą. Šiaip jau kiekviena klasė gali turėti po vieną main metodą (tai patogu testuojant klases), tačiau vienu metu galima naudoti tiktai vieną main metodą. Pasibaigus visiems main metodo sakiniams, programa baigia darbą. Parašykime tradicinę pirmąją Java programėlę, kuri juodame Command Prompt (arba FAR Manager) lange išveda tekstą „Labas, Java”. ETAPAI: 1. Bet kuriuo redaktoriumi (kad ir NotePad) parašome pirmosios programos tekstą (visi Java kalbos žodžiai pajuodinti): // Pirmoji Java programa public class Labas { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Labas, Java"); } } ir įrašome į diską vardu „Klasė” (šiuo atveju vardu „”). 2. Kviečiame kompiliatorių javac.exe, kuris patikrina programos sintaksę, perkoduoja jos tekstą į bait-kodą ir įrašo jį į diską vardu „KlasėsVardas.class” (šiuo atveju vardu „Labas.class”): >javac P.S. Jei jūsų kompiuteryje nėra nustatyto kelio į katalogą, kur yra kompiliatorius javac.exe, tai reikia nurodyti visą kelią iki jo. Pvz.: >D:\jdk1.3\bin\javac Jei nėra klaidų, tai kompiliatorius paprastai jokių pranešimų ir neišveda. Taip po kompiliacijos atrodo Far Manager langas (šiuo atveju failas įrašytas į katalogą D:\Java\Pavyzdziai\labas): 3. Kviečiama JVM java.exe vykdyti programą (failo tipas class nenurodomas): >java Labas Naudojant vizualias aplinkas (JBuilder, Visual Studio J++, VisualCafe ar kitas), vykdymo scenarijus keičiasi. Antras. Taikomoji programa su vartotojo sąsaja Programa čia taip pat paleidžiama main metodu. Tačiau paleidimo tikslas dažniausiai yra tik vienas – sukurti vartotojo sąsajos langą ir perduoti jam visą valdymą. Toliau jau sąsajos elementais (meniu, mygtukais, teksto laukais ir t.t.) atliekami norimi veiksmai ir programa veiks tol, kol uždarysime šios sąsajos langą. Vėlgi parašykime tą pačią programą, išvedančią tekstą „Labas, Java”. Programos rašymo ir paleidimo scenarijus visiškai toks pat kaip ir pirmojo tipo programos. Tiesa, programos tekstas atrodys truputėlį kitoks: // Pirmoji Java programa su vartotojo sąsaja. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class LabasSuSasaja extends JFrame { public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawString("Labas, Java", 50, 60); } public static void main(String[] args) { LabasSuSasaja langas = new LabasSuSasaja(); langas.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); langas.setSize(200, 100); langas.setTitle("Programa su sasaja"); langas.setVisible(true); } } Vėl kompiliuojame ir vykdome programą: >D:\jdk1.3\bin\javac >java LabasSuSasaja Tačiau dabar ekrane pamatysime tokį vaizdą: Trečias. Apletas (applet) Šio tipo taikomąją programą turi tiktai Java. Apletas – tai programa, klaidžiojanti internete ir vykdoma „kliento” kompiuteryje. Ji nenaudoja main metodo. Tačiau kaip ir taikomojoje programoje su vartotojo sąsaja, apleto vykdymas paremtas įvykių apdorojimu. Naršyklė pati rūpinasi apleto veikimu: stabdo jį pereinant į kitą langą, perpiešia keičiant lango dydį ir t.t. Parašykime tą pačią tradicinę programą, bet jau kaip apletą. ETAPAI: 1. Naudodamiesi bet kuriuo redaktoriumi parašome programos-apleto tekstą: // Pirmasis Java apletas import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class LabasApletas extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawString("Labas, Java", 50, 60); } } ir įrašome į diską vardu „”. 2. Šis etapas analogiškas - kviečiame kompiliatorių javac, ir šis gautą baitkodą įrašo į diską vardu „LabasApletas.class”: >javac 3. Tačiau jis vykdomas visiškai kitaip negu taikomoji programa. Apletas vykdomas naršykle (galima ir su appletviewer.exe), todėl bet kuriuo redaktoriumi sukuriamas nedidelis HTML failas. Šį failą bet kuriuo vardu įrašome ten pat, kur yra mūsų gautas LabasApletas.class failas: <HTML> <applet CODE = "LabasApletas.class" width = 200 height = 100> </applet> </HTML> P.S. a) Kabutės nebūtinos; b) CODE = „tik paprastas failo vardas, be kelio!”; c) Norint nurodyti kelią, naudojamas CODEBASE = URL. 4. Atidarome šį HTML failą bet kuria naršykle (Explorer, Netscape ar Opera) arba pasinaudojame SDK sudėtyje esančia appletviewer programa (appletviewer xxx.html). Prisiminkime, jog naršyklė savo viduje turi JVM, todėl ji pati ir vykdo šį apletą: Kai kurios vizualios aplinkos HTML failą generuoja automatiškai. Naudojant aplete Swing elementus (pirmųjų sąsajų elementai buvo vadinami AWT), anksčiau minėtos struktūros HTML failas kai kurioms naršyklėms nebetinka (appletviewer niekas nepasikeitė). Esmė ta, kad Java 2 versijos nuorodos applet html faile buvo atsisakyta. Apletai dabar paleidžiami naršyklių papildymo programomis Java Plug-in.
Informatika  Konspektai   (83,34 kB)
Social motives
Hormonal control At puberty – roughly ages 11 to 14 – hormone changes produce the bodily changes that serve to distinguish males from females. The general idea is that endocrine glands manufacture hormones (chemical messengers), which travel through the bloodstream to target organs. The basic scheme is simple: by way of hormones, the hypothalamus directs the pituitary, which in turn directs the gonads – the ovaries and the testes. The hormones produced by the gonads – estrogen, progesterone, and androgen – are called sex hormones. These hormones are responsible for the body changes at puberty. In girls, estrogen causes the development of breasts, the changes in the distribution of body fat that results in a more feminine form, and the maturation of the female genitals. In boys, testosterone (a kind of androgen) is responsible for the sudden growth of facial, underarm, and pubic hair; it also causes a deepening of the voice, the development of muscles that lead to a more masculine form, and the growth of the external genitals. In other species, sexual arousal is closely tied to variations in hormonal levels; in humans, however, hormones play less of a role. Neural Control In humans, some of the neural mechanisms involved are at the level of spinal cord. But the organ most responsible for the regulation of sexual arousal and behavior is the brain. Early Experiences Experience has little influence on the mating behavior of lower mammals – inexperienced rats will copulate as efficiently as experienced ones – but it is a major determinant of the sexual behavior of higher mammals. Monkeys raised in partial isolation (in separate wire cages, where they can see other monkeys but cannot have contact with them) are usually unable to copulate at maturity. These monkeys have social or affectional problems: even in nonsexual situations, they are unable to relate to other monkeys. Apparently, normal heterosexual behavior in primates depends also on an affectional bond between two members of the opposite sex. Clinical observations of human infants suggest certain parallels. They develop their first feelings of trust and affection through a loving relationship with the mother. This basic trust is a prerequisite for satisfactory interactions with peers. And affectionate relationship with other youngsters of both sexes lay the groundwork for the intimacy required for the intimacy for sexual relationships among adults. Cultural Influences Unlike that of other primates, human sexual behavior is strongly determined by culture. Every society places some restrictions on sexual behavior. Incest (sexual relations within the family), for example, is prohibited by almost all cultures. Sexual activity among children, homosexuality, masturbation, premarital sex – are permitted in varying degrees by different societies. Although western society is becoming increasingly permissive about premarital sex, men and women still differ in their attitudes toward sex (the majority of women need emotional involvement). Homosexuality Someone is considered homosexual if they are sexually attracted primarily to members of the same sex. Sexual interactions with members of the same sex are not uncommon during childhood, but only a small percentage of people become exclusively homosexual as adults. Extensive interviews with homosexuals suggest that they do not differ from heterosexuals with regard to their identifications with parents of the opposite sex, or with regard to the nature of their first sexual encounter. For exclusive homosexuals, there may be a biological predisposition (hypothesis that homosexuals and heterosexuals may differ with respect to the hormones they were exposed to while still in the womb). EARLY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT One needs to develop an appropriate gender identity - males need to think of themselves as males, and females as females. This development is quite complex and begins in the womb. Prenatal hormones For the first couple of months after conception, both sexes are identical in appearance. Between 2 and 3 months, a primitive gonad develops into testes (if XY) or into ovaries (if XX). They start producing sex hormones, which then control the development of internal reproduction structures and the external genitals. The critical hormone in genital development is androgen. If enough androgen is produced, the newborn will have male genitals; if there is insufficient androgen, the newborn will have female genitals, even if it is genetically male. After the genitals, androgen begins to masculinize the brain. Hormones versus Environment In cases in which hormonal imbalances result in hermaphrodites (individuals born with both male and female tissue), the assigned label and the sex role in which the individual is raised seem to have greater influence on gender identity than do the individual’s genes and hormones.
The living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from the factories are polluting the air. Furthermore, the rivers and sea are being polluted by chemicals from the factories and people are suffering from breathing difficulties and stomach problems. We should do something it is too late. Air pollution is very important problem in our town. The biggest air polluters are cars. They give off dangerous fumes. Consequently, people get sick breathing diseases. To prevent from polluters governments should improve public transport, people can buy better pollution protecting cars or often to walk it. Water pollution is a serious problem caused by human activities. Factories are dumping their garbage into the sea or rivers! We have to teach world that water is our life and we must to save it! For example we can stop using the products of companies whose factories cause pollution and so on. There is a lot of rubbish in the streets in our town. And I think that we have provide more litter bins in the streets and parks. Our town denizens like picnics near the river. After picnic they leave a lot of plastic bottles, packing and disposal container. It is very pathetic sight… But when we will change it? When we will give though that we are killing myself, our nature that we all are part of the nature?... We have to say our friends and survivors not to litter because it is very bad indeed for our environment! All things considered there are many solutions to all the problems. The sooner we put them into practice, the better our lives will become.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,62 kB)
Direct observation deals with naturally occurring behavior. It is commonly used by biopsychologists to observe animal behavior in natural conditions. Humans can also be observed by direct observation, although that kind of observation requires specific techniques. There are many different techniques that describe the timing of observation, its frequency, longitude, the way data should be recorded in video and audio devices, or written in protocols. Direct observation is usually divided into laboratory observations and field observations. For the first one, psychologists create an artificial situation and watch someone solving it. This method allows an objective data gathering where almost all variables can be controlled, eliminated or changed. While field observations or naturalistic research takes place in the natural environment. Usually the observer has to camouflage himself in order not to be spotted and not to intercept with the experiment. There is a big fight over these two methods. Naturalistic observation provides data that is much closer to the reality, although it is impossible to control the factors that may influence the observed behavior. Indirect observation can be split into questionnaires, interviews and psychological testing. Questionnaires allow social scientists to collect information quickly and cheaply. It also gives an opportunity to examine a big group of individuals at the same time. Usually questionnaires ask for readily available information and do not require a lot of soul-searching. Psychological testing is another form of an indirect observation. It is usually used to observe: mental health, intelligence, moods, personality traits, beliefs, feelings, needs, opinions, abilities, knowledge and the like. Tests vary in formats from questionnaire type to the exam looking like. Some tests can be made to exam large groups while others certain individuals. Interviews and questionnaires are also quite similar. Interviews are closer to direct observation method then testing or than questionnaires, because interviews involve an investigator, who collects data in face-to-face manner. Interviews can be structured or open-ended. Structured interviews have definite questions that everyone is expected to answer and precise answer options may be available. While open-ended interviews allow respondents to speak whatever they like under mere question construction designed by the examiner. Although interview is an expensive method for data gathering, since it involves a tête-à-tête work of a qualified psychologist.
I take a very difficult exam. I have to study for about one week. But I do not. I read a bit every day and I feel calm, because I know I will be able to cheat. Everybody knows that, but some of my group mates study a lot. They study for themselves, for the future or because they are really interested in that subject. I am not interested at all. After the exam we find out that all students got good marks. But somebody is not satisfied or jealous, so he goes and tells the lecturer the names of those people who cheated. He tells my name too. I am very upset- not because I have cheated, but because I can trust nobody in my group. How could I be so stupid and tell that man such a simple thing… Cheating is a very popular phenomenon in our country. In other countries the prevalence of cheating differs. And it is a problem of educational system, not of students. When the disciplines are interesting and useful, students are fond of learning, not of cheating. But the worst thing is that nobody can change this system rapidly: it requires much time, money and hard work. Firstly, honors code like Groveton’s ruins the relationships between students. A student can not trust anybody and tell that he is going to cheat. That is, he has to lie to his mates that he knows a lot, that he has studied for weeks. And it is very difficult (I would say impossible) to find real friends from the university environment. For example, I would not call a friend such a man, to whom I have to lie, who can lodge a complaint against me after every test or exam. The most important thing in friendship is trust and freedom to talk, share impressions. Sometimes it is so great to tell a real friend: “That was the best cheating in my life…” In our society lots of students’ best friends are from their course. If students would have to sign an honor code, the relationships between them changed a lot. There could be no talk about marriages between group mates, because what is a marriage without trust and supporting a spouse? Or there could be another way out of such situation: to break an oath and to lodge complaints only against some students. But on the other hand, if one breaks an oath, there is no need to report about cheating at all. So what should a poor student do? Another difficulty is that the information can be not reliable. If one student hates somebody, it is natural that he tries to do harm to the object of hate. And he can say that he is cheating after every exam and test. Karen Horney says that some people are inclined to competitiveness. Such people try to damage a competitor in order to enhance their own position or glory or to keep down a potential rival. For such a man it is more important to see others defeated than to succeed himself. In universities it is natural that they would try to defeat their mates (competitors) in the easiest way- they will tell that others have cheated. And it is very difficult to check such information. I think that people can not be forced to sign such documents as honor codes, because nobody can make disgraceful people become honorable. The ones who are honorable will not cheat without signing any paper, and the ones who want to cheat, will pay no attention to what they have signed. I think that forcing to sign an honor code would insult me a bit, because I can be honorable without a code, and it is nobody’s business. It is up to me and my conscience to decide whether I will cheat or not. University is not a secondary school, where students have to learn lots of needless subjects. Almost everything that is taught at universities is necessary for the future job. Students choose a profession to study, which interests them, and so they are fond of learning and knowing a lot.
Business Culture
Doing business in the US could be quite different from the way it is done in your home country. The greetings, dress codes, and schedules may vary from what you are habituated to. Here are some proper approaches to conduct business in a proper way in the US: Business Dressing Every individual company sets certain standards for business outfits. Usually, as a general rule, most of the large companies and organizations require a more formal dress. Most companies have a formal dress code for their particular business. Some companies may supply uniforms for some, or all of their employees. You could check with your employer whether they have any policy on dress code and what they feel is the most appropriate outfit for your position. If you choose to wear jewelry, it should be minimum and compliment your outfit. Large, flashy jewelry is usually not appropriate for a business environment. Business hours The normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8.30 or 9.00 a.m. to 5 or 6 pm, with a 30 to 60 minute lunch break. Punctuality Being on time is a very important rule of business etiquette. Every effort should be made to arrive on time to any scheduled meetings or appointments. If you would be late for an appointment, then a call should be made announcing the expected delay. On the other hand regularly arriving late or missing appointments would have a negative impact on your business. Greetings & Introductions It is customary for business meeting with people from outside your company to begin and end with a firm handshake. Eye contact should be maintained during the handshake and whenever someone is speaking to you. During introductions, listen carefully to the pronunciation of the persons name so that you could address properly. While introducing yourself, give your full name not just the first name. You could take help of others in your company to find out when it would be appropriate to address someone by their first name only, or whether they should be addressed in a more formal manner (i.e. Mr. Robin). Avoid using nicknames until the person permits you to do so. The appropriate way of addressing someone may depend partly on his or her position in the company. For instance, it could be acceptable if you address your coworkers by their first name but not the senior officers of the company. This is a bird's eye view of the US business culture to help you assist you for your first visit. Your employers and coworkers could be of great help for you to adjust and make your work experience enjoyable and successful.
Anglų kalba  Straipsniai   (5,02 kB)
In our world are a lot of animals. Some of them live their usual life. Others are threatened of extinction. They live only in theirs specific areas. Some of them are just on extinction, but there are a lot of which number of population is really small. Animals which are on extinction are the following: stoats (šermuonėlis), seals (ruonis), white hares (baltasis kiškis), black storks and grass snakes. They are threatening of extinction because of some reasons. First and the most important reason is that these animals haven’t got fitted to them residence. They live in uninhabitable areas. They haven’t got specific food, and they can’t adapt to alterable living conditions. Second reason why there are endangered animals is that man's mastery over his environment is really huge. First here are a lot of factories and companies which are polluting air and water. Second there are cutting down forests on a mass scale. One more human’s harm is that hunters are hunting some animals for their fur, skin or bones. Animals are vanishing apace, and if we don’t take measures animals will disappear and it is unstoppable. So what should we done? First I think we have to try to reduce air and water pollution. We have to try to live cleanly. We ought to stop littering and using chemicals. Second way how to protect these vanishing animals is to transpose them to the zoo or into their specific and fitted areas. In these areas they can live their normal lives. To sum up I want to say that all of us have to understand that if these animals will disappear we can’t restore them.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,04 kB)
Acid rain
. On both sides of the border, cars and trucks are the main sources for nitric acid(about 40% of the total), while power generating plants and industrial commercial and residential fuel combustion together contribute most of the rest. In the air, the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can be transformed into sulphuric acid and nitric acid, and air current can send them thousands of kilometres from the source.When the acids fall to the earth in any form it will have large impact on the growth or the preservation of certain wildlife. NO DEFENCE Areas in Ontario mainly southern regions that are near the Great Lakes, such substances as limestone or other known antacids can neutralize acids entering the body of water thereby protecting it. However, large areas of Ontario that are near the Pre©Cambrian Shield, with quartzite or granite based geology and little top soil, there is not enough buffering capacity to neutralize even small amounts of acid falling on the soil and the lakes. Therefore over time, the basic environment shifts from an alkaline to a acidic one. This is why many lakes in the Muskoka, Haliburton, Algonquin, Parry Sound and Manitoulin districts could lose their fisheries if sulphur emissions are not reduced substantially. ACID The average mean of pH rainfall in Ontario's Muskoka©Haliburton lake country ranges between 3.95 and 4.38 about 40 times more acidic than normal rainfall, while storms in Pennsilvania have rainfall pH at 2.8 it almost has the same rating for vinegar. Already 140 Ontario lakes are completely dead or dying. An additional 48 000 are sensitive and vulnerable to acid rain due to the surrounding concentrated acidic soils.Ô ACID RAIN CONSISTS OF....? Canada does not have as many people, power plants or automobiles as the United States, and yet acid rain there has become so severe that Canadian government officials called it the most pressing environmental issue facing the nation. But it is important to bear in mind that acid rain is only one segment, of the widespread pollution of the atmosphere facing the world. Each year the global atmosphere is on the receiving end of 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 130 million tons of suffer dioxide, 97 million tons of hydrocarbons, 53 million tons of nitrogen oxides, more than three million tons of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, zinc and other toxic metals, and a host of synthetic organic compounds ranging from polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) to toxaphene and other pesticides, a number of which may be capable of causing cancer, birth defects, or genetic imbalances. COST OF ACID RAIN Interactions of pollutants can cause problems. In addition to contributing to acid rain, nitrogen oxides can react with hydrocarbons to produce ozone, a major air pollutant responsible in the United States for annual losses of $2 billion to 4.5 billion worth of wheat, corn, soyabeans, and peanuts. A wide range of interactions can occur many unknown with toxic metals. In Canada, Ontario alone has lost the fish in an estimated 4000 lakes and provincial authorities calculate that Ontario stands to lose the fish in 48 500 more lakes within the next twenty years if acid rain continues at the present rate.Ontario is not alone, on Nova Scotia's Eastern most shores, almost every river flowing to the Atlantic Ocean is poisoned with acid. Further threatening a $2 million a year fishing industry. Ô Acid rain is killing more than lakes. It can scar the leaves of hardwood forest, wither ferns and lichens, accelerate the death of coniferous needles, sterilize seeds, and weaken the forests to a state that is vulnerable to disease infestation and decay. In the soil the acid neutralizes chemicals vital for growth, strips others from the soil and carries them to the lakes and literally retards the respiration of the soil. The rate of forest growth in the White Mountains of New Hampshire has declined 18% between 1956 and 1965, time of increasingly intense acidic rainfall. Acid rain no longer falls exclusively on the lakes, forest, and thin soils of the Northeast it now covers half the continent. EFFECTS There is evidence that the rain is destroying the productivity of the once rich soils themselves, like an overdose of chemical fertilizer or a gigantic drenching of vinegar. The damage of such overdosing may not be repairable or reversible. On some croplands, tomatoes grow to only half their full weight, and the leaves of radishes wither. Naturally it rains on cities too, eating away stone monuments and concrete structures, and corroding the pipes which channel the water away to the lakes and the cycle is repeated. Paints and automobile paints have its life reduce due to the pollution in the atmosphere speeding up the corrosion process. In some communities the drinking water is laced with toxic metals freed from metal pipes by the acidity. As if urban skies were not already grey enough, typical visibility has declined from 10 to 4 miles, along the Eastern seaboard, as acid rain turns into smogs. Also, now there are indicators that the components of acid rain are a health risk, linked to human respiratory disease. PREVENTION However, the acidification of water supplies could result in increased concentrations of metals in plumbing such as lead, copper and zinc which could result in adverse health effects. After any period of non©use, water taps at summer cottages or ski chalets they should run the taps for at least 60 seconds to flush any excess debris. Ô STATISTICS Although there is very little data, the evidence indicates that in the last twenty to thirty years the acidity of rain has increased in many parts of the United States. Presently, the United States annually discharges more than 26 million tons of suffer dioxide into the atmosphere. Just three states, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are responsible for nearly a quarter of this total. Overall, twoªthirds of the suffer dioxide into the atmosphere over the United States comes from coal©fired and oil fired plants. Industrial boilers, smelters, and refineries contribute 26%; commercial institutions and residences 5%; and transportation 3%. The outlook for future emissions of suffer dioxide is not a bright one. Between now and the year 2000, United States utilities are expected to double the amount of coal they burn. The United States currently pumps some 23 million tons of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere in the course of the year. Transportation sources account for 40%; power plants, 30%; industrial sources, 25%; and commercial institutions and residues, 5%. What makes these figures particularly distributing is that nitrogen oxide emissions have tripled in the last thirty years. FINAL THOUGHTS Acid rain is very real and a very threatening problem. Action by one government is not enough. In order for things to be done we need to find a way to work together on this for at least a reduction in the contaminates contributing to acid rain. Although there are right steps in the right directions but the government should be cracking down on factories not using the best filtering systems when incinerating or if the factory is giving off any other dangerous fumes.
UAB „West Express“ – tai turizmo agentūra, kuri užima lyderio pozicijas Lietuvos turizmo verslo rinkoje. Tai kompanija, kurioje dirba lanksti, nuolat tobulėjanti bei nebijanti iššūkių komanda, pasižyminti savo profesionalumu, aptarnavimo kokybe bei noru būti geriausiais. Įmonė vertina savo darbuotojų žinias, sugebėjimus bei savybes, padedančias žengti į priekį bei plėtoti ilgalaikius santykius su verslo partneriais ir klientais.
Rinkodara  Kursiniai darbai   (13 psl., 47,93 kB)
Pirmiausia reikia išsiaiškinti, kas yra socialinis pedagogas, kokios jo funkcijos? Kas būdinga asmenybei? G. Kvieskienė (Kvieskienė, 2003) yra pasakiusi labai prasmingą teiginį, jog socialiniai pedagogai – vaiko gerovės sergėtojai ir vaiko advokatai – siekia apsaugoti tuos, už kuriuos atsako, tai yra mažiausius ir silpniausius piliečius. Šio tikslo jie siekia pasitelkdami humanizmo mąstytojų idėjas, iškiliausių praktikų pedagogų, altruistų, dvasinės sferos darbuotojų atsidavimą begalinei būčiai, aukojimąsi visoms būties apraiškoms. Socialinis pedagogas spręsdamas kitų problemas pirmiausia pasitelkia savo jėgomis, sugebėjimu greitai orientuotis situacijoje, savo erudicija.
Komunikacijos  Diplominiai darbai   (68 psl., 123,21 kB)