Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 109 rezultatai

Pagrindindiniai šio amžiaus labiausiai paplitę muzikos stiliai ir jų šakos, kas jiems būdinga ir pagrindinės savybės.
Muzika  Referatai   (34 psl., 64,04 kB)
Health survey
10kl.apklausa,tyrimas apie sveika mityba. ......A lot of schoolchildren answer that they most sometimes take breaks when they do their homework (always-21%, sometimes-58%, never-21%). Before they go to school they have a good breakfast (every morning-53%, sometimes-47%, never-0%). And a lot of teenagers eat some biscuits every week(every day-16%,some every week-58%, once a week-26%)!....
Anglų kalba  Tyrimai   (8,85 kB)
They serve as a useful means of communication. How could we understand or talk to people from other countries, if we couldn’t speak their language? I think that some people like learning foreign languages, various people have different reasons. I think that some people like learning languages in general, the others learn because they have to do that at school. Besides, nowadays pupils realize quite well that they might need foreign languages in the nearest future or it might be a credit for them to get a better job.
PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINOUS PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINOUS SUDARYMAS Veiksmažodžio 1 forma Veiksmažodžio be forma ir veiksmažodis su galūne -ing Veiksmažodžio 2 forma arba veiksmažodis su –ed galūne Was/Were ir veiksmažodis su galūne -ing Pvz. Teigiamam sakiny; I play; You play; He plays; I am playing; You are playing; He is playing; I/You/he/etc walked I was studying; You were studying; He was studying. Neigiamam sakiny; I/You don‘t play; he doesn‘t play I am not playing; You are not playing; He is not playing; I/You/he/etc did not walk I wasn‘t studying; You weren‘t studying; He wasn‘t studying. Klausime; Do I/You play? Does he play? Am I playing? Are You playing? Is he playing? Did I/You/he/etc walk? Was I studying? Were you studying? Was he studying? NAUDOJIMAS • Kasdienei rutinai; (I catch the bus to work at 7 o‘clock every day ) • Pasikartojantiems veiksmams (he cleans the house every week ) • Įpročiams, pomėgiams (She usually stays at home on Sundays) • Pastoviai būsenai (He works in a bank) • Dieneotvarkei, tvarkaraščiams (The train leaves at 7 o‘clock) • Bendros, neginčijamos tiesos, gamtos dėsniai (water boils to 100C degrees) • Sporto, knygos komentarams, peržiūrai, pasakojimui. • Veiksmui, kuris vyksta dabar, tuo metu kai kalbama. (She is talking on the phone now) • Veiksmui, kuris vyksta šiomis dienomis (Peter is staying at his friend‘s these days) • Netolimoje ateityje suplanuotiems veiksmams; (I am flying to Paris tomorrow) • Situacijoms, kurios nėra pastovios ir keičiasi; (The climate is becoming warmer and warmer) • Per dažnai pasikartojantiems veiksmams, kurie erzina. Su žodeliais allways, constantly, continuously. (She is always talking in the lessons) • Veiksmui, kuris vyko nustatytu laiku praeityje. (Bob bought a car last month) • Veiksmams, kurie įvyko vienas po kito praeityje. (First he took a shower and then he went to bed.) • Praeities įpročiams Tam galima naudoti ir used to. (My grandmother read/used to read me bedtime stories when I was little) • Veiksmui, kuris vyko žinomu laiku praeityje. Mes nežinome kada jis prasidėjo ir kada baigėsi. (At eight o‘clock yesterday evening Tom and Mark were doing their homework) • Praeities veiksmui, kuris vyko kai kitas veiksmas jį pertraukė. Veiksmui, kuris vyko naudojame Past Continous, o veiksmui, kuris pertraukė- Past Simple. (He was exercising when he felt a sharp pain in his lower back) • Dviems ar daugiau veiksmų, kurie vyko tuo pačiu metu praeityje. (sarah was watching TV while I was reading a novel) • Suteikti pasakojimui „foną“, prieš aprašant pagrindinius faktus. (The band was playing and the people were singing and dancing when we arrived in the concert.) ŽODELIAI Every; at noon; at night; always; usually; often; sometimes; seldom; never. Now; at the moment; at present; these days; tomorrow; today; tonight; etc. Yesterday; yesterday morning/evening/etc. last; ago, in 1984. While; when; as; all day/night/morning; all day yesterday; etc. PRESENT PERFECT PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS PAST PERFECT PAST PERFECT CONTINOUS SUDARYMAS Have ir veiksmažodžio 3 forma arba veiksmažodis su galūne -ed Have/has been ir veiksmažodis su galūne -ing Had ir veiksmažodžio 3 forma, arba veiksmažodis su –ed galūne. Had been ir veiksmažodis su –ing galūne. Pvz. Teigiamam sakiny; I/you have booked; He has booked; I/You have been cycling; He has been cycling. I/You/had started I/You/he had been listening. Neigiamam sakiny; I/you haven‘t booked; He hasn‘t book. I/You haven‘t been cycling; He hasn‘t been cycling. I/You/he hadn‘t started I/You/he hadn‘t been listening. Klausime; Have I/you booked? Has he booked? Have I/You been cycling? Has he been cycling? Etc. Had I/You/he started? Had I/You/he been listening? NAUDOJIMAS • Veiksmams, kurie prasidėjo praeityje, ir tęsiasi dabar. (I have been techer for five years) • Praeities veiksmams, kurių rezultatus matome dabartyje.(He has washed his car) • Veiksmams, kurie įvyko praeityje, nenustatytu laiku. Veiksmas yra svarbesnis už laiką. (she has sold her house) • Petyrimams (have you ever slept in a tent?) • Veiksmams, kurie vyko tam tikru laiko periodu ir šis periodas dar nėra pasibaigęs tuo metu kai kalbama. (He has visited three museumsthis morning. Morning is not over yet.) • Veiksmams, kurie prasidėjo, kurįlaiką tęsėsi ir baigėsi praeityje. Rezultatas matomas dabartyje. (They have been sunbathing) • Veiksmams, kurie prasidėjo praeityje ir tęsiasi dar ir šiuo metu. (She has been cooking for two hours.) • Išreikšti pasipiktinimui, susierzinimui (Who has been using my computer?) • Veiksmui, kuris įvyko prieš kitą veiksmą praeityje. (She had painted the room by 5 o‘clock. (She finished painting before 5 o‘clock)) • Veiksmui, kuris įvyko prieš kitą būtąjį laiką. (She had booked a hotel before she arrived in Paris) • Veiksmui, kuris prasidėjo ir pasibaigė praeityje, ir rezultatas buvo matomas praeityje. (He had broken his arm, so he couldn‘t write) • Pabrėžti tąsą veiksmo, kuris prasidėjo ir pasibaigė praeityje.(She had been playing tennisfor ten years by the time she was eighteen.) • Pabrėžti tąsą veiksmo, kuris pasibaigė prieš kitą praeities veiksmą. (He had been studying for seven years before he got his degree.) • Veiksmui, kuris kurį laiką tęsėsi praeityje, ir jo rezultatas buvo matomas praeityje. (She was tired because she had been cleaning the house all day.) ŽODELIAI Ever, never, already, yet, just, so far, for, since, recently, lately, before. Ever, never, already yet, just, so far, for, since, recently, lately, before. Before; after; already;just; till/untill; when;by...; by the time; never; etc. For; since; how long; before; until; etc. FUTURE SIMPLE FUTURE CONTINOUS FUTURE PERFECT FUTURE PERFECT CONTINOUS BE GOING TO SUDARYMAS Will ir bendratis (be to) Will be (am, is, are) ir veiksmažodis su –ing galūne. Will have ir veiksmažodžio 3 forma arba veiksmažodis su –ed galūne. Will have been ir veiksmažodžio 3 forma arba veiksmažodis su galūne –ed. Be going to NAUDOJIMAS • Ateities spėjimams, kai remiamės tuo, ką manome ar ko tikimės. (I believe Bill will get a job) • „Greitiems sprendimams“. (We‘ve run out of milk. I will go to the supermarket and get some.) • Pažadams, grąsinimams, įspėjimams, reikalavimams, viltims, pasiūlimams. • Veiksmams, atsitikimams, situacijoms, kurios būtinai įvyks ateityje, ir kurių negalima kontroliuoti. (Ben will be five years old in August.) • Veiksmams, kurie vyks nustatytu laiku ateityje. (I am going to Spain. This time next week I will be lying in the sun.) • Veiksmams, kurie tikrai įvyks ateityje kaip rezultatas kokios nors rutinos arba pasirengimų. • Kai klausiama mandagiai apie netolimos ateities planus, dažniausiai siekiant sau naudos. (Will you be driving to the party tonight? Would you be able to give me a lift?) • Veiksmui, kuris bus pasibaigęs iki tam tikro ateities momento. (They will have arrived in London by 5 o‘clock) • Pabrėžti tąsą veiksmo, kuris tęsėsi iki tam tikro momento ateityje. (By June, he will have been teaching in this school for fifteen years) • Ketinimams, planams, ambicijoms ateičiai. (I am going to go to India one day.) • Veiksmams, kuriuos mes jau nusprendėme atlikti netolimoje ateityje. (Nicky is going to visit her friends in London next week.) • Sprendimams (spėjimams), kurie remiasi tuo, ką matome ar žinome, ypač kai yra įrodymai, kad kažkas tikrai nutiks. (There isn‘t a cloud in the sky. It is going to be a beautiful day.) ŽODELIAI Think, believe, probably, certainly, parhaps, expect... etc. Before; by; by then; by the time;until/till By ... for Tomorrow; the day after tomorrow; tonight; soon; next week/month/year/sommer/etc; in a week/month/etc.
Anglų kalba  Paruoštukės   (10,67 kB)
100 day party
Z. Oh, this party was pretty cool, but I and My friends were only in official part. I come home at 5 o’clock in the morning and what do you think about this party? M. Oh, this party was not bad but I was only in official part too and after this I with my class-mates went to the garden and celebrated this wonderful festival very well. But in my opinion to do the official part is a serious job. Z. Of course. Planning the 100-Day party was very hard. I and two my friends were responsible for the party. I had to invite primary school teachers. My friends were responsible for making speeches. M. Whose idea was to plan the funny part? Z. I think that this idea belongs to my friend Dainius. M. And who advised him? Z. I don’t now, but I think this part was original and fun. M. And who suggested doing the party decoration of the hall? It was nice. Z. Oh, it was Ramunas idea. But I think that it were a bit boring, because here were no disco. M. Oh, don’t worry, the party was wonderful.
The subjects of this presentation are the origins of American lexicography which will be represented through main problems, bilingual dictionaries, historical development of British and American lexicography, the great works of Noah Webster, also by the lexicographic influences of encyclopaedic dictionary by John Ogilvie and Funk and Wagnall’s standard dictionaries.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9 psl., 17,83 kB)
Cosmetics are substances used to enhance or protect the apperance or oder of the human body. Cosmetics include skin-care creams, lotions, powder, perfumes, lipstick, fingernail and toe nail polish, eye and facial make up, permanent waves, colored contact lenses, hair color, hair sprays and gels, deodorant, baby product, bath oils, bubble baths, bath salts, butters and many othertypes of products.
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (14 psl., 70,25 kB)
A book review
Tai recenzija Collen McCullough knygos "The Thorn Birds". Turinys atitinka visus reikalavimus. na manau toki pateikus mokytojai tikrai gausite gerą įvertinimą.
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (1 psl., 3,63 kB)
Here are facts showing the dangers of eating meat because of the large amounts of antibiotics fed to livestock to control staphylococci (commonly called staph infections), which are becoming immune to these drugs at an alarming rate. The animals that are being raised for meat in the United States are diseased. The livestock industry attempts to control this disease by feeding the animals antibiotics. Huge quantities of drugs go for this purpose. Of all antibiotics used in the U.S., 55% are fed to livestock.
I read one article that psychologists did an experiment to answer the question of violence influence on kids in which they showed each of two groups of children a different version of a video tape: One group saw video A which showed a lady acting normally with a big doll. The second group saw video B which showed a lady acting aggressively with the same doll. She was kicking and hitting the doll violently.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,59 kB)
Describing people
A descriptive essay about a person should consist of: a) an Introduction in which you give general information about the person, saying when, where and how you first met them; b) a Main Body in which you describe their physical appearance, personal qualities and hobbies/interest. You start a new paragraph for each topic; c) a Conclusion in which you write your comments and/or feelings about the person.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (1,86 kB)
American English
In the early part of the seventeenth century English settlers began to bring their language to America, and another series of changes began to take place. The settlers borrowed words from Indian languages for such strange trees as the hickory and persimmon, such unfamiliar animals as raccoons and woodchucks. Later they borrowed other words from settlers from other countries – for instance, chowder and prairie from the French, scow and sleigh from the Dutch.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (2,86 kB)
This section describes why leaders exist and what knowledge, skills, and abilities are important to manage learning. We know, to begin, that leaders exist because man is a social creature. The leader in our society is responsible for the essential tasks in the collections of groups that make up civilization. In most traditional or conventional training events, because of a lack of systematic programming, most of the emphasis is focused on attempts to change people's perception. Little time is usually allocated for practice and even less to measure changes in performance during the training situation.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,62 kB)
Where was the famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born? Where were German emperors crowned? Why do Frankfurt's traditional apple wine glasses carry such a unique pattern? Which is the tallest skyscraper in Europe? Where does the European Central Bank have its headquarters? Frankfurt's superbly trained and certified tour guides present our wonderful city in a total of 20 languages.
Foreign languages
First of all I’d like to say that learning foreign languages is especially important in nowadays. Some people learn languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad. Many people go to different countries as tourists or to work every year. They may not understand that countries language, therefore they have to know English, the language of international communication.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,16 kB)
The Flowers decorate our daily life. To present or buy the flowers unnecessary needs the cause (for instance when lad than that was guilty against his girl, they present her flowers). But more often flowers are bought on holidays, birth day, weddings and so on. Also flowers are used for gift not only but also embellishment (for instance on wedding to decorate the machine).
Finansai  Analizės   (2,99 kB)
Family Relationship
Psichologinė analizė apie santykius šeimoje. Families shape the quality of our lives. Emotional links among family members stretch across households and decades, influencing our outlooks on life, motivations, and strategies for achievement, and styles for coping with adversity. Family relations are the earliest and most enduring social relationships.
Pagrindiniai anglų kalbos laikai santraukoje.
Advice letter
Advice letter in English
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 2,71 kB)