Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 132 rezultatai

Report of Lithuanian dangerous substances legislation, limit values, official institutions, ADR, Fire Departments, Chemical institutions
Ekonomika  Analizės   (11 psl., 134,76 kB)
There are many subjects and many teathers at school. Every subject is important for teather, which he teathes. But sometimes some subjects are not important for studens. Senior pupils are decided what they are going to study, and decided which subjects are the least important, so they can renounse some subjects. I am going to speak about the subjects which I am studying.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 6,45 kB)
English-speaking country. Travel. Cycling. Attractions of Lithuania.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 8,48 kB)
Nowadays, computers are used almost everywhere. Everything is becoming computerized. Is there a way to not overuse technics? Now the question is: "Should schools provide computers for students to use for all their school subjects?" I strongly believe, that schools should have modern computers, but there is no need in using them for all the subjects.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,67 kB)
Tai, kad sveikata - turtas, žino visi, tačiau ne visi žino, kaip ja rūpintis. Lietuvoje nuo kraujo apytakos sistemos ligų miršta tris kartus daugiau žmonių negu nuo vėžio. Nustatant širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų rizikos laipsnį visada turi būti įvertinami rizikos veiksniai, t.y. amžius, lytis, rūkymas, netaisyklinga mityba, fizinis aktyvumas, padidėjusio cholesterolio ir kitų lipidų kiekiui kraujyje paveldimumas ir kt. Širdis, kaip ir kiekvienas raumuo, gali būti geriau ar blogiau išsivysčiusi. Yra priklausomybė tarp skeleto raumenų jėgos (tonuso) ir širdies darbingumo: efektyviau širdis dirba, kai skeleto raumenys stipresni. Dėl to, treniruodami ir vystydami kūno raumenyną, drauge stipriname ir širdies raumenį (miokardą). Pirmasis į tai atkreipė dėmesį žinomas anglų gydytojas ir fiziologas Viljamas Harvėjus. Jis konstatavo, kad sunkiai dirbančių žmonių, kurių raumenynas gerai išvystytas, širdis yra stipresnė, masyvesnė.
Medicina  Referatai   (30 psl., 39,88 kB)
Pasaulyje visur, kur yra organizacijų, jas bei jų valdymą reikia studijuoti dėl trijų priežasčių. Bet kuriuo atveju – tiek praeityje, tiek ir dabartyje ar ateityje – žmonių, sudarančių organizaciją, kuriai vadovauja vadovai, rezultatai gali turėti toli siekiančių pasekmių. Pirmiausia, viso pasaulio organizacijos daug prisideda prie dabartinio žmonių gyvenimo lygio standartų. Kasdien organizacijos mus aprūpina maistu, pastoge, rengia, teikia medicinos ir ryšių paslaugas, linksmina ir duoda darbo. Pavyzdžiui, Raudonasis Kryžius – organizacija, labai sutelkta į dabartį, kadangi gelbsti konkrečioms žmonių grupėms, kai to reikia.
Vadyba  Referatai   (29 psl., 349,13 kB)
Pagal Europos Sąjungos Paukščių ir Buveinių Direktyvas saugomos ir Lietuvoje sutinkamos gyvūnų rūšys ir jų apsaugos bei naudojimo ypatumai. Lithuanian species included into EU Habitat and Bird Directives and their national and international conservation status (APIMTIS 19PSL)
Foreign languages
I know two foreign languages, which are : English and Germany. I think that learning languages is different from learning other subjects, for example if you are doing something in other country, you need to know language before learning other subjects. I think that knowing any foreign language is more difficult,than knowing the math, physics, or biology,because,all the facts, all the formulas are the same in the world,but the languages are different not only with its grammer,but also with the structure,spelling and writting. In the future i would like to learn some russian. I am also planning a holiday for next summer in the russia,so if I learn a bit of russian ,so it will help me to communicate with others there.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 3,26 kB)
Šiuo metu naudojami kosminės geodezijos metodai užtikrina aukščiausią padėties nustatymo tikslumą per santykinai trumpą lauko darbų trukmę ir žemą kainą. Tam tikslui atliekami fotografiniai, fotoelektriniai, lazeriniai ir radiotechniniai dirbtinių Žemės palydovų (DŽP) stebėjimai. Matavimai kosminės geodezijos priemonėmis dažniausiai nesusieti su vertikale, t.y. statmeniu į geoido paviršių, tad geodezijos uždavinius spręsti yra paprasčiau. Kosminės geodezijos metodais galima nustatyti koordinates bendrojoje geocentrinėje koordinačių sistemoje, susietoje su Žemės masės centru ir jos sukimosi ašimi.
Kita  Kursiniai darbai   (14 psl., 375,82 kB)
Many people believe that the way we live our lives today is having an extremely bad effect on the environment. Here are some examples of environmental problems and solutions. Pollution - is damage to the air, sea, rivers, or land caused by chemicals, waste and harmful gases. Pollutants include toxic waste, pesticides, and fertilizers.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 5,4 kB)
Land Management
Anglų referatas. Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and suburban settings) of land resources in a sustainable way. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 psl., 11,64 kB)
Introduction Enduring several border changes, Soviet deportations, a massacre of its Jewish population, and German and Polish repatriations during and after World War II, Lithuania has maintained a fairly stable percentage of ethnic Lithuanians (from 79.3% in 1959 to 83.5% in 2002). Lithuania's citizenship law and the Constitution meet international and OSCE standards, guaranteeing universal human and civil rights. In Lithuania like in other East and Central European countries, the demographic development during the last 10 years has been highly specific. During the last 10 years (1997-2007) Lithuania has lost 7.5% of its population. During every of these years, the number of emigrants exceeded the number immigrating and the number of deaths exceeded the births. At the start of year 2004, Lithuania’s population numbered 3,445,900. The population losses are only partially offset by immigrants, principally from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. In 1992 – 1998, population of Lithuania dropped by 45 000 reaching 3 702 000 in early 1999. During this period emigration was responsible for the decrease by 40 700 people. The average of people per 1 square kilometer is 51.8 (2007). The highest population per 1 square km. is in centre of republic – it reaches 50 or more. Also in West and in Vilnius municipality same situation. In East population reaches less or more than 20 people. Population by sex and age Since the early 1990s, the new trends of all demographic processes – fertility, mortality, and migration – have significantly altered the age structure of the population. Since 1992, the proportion of elderly people has been clearly on the rise. During 1992–1999, the share of population aged 65 and over increased from 11.3% to 13.4%, while the share of children aged 0–14 dropped from 22.6% to 19.8%. The 15–64 age group experienced minor changes over the period, and in 1999, comprised 67% Due to the country’s swift industrialization and urbanization, the demographic transition had been proceeding at a high speed culminating in its final stage, and had resulted in a rapid population ageing. From the table we can see that in 2006 were more people than in 2007. It depends of people emigration and less immigration. Also we can see that always it was more females than males. In total, males - ~158 0000 females - ~180 0000. Population by ethnic groups During the Soviet period Lithuania, in contrast to the neighboring Baltic countries, preserved its ethnic homogeneity. According to 1989 census data, shortly before the regaining of independence, Lithuanians constituted 79.6%, Russians 9.4% and Poles 7.0% of the population. The emigration of Slavic population, notably Russians, to the East, of the Jewish population to the West, and return of Lithuanians from the former USSR in the early 1990s have further increased the share of ethnic Lithuanians, who accounted for 81.6% of the total population at the beginning of 1997. Among the Baltic States, Lithuania has the most homogeneous population. According to the census conducted in 2001, 83.45% of the population identified themselves as Lithuanians, 6.74% as Poles, 6.31% as Russians, 1.23% as Belarusian's, and 2.27% as members of other ethnic groups. Such a high percentage of ethnic Lithuanians might be influenced by the fact that in the early 1990s, the newly established government of Lithuania decided to grant citizenship to anyone who lived in Lithuania and who wished to have Lithuanian citizenship. Thus a number of people might have been assimilated
Geografija  Referatai   (11,86 kB)