Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rastas 261 rezultatas

Lithuania's nature is as beautiful as it is diverse. The country's national parks reflect the landscape and culture of its large geographical areas. The thirty regional parks protect and represent the most valuable ecosystems and cultural treasures of different regions from natural, ethno cultural, recreational and aesthetic points of view. The wide variety of wildlife in the parks includes the protected species of animals listed in THE RED DATA BOOK (Lithuania's endangered species list), and rare plants. Research programmes are being carried out in the parks' sanctuaries and reserves. Large areas have been designated as recreational sites.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (7,37 kB)
Past Simple • Naudojamas reikšti veiksmams, kurie įvyko tam tikru metu praeityje. Kai laikas yra nustatytas, jau žinomas, ar numanomas. Sheila arrived in Tokyo last week. • Veiksmams, kurie praeityje eina vienas po kito. He got out of bed, went to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine. • Praėjusioms būsenoms, ar įpročiams reikšti, kurie jie yra baigęsi. Gali būti naudojamas išsireiškimas used to. I lived/used to live in France five years ago.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (2,02 kB)
Marius is my best friend. He is twenty - five years old and has got short, brown hair, blue eyes and a lovely, warm face.It seems like he and I are always talking or laughing about something. He has a very nice personality and a wonderful sense of humor but he can also get a little depressed from time to time. I can always count on him to be honest and to give me the best advice. We like going to the cinema but sometimes can't agree on which movie to see. Sometimes we just walk around, trying to find a new area of the city to explore.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,7 kB)
In the high antiquity everybody respected and glorified strong, fearless, brave people. In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival, held every four years in honor of Zeus, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event and then international. So, we could say, that all sport history started in Antiquity.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,04 kB)
Crime in Lithuania
Nowadays crime is very associated with our modern world. Unfortunately, it’s not as safe as we would like to be so we must do everything we can in order to improve our own safety. Crime is a very serious problem in nowadays Lithuania. The criminal situation in my country is much worse than in other western European countries. It’s quite difficult to feel safe late at night or even in the evening in the streets as you can simply be mugged. Much more dangerous can be walking in the streets alone also in the evening, so people are advised to go by cars instead of walking alone and not to have a lot of expensive things such as mobile phones, cameras, watches, huge amounts of cash or other valuable things which might catch the offenders eye.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,05 kB)
Canada and all of the developed countries in the world produce some kind of toxic waste(s). It doesn't matter whether it's a chocolate bar wrapper or a canister of highly radioactive plutonium, they're potentially dangerous to us and/or our natural environment unless properly disposed of. Toxic waste is defined as any waste that is hazardous to human health or to our natural environment. According to the Institute of Chemical Waste Management, about 15% of our garbage is classified as toxic, and only 85% (approximately) of that is disposed of properly. The rest is either illegally dumped or accidentally mixed up with non-toxic garbage.
What exactly is a U.F.O? Where do they come from? What do they want from us? Well, a UFO is an unusual airborne object that cannot be identified, even after an expert examination. 90 Percent of these reports are either Hoaxes, Conventional objects, or some poor person going insane. The other 10 percent is considered UFO enigma. [II] History: The data of the first UFO sighting is not known. Some researchers say that UFO sightings date back to ancient times. There is no evidence for this speculation, so it is just a thought.
Knauf, a family name, and a corporate group of global dimensions. A leading manufacturer of building materials worldwide, including plasterboards, plasters, insulation materials and external renders, with a turnover of Euro 2.5 bn. With over 100 plants in Europe, Asia, USA and South America, it is through technical innovation and high quality standards that Knauf leads the development of markets across the Globe. Committed to the environment, Knauf is active in retaining the natural balance across all our operations.
About Hronas
JSC "Hronas" was established in 1993. The Company started with importing and installing plastic windows. Early in 1994 the new production equipment >was brought to and window production started in Lithuania. During seven years of strenuous work the Company has gradually introduced one of the most state-of-the-art aluminium, plastic and wooden construction production processes in Europe.
I’m going to speak about some kinds of pollution, for example air pollution or acid rain, water pollution. Now different kinds of trees, many of the animals, birds, fish are in serious danger. What should government do to stop the polluting, nowadays? First of all I would like to speak about water pollution There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned, too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them.
For over 60,000 years men and women have been communicating. Yet we still feel the need, perhaps more than ever, to find ways to improve these skills. According to numerous research studies, for your entire life you have spent about 75 per sent of each day engaged in communication. Therefore, you may be wondering why you need to study communication in the first place.
Where was the famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born? Where were German emperors crowned? Why do Frankfurt's traditional apple wine glasses carry such a unique pattern? Which is the tallest skyscraper in Europe? Where does the European Central Bank have its headquarters? Frankfurt's superbly trained and certified tour guides present our wonderful city in a total of 20 languages.
Moose Class: Mammalia: Mammals Diet: Plants Order: Artiodactyla: Even-toed Ungulates Size: body: 2.5 - 3 m (8 1/4 - 9 3/4 ft), tail: 5 - 7.5 cm (2 - 3 in) Family: Cervidae: Deer Conservation Status: Non-threatened. Scientific Name: Alces alces Habitat: coniferous forest, often near lakes and rivers Range: Northern Europe and Asia: Scandinavia to Siberia; Alaska, Canada, Northern U.S.A.; introduced in New Zealand. The largest of the deer, the moose is identified by its size, its broad, overhanging muzzle and the flap of skin, known as the bell, hanging from its throat.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,01 kB)
Feast of St.John
From ancient times people marked the time of the return of the sun, the shortest and longest night. In olden times it was called the Feast of the DEWS, [ a.k.a. RASOS ]. When Christianity was established in Lithuania, the name was changed to Feast of St. John, according to agrarian folk calendar, the start of haying. The rituals of the longest day were closely related to agrarian ideas and notions.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (8,08 kB)
Delivery of speech
It is known that public speaking is a transaction between you and your audience. Just as the language you choose for your message should reflect the nature of your audience, so too should your delivery. Specifically, we discuss choosing an appropriate method of delivery, adapting to diverse audiences, and adapting delivery to the speech occasion.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9,62 kB)
Avril Lavigne
Rock & roll wild child Avril Lavigne hit big in summer 2002 with her spiky-fun debut song "Complicated," shifting pop music into a different direction. Lavigne, who was 17 at the time, didn't seem concerned with the glamor of the TRL-dominated pop world and such confidence allowed her star power to soar.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (2,65 kB)
Punk kultūra pradėjo formuotis JAV apie 1970 m. kaip atsvara tuo metu bepopuliarėjančiam glam rokui (rokui su pop muzikos elementais). Pagreitį judėjimas įgavo persikėlęs į Didžiąją Britaniją. Išskiriamos dvi punk judėjimo bangos: pirma (1976-1985) ir antra (po 1985). Pankroko aukso amžiumi laikomas aštuntojo dešimtmečio vidurys ir antroji jo pusė.
Socialinis darbas  Referatai   (3,66 kB)
Šeimos etika
Šeima yra Dievo Kūrėjo dovana, jo autentiškas projektas. Žmogaus asmuo yra kūrinijos viešpats, tačiau vyrą ir moterį autentiškai sieja ne valdymo, bet savęs atidavimo ir abipusio tarnavimo santykis. Taip jie tampa Dievo bendradarbiais perduodant gyvybę. Tad šeima yra pamatinė dovana žmonijai. Ji yra pirmutinė, natūrali, gyva visuomenės ląstelė, kuria remiasi visos kitos bendruomenės bei visuomenės, ir pirmutinė, gyva Bažnyčios ląstelė. Popiežiaus Jono Pauliaus II yra pasakęs per pirmąjį pasaulinį susitikimą 1994 m. Romoje: "Šeimos, jūs esate gaudium et spes, džiaugsmas ir viltis!" (3).
Teologija  Referatai   (5,51 kB)
Norint sėkmingai vystyti bet kokį verslą, būtina nuolat analizuoti dabartinę situaciją bei prognozuoti ateitį. Finansinės veiklos nuolatinis vertinimas yra viena kertinių kiekvienos įmonės vidaus veiklų. Darbe nagrinėjamas AB SEB Vilniaus bankas, nes komerciniai bankai yra aktyviausi finansinių rinkų dalyviai – jų paslaugomis pastaruoju metu naudojasi vis daugiau privačių asmenų bei verslo įmonių. Bankams patikima milžiniškos piniginių lėšų sumos jas vienaip ar kitaip investuojant – sudarant terminuotųjų indėlių sutartis, perkant vertybinius popierius, investuojant į fondus, vykdant įmonių pinigines operacijas per banko sąskaitas.
Finansai  Referatai   (8,63 kB)
VU ekonomikos fakulteto 3 kurso informacinių sistemų praktinis darbas. PMXML – tai duomenų apibrėžimas projekto valdymo sistemoms. PMXML konsorciumas parėmė standartą ir jis oficialiai buvo sukurtas 2000 metais, „Pacific Edge Software Inc”. Projekto valdymo XML standartas leidžia lengvai dalintis ir perduoti projekto valdymo duomenis. Taip pat jis bendrauja su kitais standartais, kas padeda įsitvirtinti projekto valdymo veiklumai tarp kitų. PMXML duomenų apibūdinimas susideda iš keturių pagrindinių projekto valdymo duomenų tipų ir keleto šalutinių.
Informatika  Namų darbai   (5,38 kB)
Channels of communication What are ‘telecommunications’? This term refers to the transmission of information over long distances using the telephone system, radio, TV satellite or computer links. Examples are two people speaking on the phone, a sales department sending a fax to a client or someone reading the teletext pages on TV But in the modern world, telecommunications mainly means transferring information from one PC to another via modem and phone lines (or fibre-optic cables).
While sport has value in everyone's life, it is even more important in the life of a person with a disability. This is because of the rehabilitative influence sport can have not only on the physical body but also on rehabilitating people with a disability into society.
Shrove Tuesday is a merry carnival. It is celebrated on Tuesday, the eve of Ash Wednesday, to mark the winter’s end.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,19 kB)
Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is the world’s number one sports event. For athletes they mean a chance to win gold and glory. For all people they are a symbol of peace, hope, friendly cooperation between nations, fairness, high moral and physical standards. The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 BC in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olympia.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,18 kB)
South bank centre
Už šį darbą gavau dešimt. Southbank Centre is a complex of artistic venues located in London, UK, on the South Bank of the River Thames between County Hall and Waterloo Bridge. It comprises three main buildings; the Royal Festival Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall and The Hayward art gallery, and is Europe’s largest centre for the arts.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,5 kB)
James Joyce (1882-1941), Irish novelist, noted for his experimental use of language in such works as “Ulysses“ (1922) and “Finneganns Wake“ (1939). Joyce's technical innovations in the art of the novel include an extensive use of interior monologue; he used a complex network of symbolic parallels drawn from the mythology, history, and literature, and created a unique language of invented words, puns, and allusions.
I would like to start my individual project with describing of Vilnius Castle Complex. I have been living not far away and can wonder time, when I see it. How beautiful and interesting it is! The Vilnius Castle Complex is a group of defensive, cultural and religious buildings on the left bank of the Neris River, near the inflow the Vilnia River, in Vilnius.
Įvertinimas 8,pristatytas kolegijoje, legalios verslo formos ir valdymo struktūra. New business planners do some serious thinking about what legal form to choose for their new endeavour. This means determining what status the business will be in the eyes of the law. The choice has very important consequences.
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).
Anglų kalba  Kursiniai darbai   (15,94 kB)
Drug, substance that affects the function of living cells, used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the occurrence of diseases and disorders, and prolong the life of patients with incurable conditions. Since 1900 the availability of new and more effective drugs such as antibiotics, which fight bacterial infections, and vaccines, which prevent diseases caused by bacteria and viruses, has increased the average American’s life span from about 60 years to about 75 years. Drugs have vastly improved the quality of life.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (11,98 kB)