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Trumpas aprašymas
Wales is approximately 150miles (242 km.) from north to south. About two - thirds of the total population of 2.8 million people live in the South Wales coastal area, where the three biggest towns are located: Swansea, Cardiff and Newport. The Welsh are very proud of their language and culture. These are best preserved in the north and west of the country, for in the south and east they have been more challenged by industrialization. The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful.
Pagrindiniai rašto darbo duomenys
Įkėlimo data |
2009-06-06 |
Puslapių skaičius |
4 |
Failo tipas |
![]() |
Failo dydis |
4,99 kB |
Parsisiuntimų skaičius |
0 |
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Anglų |
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