Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 257 rezultatai

V / Vs >Jis visada sunkiai dirba. He always works hard. Am / is / are + V / V ing> Jis dirba (šiuo metu) savo kambaryje. He is working in his room now. Usually, always, often, never, sometimes, every day, in the morning, twice a years. Now, still, at the moment, this week, at present nowadays. TEIG, NEIG, KLAUS, TEIG, NEIG, KLAUS. I work. You work. He works. She works. It works. We work. You work. They work. I don‘t work. You don‘t work. He doesn‘t work. She doesn‘t work. It doesn‘t work. We don‘t work. You don‘t work. They don‘t work Do I work? Do you work? Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work? I am working. You are working. He is working. She is working. It is working. We are working. You are working. They are working I am not working. You aren‘t working. He isn‘t working. She isn‘t working. It isn‘t working. We aren‘t working. You aren‘t working. They aren‘t working.
63 anglų topikai
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (42 psl., 53,24 kB)
• Good things come in small packages. Here's a trick for staying satisfied without consuming large portions: Chop high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate into smaller pieces. It will seem like you're getting more than you actually are. • Don't give up dips. If you love creamy dips and sauces, don't cut them out of your diet completely. Just use low-fat sour cream and mayo instead of the full-fat stuff. • Get water-wise. Make a habit of reaching for a glass of water instead of a high-calorie snack. It will help your overall health as well as your waistline. Add some zest with a twist of lemon or lime. • Herb it up. Stock up your spice rack, and start growing a small herb garden in your kitchen window. Spices and herbs add fantastic flavor to foods without adding fat or calories. • Slim down your soup. Make a big batch of soup and refrigerate it before you eat it. As it cools, the fat will rise to the top. Skim it off the surface for reduced fat content. • Doggie-bag that dinner. At restaurants, ask the server to put half your entrée in a doggie bag before bringing it to your table. Putting the food away before you start your meal will help you practice portion control. • Listen to your cravings. If you're craving something sweet, eat something sweet - just opt for a healthier nosh, like fruit, instead of a high-calorie one. The same goes for crunchy cravings - for example, try air-popped popcorn with soy sauce instead of high-fat tortilla chips. It's just smart substitution! • Ease your way into produce. If you're new to eating lots of fruits and veggies, start slowly. Just add them to the foods you already enjoy. Pile veggies on top of your sandwiches, or add fruit to your cereal. • Look for high-fat hints. Want an easy way to identify high-calorie entrees? Keep an eye out for these words: au gratin, parmigiana, tempura, alfredo, creamy and carbonara, and enjoy them in moderation. • Don't multitask while you eat. If you're working, reading or watching TV while you eat, you won't be paying attention to what's going into your mouth - and you won't be enjoying every bite. Every time you sit down for a meal, sit down. Chew slowly and pay attention to flavors and textures. You'll enjoy your food more and eat less. • Taste something new. Broaden your food repertoire - you may find you like more healthy foods than you knew. Try a new fruit or vegetable (ever had jicama, plantain, bok choy, starfruit or papaya?). • Leave something on your plate at every meal. One bite of bagel, half your sandwich, the bun from your burger. See if you feel satisfied eating just a bit less. • Get to know your portion sizes. It's easy to underestimate how much you're eating. Don't just estimate things - make sure. Ask how much is in a serving, read the fine print on labels, measure your food. And learn portion equivalents: One serving of pasta, for instance, should be around the size of a tennis ball. • Make a healthy substitution. Learn to swap healthier foods for their less-healthful counterparts. Find a substitution that works for you: Use skim milk instead of whole milk; make up a batch of brownie mix with applesauce instead of oil; try a whole-grain bread instead of white. • Bring lunch to work. Packing lunch will help you control your portion sizes. It also provides a good alternative to restaurants and fast-food joints, where making healthy choices every day can be challenging (not to mention expensive). • Have some dessert. You don't have to deny yourself all the time. Have a treat that brings you pleasure, but this time enjoy it guilt-free - be sure you're practicing portion control, and compensate for your indulgence by exercising a little more or by skipping your afternoon snack. • Ask for what you need. Tell your mother-in-law you don't want seconds. Ask your sweetie to stop bringing you chocolates. Speak up for the salad bar when your coworkers are picking a restaurant for lunch. Whatever you need to do to succeed at weight loss, ask for it. Make yourself a priority and assert yourself.
Relationships Since long time ago people have known about relationships. At different stages of live we all feel love, anger, jealousy and so on… But we know that in adolescence relationships is one of the most important thing. Being a teenagers has never been easy. Because you usually fall in love for the first time at this age. When you love a boy or a girl, you don’t seem to notice the world around you, so often you forget your lessons or everyday chores. You don’t hear what your parents, friends or teachers say, so they become angry with you. Then you mostly say ‘You don’t understand me…’ When you split up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you had thought that this relationship would last forever and now it’s over. In this situation teenagers shed tears and regret their action. Also, relationships become difficult between teenagers and parents. Young people always want to go out and come home late at night. Parents don’t trust and often there is a quarrel. Sometimes teenagers choose friends who aren’t very good. And later young people fall victims by this ‘friends’. Then they want to talk with their parents and it helps relationship to get better. So, I think, adolescence is a very difficult time. Teenagers don’t understand their actions and feelings. One moment they can be very friendly, later they can be angry…
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,66 kB)
How carefully are you with money? Do you like saving? If yes, for what purpose? Is it good to have a part — time job in order to get some money? Does everything depend on money? What is money? Is it just a paper note or something more? Is it the root of evil or is it good? Can we live without it? Does everything depend on it? There are questions which everybody would ask differently. Money is just a paper note but world doesn’t go round without it. Pessimist would say that money is the evil which makes arguments between friends, makes wars, kills people and destroys everybody’s souls. That’s true but that’s also just the one side of the truth. Maybe money is the evil but it is also good because everything depends on it. If I were a millionaire I would live without problems and I wouldn’t need to think how to pay my dues, I wouldn’t have to put by money in order to have enough food. This means that money allows living well — off. But it is needless to say that humanity disappears when there is too much money, and egoism takes place of humanity. So what can we do if we want to have plenty of money and don’t be lost to sense of humanity? We need to do work honestly and to save our money. To star with I’m very carefully with my money. It’s very good always to have it, because when I have enough money I don’t go out of my mind even if there happens something to me. There isn’t necessary to borrow from somebody, too. That’s because I always think about my future and I never know what will happen to me, too. Basically I put by money for purpose to feel safe. And maybe you feel like you don’t know how I manage to save money being a teenager. Well, I get a pocket money from my mother everyday. I don’t spend all of them so I put by twenty pounds per month. That’s not a big amount but that’s enough for me. I think that there would be better to get more, but that’s not a necessity. Apart from this I bay clothes from the second — hand shops and accessories from sale. It helps me to save a lot of money. On the one hand if I didn’t save it I would borrow some from somebody. But that’s not a good idea because I feel really bad being in debt. I don’t like to borrow and also I don’t like to lend, too. However, it would be great to have a part — time job in order to get some money. In my opinion every man should try to find a right way how to earn some extra money. They should stop putting the blame on life for injustice. Saying the truth I dream of perfect graduation that I would be able to get a good job in order to earn a lot of money. And I don’t want that there would be heavy fall of rain of money. I just want to share my future life by myself. I believe in a dream that’s why I keep trying and do my best to realize it. To sum up I want to say that money is a lubricous thing. You must be very carefully with it because you never know what can happen in the future. And although money is the root of evil but we couldn’t live without it. And also it smells good.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,89 kB)
. In high school, you couldn’t do that much as a freshman. You really didn’t know what to expect coming from middle school, just that it was a new place to learn. Following the rules was a necessity. If you didn’t get in good with a couple of teachers, the rest of your high school years could be treacherous. Although, if you could get through your freshman year, the other three are a breeze. During your sophomore through senior year, you had made friends with most teachers and could get by with almost anything. If you were in any class with that certain teacher, she would probably let you do favors for her to get you out of class. She would also let you go do things you needed to do, always giving you a good grade, and you didn’t even have to show up to class most of the time. I thought high school was the easiest part of my school days. College is a totally different atmosphere. You still have the same freedom you had in high school, but you don’t have to go to class if you don’t want to. The disadvantage is, you can’t make up any work you missed either. In high school, if you missed three or four days you got the same amount of time to make it up. Here at Maple Woods, there are very few sports you can get into. I think the only sports they have are baseball and softball. In high school, you can get into any sport you can think of. Another thing is that you don’t have to be on time, or stay the whole time. You can get up and leave at anytime you want. The reason for that is, you are paying for your credits, if you don’t pass you don’t get the credit. That is a waste of money, and no one likes to waste money. I prefer college, because you get to make your schedule. You can come in as early as eight in the morning, and leave as late as eight at night. It makes it much more convenient for those who work forty or more hours a week. Even though I prefer college now, I still think high school was the best years of your life.
Lithuanian flora consists of deciduous trees, coniferous wood, mixed forests and bushes. Deciduous trees are oak, birch, alder, lime and others. Fir and pine are from coniferous wood. Mixed forests compose the biggest part of Lithuanian flora. Many animals are involved in Red book in Lithuania. Hunters don’t think about damage which they make hunting animals. In my opinion, national parks and conservation areas are necessary in Lithuania. These places protect our forests from cutting, animals don’t disappear.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2 psl., 9,38 kB)
Angliški išsireiškimai, visi turėtų būti teisingi, nes dirbta su gera anglų mokytoja.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (5 psl., 12,88 kB)
Pollution problems
Today pollution is very important problem in the world. What we can see on television, or hear on the radio about our environment is only wishful thinking, because in the real life, around us, there is lots of rubbish, water is unhealthy and air is not very clean. People drop litter around and they don’t think about consequences. We should take thought about saving the environment, because it is one of the biggest gifts of the life.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 3,46 kB)
15 anglų kalbos tekstų kalbėjimui.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (5 psl., 15,04 kB)
100 anglų kalbos transformacijų. Gale yra atsakymai.
Anglų kalba  Testai   (13 psl., 34,24 kB)
Džiuzepė Verdis
žiuzepė Verdis, Žiovanio Boldinio paveikslas, 1886 (Nacionalinė Modernaus Meno Galerija, Roma). Džiuzepė Verdis (Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi; gim. Le Roncole kaimelyje, Busseto komunoje, 1813 m. spalio 10 d. mirė 1901 m. sausio 27 d. Milane.) buvo žymus italų kompozitorius, daugiausia rašęs operai. Jis buvo vienas įtakingiausių XIX a. Italijos Operos Mokyklos narių, jo darbai dažnai, atliekami operų halėse visame pasaulyje, peržengia įprastines žanro ribas, kai kurie netgi įsitvirtino populiariojoje kultūroje – pvz., La donna è mobile iš Rigoletto operos arba Libiamo ne' lieti calici iš Traviatos.
Muzika  Referatai   (7,59 kB)
Present Unreal Conditional If I have time, I study English. (Sometimes I have time.) If I had time, I would study English. (I don't have time.) Past Real Conditional Past Unreal Conditional If I had time, I studied English. (Somtimes I had time.) If I had had time, I would have studied English. (I didn't have time.) Future Real Conditional Future Unreal Conditional If I have time, I will study English. If I have time, I am going to study English. (I don't know if I will have time or not.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3 kB)
Sparkling river in front of your eyes, blinding sunshine, a few boats rowing in the calm water and 35 degrees above zero. You’re just lying on the lawn near some kind of palace… You turn right, look at your friend and think, that it is a marvellous day. People are staring at you, but you don’t care… Actually you should be at the caves of stalagmites and stalactites at this moment, because you planned this yesterday, but such a beautiful day you won’t miss in some kind of cave… Aren’t you amazed?
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,88 kB)
Business Dress code
We would like to present for you business dress code. Of course, we know, that your knowledge about clothing is really wide, but in the lecture there were a lot of discussions about it, so we are going to explain why the dress code is so important in the offices or in another workplace. First of all, I think, that everyone knows, this old phrase: "You will never get a second chance to make the first impression”. As a business executive, you have a responsibility to send the best professional message you can be successful.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (3,89 kB)
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. Nickname Leo. Height 5' 11" (1.80 m). Mini biography. His name allegedly derives from his German mother Irmalin's having experienced a sudden kick from her unborn boy while enjoying a DaVinci painting at the Uffizi. In the year following his birth, she and his Italian father, George, were divorced. He grew up in Echo Park, then a particularly seedy, drug-dominated area of Los Angeles.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (5,36 kB)
Present Simple – everyday/year, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, always, never, at weekends, on Mondays …Po when, as, while, before, after, as soon as, until, if; taip pat po who, which, that pgr. sakinys būsimasis, o šalutinis būtinai esamasis. Present Continuous (to be talking) – now, at the(this) moment; su įsiterpusiais always, constantly, for ever. Present perfect (to have talked) – just, already, yet, lately, recently, so far, ever, never, before. Baigtam veiksmui su today, this morning/afternoon/evening/week/month/year, kai jie reiškia nepasibaigųsį laiką. Nepasibaigusiam veiksmui su for ir since.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,32 kB)
Quantifiers - Some rules of thumb on the use of little, a little, few and a few. LITTLE : only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for hardly any, not much e.g. Look at the sky, there is little hope for bright and sunny weather tomorrow. A LITTLE:only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for a small amount, some e.g. Is there ? The weather forecast says there is still a little hope.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,12 kB)
Present Simple – esamasis paprastasis veiksmažodžio laikas. Šis laikas naudojamas kalbant apie veiksmus kurie vyksta dažnai = often, kiekvieną dieną = every day, bendrai = generally, įprastai = usually, kartais = sometimes, kaip taisyklė = as a rule, savaitgaliais = at weekends ir pan. Visi veiksmai, kurie išreiškiami šiuo veiksmažodžio laiku, vyksta dabartyje, tačiau ne konkrečiu einamuoju momentu. Pvz. sakinyje “Aš skaitau knygas kiekvieną dieną.”
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,1 kB)
Volfgangas Amadėjus Mocartas gimė Zalcburge 1756 metais sausio 27dieną . Jo tėvas Leopoldas, įžymus to meto smuikininkas, kompozitorius ir pedagogas. Mocartui lemtis buvo ypač negailestinga:visus, kam teko jį regėti beveik dar mažylį, priblokšdavo nematyti, negirdėti jo gabumai. Mocartas buvo labai linksmas ir judrus vaikas. Jam patikdavo pajuokauti su tėvu. Mocartui nebuvo leista liesti prie pianino, nes visi galvojo, kad tik ausis plėšis nemalonūs garsai. Bet šeima klydo. Berniukas paūgėjęs galėjo kūrinį sugroti vienu pirštu. Ketverių metų Mocartas pradėjo kurti ir netrukus išgarsėjo kaip vunderkindas(vokiškai Wunderkind-stebuklingas vaikas).
Muzika  Referatai   (11,87 kB)
Darbas anglų kalba apie anglevandenius, vitaminus, riebalus. What you eat has a life long effect on your health and well-being. To look and feel your best, you have to eat adequate amounts of the proper foods. Many teenagers don't always choose the food that is best for them. They may not want to eat what the rest of the family is eating or they may eat poorly at school. The food at the school cafeteria is required by law in the United States to meet certain nutritional standards, but you may not be eating their food. There are six types of nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.
Pramonė  Referatai   (5,85 kB)
Anglų kalbos temos
Personal identification I’m Darius. I was born in 1978 on the 21th of February in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (15,57 kB)
Dialogai, kuriuos tenka kalbėti įskaitos metu, temos iš egzaminų programos.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (3,48 kB)
The rich should share all their wealth with the poor. Today’s world is not very easy. Many people are living poorly these days, some of them are even starving. Those people, who couldn’t have got the background because of particular reasons, now are saying, how they are unlucky and miserable persons. And those who earn a lot, who are reveling in their life and don’t count the money, don’t ever think how they could be generous by helping the poor’s.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,15 kB)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (11,73 kB)
Today education has become a token of an advanced, healthy and competent society. In fact, modern education more than ever before is aiming to provide experiences that will be useful in life (Smith 153). In the process of deciding which activities are effective and should be included in the high school curriculum, a clash between opinions often arises.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (5,45 kB)
Pollution problems
Kalba apie gamtos problemas. Gavau 9. Klaidų daug, bet mokytoja sakė, kad turinys geras.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (1,67 kB)
Education. Health and body care. Free time, entertainment. Services. Shopping. Everybody has a right to education in Lithuania. The secondary education is compulsory. Nowadays the life in our country is very difficult and a lot of young people don’t go to school, they haven’t even got secondary education. There are a lot of young people, children especially in big town’s streets.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 10,95 kB)
One of my favourite thing is poetry which helps me to understand the outside world, brings to my mind the strength of the human spirit, the beauty of man. Poetry helps me to educate myself. When I have some spare time I create poems too. I’m going to publish my creative work in the future. But I know I must work very hard if I want to charm my readers. I wont to appeal to people’s hearts & minds of people, to their feeling & ideals. I’m also interested in architecture so I like to visit the places where I can see how people lived in the past, old buildings, castles. I like Gediminas castle, which foundation is guarded by the “Iron wolf” legend.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3 psl., 8,08 kB)
Pagalba ruošiantis anglų kalbos egzamino kalbėjimo daliai.
Lietuvių kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (8 psl., 19,36 kB)