Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 1073 rezultatai

Darbas anglų kalbą,apie nedarbingumą Airijoje, nedarbingumo tipus,priežastis bei galimus sprendimus. Tai pat Airijos valstybės iniciatyvas kovojant su nedarbingumo lygiu.
Ekonomika  Analizės   (14 psl., 138,35 kB)
neverbaline kalba
Psichologija  Referatai   (12 psl., 329,75 kB)
Reklamos priemonių internete analizė BAKALAURO BAIGIAMASIS DARBAS
Rinkodara  Diplominiai darbai   (60 psl., 2,65 MB)
Bakalauro darbas
prekes zenklas
Administravimas  Diplominiai darbai   (27 psl., 49,92 kB)
Throughout the world, we value Freedom. It is on this subject that I want to share some thoughts with you. For us Freedom has a broad meaning, and with it many obligations. The concept of freedom is abstract and to understand what it is, you can best compare freedom to a "hole", in the wall. A hole in itself is nothing, but it is determined by its surroundings. If there were nothing around the hole, there wouldn't even be a hole. Freedom is not a simple matter of doing what we want to do, and having fun; although some may think so, for a while at least. Freedom is freedom from bondage (vergove) and exploitation. It is a state in which we may grow and learn, be nourished, and in which we may develop our talents, and explore life and the world in its many dimensions. This is what we want for ourselves, for our families
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (6,11 kB)
Lietuvos įmonėms bei ūkininkams integruojantis į Europos Sąjungos bei pasaulio ekonominę sistemą ypatingą reikšmę įgauna įmonės ar ūkininko ūkio konkurencingumo didinimas. Sparčiai besikeičiančios rinkos sąlygos, konkuruojantiems, besistengiantiems gauti kuo daugiau pelno, ūkininkams tampa svarbiu iššūkiu, reikalaujančiu didelių išlaidų bei ypatingų žinių ir gebėjimų. Ūkininkai turi dėti daugiau pastangų, norėdami išlaikyti konkurencingą ūkį. Suintensyvėjus konkurencijai nepakanka ūkyje didinti laikomų gyvulių skaičių, ar sėjamų javų plotus. Ūkininkai savo ūkyje privalo galovti, kurti bei diegti naujoves, kurios ne tik didintų ūkio efektyvumą, pvz.: padidinti primelžiamo pieno kiekį, bet ir mažintų darbo sąnaudas.
Vadyba  Referatai   (21 psl., 36,29 kB)
A vegetarian is one who eats no animal products. Some people call themselves vegetarians but still eat fish and chicken; be assured those two species still belong to the animal kingdom—they have flesh and blood just like a cow or a human or a deer. Also he or she uses a minimum of leather, only where necessary. There are three issues to consider in regard to vegetarianism. They are: nutritional, spiritual, and moral. Nutritionally, the alkaline-based digestive system of humans will not properly break down substantial acid substances, the greatest of which is meat. (Also, the amount of cholesterol in meat is unhealthy.) Colon cancer is rampant! This is caused by the slow evacuation and the putrefaction in the colon of the remains of meat. Lifelong vegetarians never suffer from such an illness. The type and amount of oils in meat are unhealthy and they turn rancid upon the death of the animal. The flesh and blood also began to putrefy as soon as the animal is killed. Many meat eaters believe that meat is the sole source of protein. However, the quality of this protein is so poor that little of it can ever be utilized by humans because it is incomplete and lacks the correct combination of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Studies show that the average American gets five times the amount of protein needed. It is a common medical fact that excess protein is dangerous, the prime danger being that uric acid (the waste product produced in the process of digesting protein) attacks the kidneys, breaking down the kidney cells called nephrons. This condition is called nephritis; the prime cause of it is overburdening the kidneys. More usable protein is found in one tablespoon of tofu or soybeans than the average serving of meat!
To start with I think you agree with me that a big part of our most joyful and impressive moments are from holidays. Then our mood is in high spirit, we have lots of time to do everything we want. In addition, it is the way to relax and escape from your daily problems. A long days of holidays encourage us to start on a journey. Maybe you always have wanted to see acropolis in Greece or to dive into Mediterranean in Egypt? Holiday is the best time to do this. However, so many men so many minds. Different people prefer different ways to spend their holidays. Somebody prefers flights to journeys by bus, because you can see clouds, ocean or earth below you without any hindrance, furthermore it is a good way quickly to reach the place. Besides the plane other choose a traditional type of traveling by car. When the wind scatters your hair and you could feel like hero from “The Road” by Jack Keruack . As far as I can see young people give preference to hitch-hiking. Firstly, it takes them unusual experience, because such type of traveling is always full of unexpected situations. And secondly, it`s the cheapest way to travel. However, in my opinion it`s quite dangerous, especially for girls. This is the reason why I have never try such traveling. In spite of this I like traveling. It gives an opportunity to communicate with different types of people, to know yourself better and to know your friends inside out, because travel is a good way to unfold the true face of person. And the main reason why people every year over and over visit other countries is that travel gives an opportunity to know more about unique that country`s traditions and cultural identity. Furthermore it helps to expand our horizon. In conclusion, I would like to say that it is up to every person’s taste which type of travelling to choose.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4,04 kB)
The daily routine
I open the window; make my bed and switch on the radio. I do my exercises to music. Then I go to the bathroom, take a shower and brush my teeth. While I dress, my mother gets breakfast ready for me. I usually have some toast, two eggs and a cup of tea. I leave the house at 7.55 a.m. As the school is not far from my home, I do not take a bus, I go on foot. It takes me only 5 minutes to get to school. I usually meet my best friend Povilas on my way. We walk together and talk about different things. Our lessons begin at 8 o’clock. We have seven lessons a day, except Monday and Friday. On these days we have six lessons. Our lessons are over 2.25 p.m. After coming home I have my dinner and take a short nap. Then I spend two hours on my homework. In the evening I like to do a little reading. Sometimes I sit at home and watch TV or listen to the radio. I also try to find time to do sports and help my parents. It is not until midnight that I usually go to bed.
An inflammation of the mouth, often a symptom of systemic disease. Fetif breath odor and blood-tinged saliva is a symptom of lesioned oral mucosa. Etilogy. Stomatitis may be caused by infection, trauma, dryness, irritants and toxic agents. Infectious agents: streptococci, gonococci viruses of herpes, also avitaminosis, lack of vit B and C. Mechanical: cheek bitting, jagged teeth, orthodontic appliances, excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, hot foods, or spices. Also – mercury, bismuth, acid fumes and metal dust. Symptoms and signs. Allergic stomatitis – is characterized by an intense, shiny erythema, dryness. Candidiasis – the infection usualy begins on the tongue and buccal mucosa and may spread to the palate, gums. Dzagnosis. Physical examination is obligatory. Direct smears and cultures from the lesions may discloss a pathogen. Treatment. Meticulous oral hygiene is always necessary. Candidiasis responds to nystatin.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,27 kB)
When you get a phone call and other party says ‘’hello’’, often you recognize the voice. Visual impressions, tastes, and smells are also coded in LM. If encoding is proper, in the case we need that information most probably we will be able to use it. 2. Storage. Some information is almost certainly lost from storage, particularly when there is a disruption of the processes that consolidate new memories. The biological locus of consolidation includes the hippocampus and amygdala, brain structures located below the cerebral cortex. Direct evidence of storage loss comes from people who receive electroconvulsive therapy to alleviate severe depresion. In such cases, the patient loses some memory for events that occurred in the months prior to shock, but not for earlier events. These memory losses are unlikely to be due to retrieval failures, because if the shock disrupted retrieval then all memories should be affected,not just the recent ones. 3. Retrieval. Many cases of forgetting from LM result from a loss of access to the information rather than from a loss of the information itself. That is, poor memory often reflects a retrieval failure rather than a storage failure. Trying to retrieve an item from LM is like trying to find a book in a large library. Failure to find the book doesn’t necessarily mean it is not there; you may be looking in the wrong place, or it may simply be misfiled and therefore inaccessible. There are a lot of evidence for retrieval failures. For example, you cannot recall a specific name or date during the exam, and you remember it just after the exam. Another example is ‘’tip-of-the-tongue’’experience in which a particular word lies tantalizingly outside our ability to recall it. We may feel quite tormented until a search of memory finally retrieves the correct word. The better the retrieval cues, the better our memory. Retrieval failures are less likely to happen when the items are organized during encoding and when the context at retrieval is similar to that at encoding. Retrieval processes can also be disrupted by emotional factors. Among the factors that can impair retrieval, the most important is interference. The essence of it: if we associate different items with the same cue, when we retrieve one of the items, the other items may become active and intefere with our recovery of the target. For example, if your friend Dan moves and you finally learn his new phone number, you will find it difficult to retrieve the old number. They interfere.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (5,37 kB)
Sports provide the necessary exercises we need for our physical and mental health. It enables us to have fun while contributing growth of our body by means of physical exercises. The most I like about sports is that it is fun. I enjoy spending my time with friends during sport activities, especially while playing volleyball and basketball. It stipulates the team spirit and synergy, the power of doing something collectively. Off course winning is a huge part of the fun as well.  Besides watching sports is an enjoyable leisure time activity also. I specifically like watching tennis and athletics. It is also fun to watch it with friends. On the other hand, sports may sometimes require much effort than I can afford which would be exhausting and it sometimes causes unnecessary tension and conflict among friends during the game. They may cause injuries and accidents under un-careful circumstances. One other thing is that sports have an addictive side. It is often hard to compensate my time between sports and lessons. Still sports are a big part of my life that I can’t give up.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,95 kB)
There is lot of risky things, about which we do not know anything. And of course, we do not worry about it to much. We do not care, that loud noise has influence to color-blindness. We do not know how many harmful material we inhale with polluted air. We do not know what kind of chemical material was used to make ice-cream, which we eat, look so nice. At last, are you sure, that you know all diseases, which threaten to you? We run the risk, this way. Second group of risky things would be risk, about which we know and which we ignore. I am sure, that everybody knows about tabacco and lungs cancer. I am not sure, that everybody cares. It is maybe because these dangerous things, like smoking, crossing street not in pedestrian crossing, eating lot of junk food are quite invisible. If we could see how Tobacco damages our lungs in real-time through microscope - we won’t smoke. If we could see man, who dies in car accident near by us - we won’t cross street not in pedestrian crossing anymore. What can you say about junk food and heart diseases? Sure, they are related. But until you can not see this relationship with the naked eye - you’ll keep eating junk fund and run a risk to die. Third, and of course, most interesting group of dangerous things and actions - things, which we are worried about. We notice them. We are afraid of them. We thing, that we will decrease the level of risk by avoiding them. We discuss about them: what is less risky - plane, car or ship? We thing, that right decision will help us to save our lifes or make them longer. I am sure, that right decision about decreasing level of risk would be very simple. Less thinking about it. Do not make silly things, just less worry about safety, which is related with cars, ships, planes, youth wars in the streets, guns, chemical stuff in air, neutral power stations, falling asteroids, etc. Enjoy life. That’s best decision.
There is lot of risky things, about which we do not know anything. And of course, we do not worry about it to much. We do not care, that loud noise has influence to color-blindness. We do not know how many harmful material we inhale with polluted air. We do not know what kind of chemical material was used to make ice-cream, which we eat, look so nice. At last, are you sure, that you know all diseases, which threaten to you? We run the risk, this way. Second group of risky things would be risk, about which we know and which we ignore. I am sure, that everybody knows about tabacco and lungs cancer. I am not sure, that everybody cares. It is maybe because these dangerous things, like smoking, crossing street not in pedestrian crossing, eating lot of junk food are quite invisible. If we could see how Tobacco damages our lungs in real-time through microscope - we won’t smoke. If we could see man, who dies in car accident near by us - we won’t cross street not in pedestrian crossing anymore. What can you say about junk food and heart diseases? Sure, they are related. But until you can not see this relationship with the naked eye - you’ll keep eating junk fund and run a risk to die. Third, and of course, most interesting group of dangerous things and actions - things, which we are worried about. We notice them. We are afraid of them. We thing, that we will decrease the level of risk by avoiding them. We discuss about them: what is less risky - plane, car or ship? We thing, that right decision will help us to save our lifes or make them longer. I am sure, that right decision about decreasing level of risk would be very simple. Less thinking about it. Do not make silly things, just less worry about safety, which is related with cars, ships, planes, youth wars in the streets, guns, chemical stuff in air, neutral power stations, falling asteroids, etc. Enjoy life. That’s best decision.
City & Town Overview London The capital of the United Kingdom can be divided into three distinct parts. The main commercial area is around The City, where Roman London was founded and where the medieval township grew up, dominated by the massive fortress of the Tower of London. Further west along the Thames lays Westminster, the centre of government and administration. The West End—running west from Covent Garden to Oxford Street—is the main shopping and entertainment area. Surrounding this core are districts such as Kensington, Chelsea, and Marylebone, that joined London in the 18th century, but retain a separate identity. London's attraction is its cosmopolitanism, rivaling that of New York. An imperial capital in the 19th century, it has become a vibrant world city that is home to a fascinating mix of peoples. Trafalgar Square One of the most famous Squares in the World - With Nelsons Column, the National Gallery and of course the pigeons. The Column itself is some 170 foot high, with the statue of Nelson himself being some 18 foot high. Though one would not think so viewing him from the ground. Admiral Nelson is buried in St Pauls Cathedral. landseer lions -... Named after the Naval Battle of 1805, Trafalgar Square was completed by the mid 1840's. Nelsons Column is surrounded by 4 bronze lions, on granite plinths, unveiled in 1868, sculpted by Sir Edwin Landseer, and cast by Marocchetti. At the time Landseer was better known for his animal paintings. Fountains and statues, including one of Charles I on horseback, dating from the 17th century adorn the Square. Yet more sculptures in the form of bronze relief's can be found at the base of the Column depicting scenes from four of Admiral Nelson's Battles. Bus-nelson.jpg On the North side of the Square is the National Gallery, housing masterpieces by Leonardo Da Vinci, Rebens. Alongside is the National Portrait Gallery. ... On the west side is Canada House, while in the North East corner is the Church of St Martins in the Fields.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (147,08 kB)
Letter of Apology
Letter of Apology – sample Dear Mr Smith, In response to (atsakydamas) your letter regarding the unsatisfactory service that you received when renting a car on the 20th July, I would like to begin by giving you my sincere apologies for the inconvenience that you experienced. Firstly, the problem of being given the wrong car. Needless to say a smaller one occurred because the original car that had been booked for your had not been returned by the time you arrived. Unfortunately, the person who had rented the car prior to you, had not adhered (tvirti laikytis) to the rental period originally agreed and as a result was two day’s late in returning it. We were unable to contact him and therefore had to provide you with another vehicle. All of our four door models were at that time rented out, and rather than not providing you with any car at all, we were forced to provide a smaller two-doors model instead. As regards, the problem encountered with (susidurti) the engine and the wind-screen wipers, these were unfortunate mishaps (nelaimingas nutikimas) that could not have been before rental. Each time a car is returned to us, it automatically undergoes (patirti) a rigorous (tikslus, kruopstus) inspection before being given an inspection pass sheet. Our records show that this particular car had passed each inspection stage successfully which leads myself and the mechanics concerned to believe that the problems occurred after the car had been rented to you. This is truly a regrettable occurrence. Please, allow me to offer you 100 $ by way of compensation and to contribute towards (aukoti, duoti) the cost of your train ticket. In addition to this, I would like also to offer you our newest model, a luxurious four-door, rover for a six-day rental period at a time most convenient for you. I hope this offer will make up for the distressing journey you encountered, and will restore your confidence in our company as a customer-friendly organization. May I apologise again for this inconvenience. Meanwhile, I look forward to hearing from you to arrange a suitable date for renting our courtesy (pgarbumas) car. Yours sincerely, Mr j. Robins
I even got unsightly flags on the streets of Maroubra taken down after writing a public letter of complaint outlining the visual pollution and commercialisation of our otherwise beautiful suburb of Maroubra Beach. The motivation is always there to learn more.” Favourite aspects of his role as the Media Man include: “Meeting and dealing with so many wonderful, interesting people. I am expanding my horizons every day. Interviewing people at Channel 31 has a sentimental significance for me, as the producer, Joy Hruby, gave me my break in television. I need to mention that the Internet provides constant learning and business opportunities. Seeing my ideas and research come to fruition, and benefiting so many, is most gratifying. I also like to expose fraud. Encouraging free thought and expressing freedom of speech in satisfying. Dealing with so many wonderful, supportive folks, many of whom reside in the good ol' USA.” Being able to communicate a message that so many other people will read and consider is probably the most rewarding aspect of being a journalist, according to Greg. “I am still coming to terms with being referred to as a journalist, even though I have my formal qualifications. I need to put in more hard yards, and until I win a major journalism award, I don't mind if I am not thought of as a journalist.”
Each individual person has one or more hobbies. One of them likes to sing, other to collect something, or just to read books. There are a lot of hobbies. Just like drawing, dancing, acting a part, riding a horse, playing football and etc. These things help to forget problems, to relax and have a good time. My hobby is dancing. Several people think that it’s boring and no benefit taking hobby, but I don’t agree with them.For me dancing is really beneficial hobby. First thing is that you can relax and dance for self treat.  Second thing is that you uphold your form. When you dance you forget all problems and you dedicate yourself to dancing. When you are dancing you can improvise and create new motion. It lets your mind to unwind. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to dance. You just have to relax and let your body to move. The most important thing in dancing is that, when you dance in a contest you try to show the best motion that you can do. When your basic wish is to win you do everything that you can. And when you win you fell like in heaven. I can’t describe this feeling, because you have to fell it if you want to understand. These unique emotions remain in your mind forever. I think that no one hobby can give such wonderful moments like dancing.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,08 kB)
Dental caries
Alternative names: dental cavities; tooth decay. Definition: A disease of the teeth resulting in damage to tooth structure. Dental caries is one of the most prevalent disorders afflicting mankind, second only to common cold. It usually occurs in children and young adults. Dental caries is a relatively recent in human history. Dental caries remain a relatively rare disease in some areas of the world. In Europe, North and South America, virtually every person is attacked at some time during his life. Tooth decay seems to be a disease of civilization possibly associated with refined foods. A lack of dental cleanliness is also closely associated with tooth decay. There are three main factors that be simultaneously for the condition to occur: ●microbial dental plaque; ●teeth susceptible to caries; ●diet that provides a frequent supply of fermentable carbohydrate Microbial dental plaque is a colorless, bacteria laden film that forms daily on the teeth. The bacteria convert all foods-especially sugar starch-into acids. The onset of carries is early in susceptible populations. Decay occurs where bacteria and foods adhere to the surface of the teeth. Many individuals with high caries susceptibility speak of inheriting “soft teeth” or that the resistance to tooth decay is strongly influenced by genetic variation in tooth composition. Prevention. Oral hygiene is the primary prevention against dental caries. This consists of personal care and professional care. The use of dental sealants is a good means of cavity prevention. Sealants are thin plastic-like coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars. Symptoms and Signs: ● toothache; ● cavities. Most dental caries are discovered in the early stages during routine checkups. The surface of the tooth may be soft, pain may not be present until advanced stages of tooth decay and dental X-ray may show some cavities before they are visible. Treatment. Destroyed tooth structure does not regenerate. The progression of dental caries can be stopped by treatment. In filling teeth, the decayed material is removed by drilling and replaced with a restorative material such as silver alloy, gold, porcelain, or composite. Treatment often preserves the tooth. Dental caries- dantu eduonis Afflict – sukelti skausma Lesion – pazeidimas Refined foog – tinkamas maistas Medical condition- medicinine bukle Abscess- pulinys Restriction- apribojimas Prevent- uzkirsti kelia Dental sealant- dantu plevele Regenerative- atstatymas Preserve- saugoti Filling- plomba Alloy- lydinys Amalgam-amalgama
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4,33 kB)
Breast Cancer
Mammograms What you can expect after the mammogram: 1) The radiologist may explain your results at the time of mammogram/ ultrasound (If this is not offered, you can request it, but often you may need to schedule a consultation.) 2) The detailed report of the findings is usually sent directly to your primary or referring physician. If you want it, you may have a copy of this report. Ask the doctor who received it. 3) You will also receive a brief report by mail of the radiologist’s findings and recommendations for needed follow-up. (This report is mandated by law.) Some possible recommendations by the radiologist or primary doctor if there is a suspicious area or lump found on the mammogram: 1) Wait 3-6 months and have another mammogram to see if there are any changes 2) Referral for ultrasound which will show whether a cyst is fluid-filled or solid 3) Referral to surgeon for biopsy. (At some mammography centers the mammogram and the biopsy may be done on the same day. It depends on the capability of the particular center.) 4) Referral for a ductogram (For this procedure, the radiologist takes a very fine plastic catheter and with a magnifying glass, threads it into the duct, squirts dye into it, and takes a picture. A ductogram provides a map for the surgeon to use for a biopsy and may also show the source of your breast discharge, if you had discharge.) Possible questions to ask/things to advocate for: 1) If you have a palpable lump, the mammographer should put a marker on your breast to make sure the lump is identifiable on the film. 2) If you have calcifications, a magnification view is often taken. Sometimes this step is skipped and you are sent directly for a biopsy. (You should ask why, if this is the case, especially if surgical biopsy is recommended.) 3) If referred for biopsy, consider a second opinion of the mammogram at another center. (For some people a center that specializes in mammography is a better option.) Take your original mammography films with you. 4) How much time do I have to make a decision about what to do next? 5) Ask how many mammograms the radiologist reads in a year. The accuracy of the reading varies depending in part on the number of mammograms someone reads. 6) Check for the FDA/National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee certification. It should be posted in the center. Biopsies If you need to have a biopsy, there are several types you could have. The type of biopsy depends in part on whether the lump is palpable (you can feel it) or not. If the lump can only be seen on a mammogram, it can be approached by a stereotactic fine-needle biopsy, stereotactic core biopsy, mammotome, or wire localization biopsy (see below for descriptions). These procedures use the mammogram or ultrasound to locate the lump before sampling it. If the lump is palpable, then it can also be tested with fine-needle aspiration or a core biopsy. Finally, the lump can be removed entirely with an excisional biopsy or a piece of it can be removed with an incisional biopsy.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (49,29 kB)
My dream house
To start with as I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 2,81 kB)
TCP/IP addressing
IP addressing: each network interface in TCP/IP network is assigned a unique 32-bit internet address that is used in all communications with that host - IP address, IP Address encodes both host and network numbers, host and address numbers depend on address class. IP addressing: class A - up to 126 networks with 16777214 hosts each, class B - up to 16,382 networks with 65534 hosts each, class C - up to 2097152 networks with 254 hosts each.
Informatika  Pateiktys   (11 psl., 215,85 kB)
Computer network - interconnected collection of autonomous computers. Mainframe computer with terminals is not a computer network. Computer network is not a Distributed system. Distributed system is a software, built on top of a network. Networks for companies: resource sharing, high reliability, saving money, communication medium. Networks for people: access to remote information, person-to-person communication, interactive entertainment.
Informatika  Pateiktys   (19 psl., 530,76 kB)
Harold Wilson
Wilson, Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx (1916-1995), British prime minister (1964-70, 1974-76), born on March 11, 1916, in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, and educated at Jesus College, University of Oxford. Wilson became a lecturer in economics at Oxford in 1937 at the age of 21. During World War II, he served in several government departments. He was elected to Parliament in 1945 as Labour party member for Ormskirk, Lancashire. In 1947 he became a member of the Privy Council; he was president of the board of trade from 1947 until 1951.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 14,33 kB)
Laboratorinio darbo ataskaita. Tekstiniuose duomenų failuose P1 ir P2 turime dviejų parduotuvių prekių sąrašus “ Prekė – spalva – kiekis – kaina “. Vienos parduotuvės sąraše prekės nesikartoja. Užduoties analizė. Suprojektuoti programos struktūrą, sudaryti meniu algoritmus, kurių meniu punktų vykdymą pakeistų imitatoriai. Programa rašoma Turbo Paskalio kalba.
Informatika  Ataskaitos   (7 psl., 11,78 kB)
Turto draudimo sutarties samprata. Turto draudimo sutarties turinys. Esminės turto draudimo sutarties sąlygos. Įprastinės ir atsitiktinės turto draudimo sutarties sąlygos. Turto draudimo sutarties sudarymas ir pasibaigimas. Šiame darbe didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas turto draudimo sutarties reglamentacijai Lietuvos Respublikoje, draudimo įmonių praktikai draudimo rūšies taisyklėse nustatant turto draudimo sutarčių sąlygas, taip pat lyginamuoju aspektu bus atsižvelgiama į užsienio šalių (Anglijos, Rusijos ir Vokietijos ir kt.) patirtį. Įvadas
Teisė  Diplominiai darbai   (60 psl., 52,98 kB)
Komercinio kontrakto samprata. Kontraktų rūšys. Kontrakto šalys. Parengiamasis kontrakto sudarymo etapas. Kontaktai pirkėjo iniciatyva. Kontaktai per paklausimą. Kontaktai per užsakymą. Pro forma. Kontaktai su partneriais tarptautiniuose renginiuose. Konkursai. Kontaktai pardavėjo iniciatyva. Kontrakto sudarymas. Kontrakto struktūra ir turinys. Pirkimo pardavimo kontrakto reguliavimas. Incoterms sąlygų apžvalga.
Ekonomika  Kursiniai darbai   (21 psl., 36,63 kB)
Global warming
Global warming is a big problem in nowadays world. It caused by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This phenomenon lead to significiant changes in the Earth’s climate. I want to explain greenhouse effect. The Earth gets heat from the sun. Most of sun’s energy absorbed [abz’obd] by the Earth, but some heat radiates back to space. Certain gases in the atmosphere reflect part of this heat back to the Earth’s surface. The result is an overall rise in temperature.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (1,27 kB)
Šis darbas buvo pristatytas Portugalijoje, Bragancos IPB institute, 2008m. Darbas buvo įvertintas 8 - iems, reikia dar gilesnių idėjų, ir pasinaudoti didesne literatūra, kadangi tai buvo mūsų visiškai sugalvotos naujos idejos, literatūra naudojomės...
Tai yra "sollution essay" apie stresą kurį patiria studentai prieš egzaminus. Tai buvo 12 klasės studento namų darbas pristatytas Druskininkų Ryto gimnazijoje.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,04 kB)