Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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Some people claim that the biggest influence to global warming are doing the richest industrialised countries, and pour countries , can’t make any changes. However others maintain that all, even the poorest nations are responsible for disaster which is called- global warming.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,32 kB)
Rašinys buvo įvertintas 10, "The car has been the most popular method (būdas) of transport for many years but it has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, driving a car we avoid crowds, we feel free in our cars, we can listen to music. In winter we don't get cold because there are heating and in summer thanks to air conditioning we don't feel hot. Moreover, a car is contrary (priešingybė) to public transport we don't have to worry about a bus being late, because we get into our cars at the time we choose ourself and go for example to our friends. Using a car is comfortable and easier than using public transport......." (APIMTIS 0.5 PSL)
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,82 kB)
Popular music
. I’m not saying all pop fans are closed minded to the point where they listen to the music genre that is currently trendy in hopes of it helping them position themselves socially. I’m also not denying the fact, people like that are out there. In most cases, I think people listen to pop because for some reason they’re not involved in another music scene, so it’s all they know exists. Record labels systematically chose who they want to sign, and then promote them to the public. Therefore, they have an enormous influence on what music America and many other countries listen to. This is bad news because corporate promoters don’t just go out looking for talent to sign to their label regardless of what kind of music it is attached to. Companies use statistics to determine what they think will sell, and sign whoever fits the right criteria. They don’t bother looking for artists who aren’t playing what’s hot; they want bands playing the sound they know sells. Labels also want bands with catchy songs, and I don’t know about you but I think catchy giggles are for advertisements. Real musicians have to be careful where they put their signature, because any one who takes them self seriously wouldn’t stand for a company who censers their art. Also you may have noticed TV is now just as much a source of music as radio, so you better be an attractive conformist if you want to be promoted as an artist in the business of pop music. MTV, without doubt, plays a major role in how generic popular music has become. Obviously the birth of music videos gave big business a chance to sell music to the other four senses. The real opportunity for MTV to cash in on the music industry wasn’t just picking up their crumbs. Just luring in those people whose ears are uninterested in music with flashy colors and shiny things is no longer their motive. Quickly MTV figured out eye candy doesn’t sell nearly as well as the fantasy life the right image can supply. There is nothing wrong with having an image, everyone portrays an image whether they like it or not. In this case the problem is, MTV uses image to sell a product where image should be considered irrelevant. The effect of doing this is closing the viewers’ minds; it causes people to listen to music only on the expressional level.
Modal Verbs
The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own once”. Today English language is the language of the world. English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states that represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. It is also the major language of diplomacy. No doubt that we must know English very well.
London - the grand resonance of its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for entertainment by day and night go on and on and on. It's a city that exhilarates and intimidates, stimulates and irritates in equal measure, a grubby Monopoly board studded with stellar sights. It's a cosmopolitan mix of Third and First Worlds, chauffeurs and beggars, the stubbornly traditional and the proudly avant-garde.
As we all know, there are all sorts of food. Of course there are a lot of facilities where we can eat. Breakfast, supper, dinner, custom dishes and national ones, I could list them for ages, but now let’s talk about fast food. Fast food? How can food be “fast”? Different meals take different time to be prepared. But we aren’t talking about normal dishes here.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (1,21 kB)
Some people think of it as a form of justice. Others think of it as a disgrace to humanity. I strongly believe that there should not be a death penalty. The death penalty deters murder and prevents murderers from killing again by putting the fear of death in to would be killers. A person is less likely to do something, if he or she thinks that harm will come to him. Another way the death penalty may help deter murder is the fact that if the killer is death, he or she will not be able to kill again.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (1,98 kB)
Kalbos ypatybės
The formal patterns of correct reasoning can all be conveyed through ordinary language, but then so can a lot of other things. In fact, we use language in many different ways, some of which are irrelevant to any attempt to provide reasons for what we believe. It is helpful to identify at least three distinct uses of language: 1. The informative use of language involves an effort to communicate some content. When I tell a child, "The fifth of May is a Mexican holiday," or write to you that "Logic is the study of correct reasoning," or jot a note to myself, "Jennifer—555-3769," I am using language informatively.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (1,64 kB)
Žmogus, tai labiausiai išsivysčiusi protingos prigimties biologinė būtybė (homo sapiens). Žmogumi domisi įvairūs mokslai; bilologija, medicina, filosofija, psichologija ir socialiniai mokslai. Žmones, kaip protingas būtybes apibūdiname individo, asmens ir asmenybės sąvokomis.
Psichologija  Konspektai   (17,96 kB)
Pagrindiniai Allport'o asmenybės teorijos principai. Allportas pateikė tokį asmenybės apibrėžimą: asmenybė – tai vidinė dinaminė individo psichofizinių sistemų organizacija, lemianti jo unikalų elgesį ir mąstymą. Tuo jis norėjo pasakyti, kad žmogus ne tik prisitaiko prie aplinkos, bet ir įprasmina ją bei sąveikauja su ja taip, kad aplinka yra priversta prisitaikyti prie žmogaus. Dabar paaiškinsiu porą sudėtingesnių sąvokų atskirai.
Psichologija  Konspektai   (5,07 kB)
Rašinys "Kas geriau, žiūrėti filmus namuose ar kine", mano anglų kalbos mokytojos buvo įvertintas palankiai.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (0,99 kB)
Channels of communication What are ‘telecommunications’? This term refers to the transmission of information over long distances using the telephone system, radio, TV satellite or computer links. Examples are two people speaking on the phone, a sales department sending a fax to a client or someone reading the teletext pages on TV But in the modern world, telecommunications mainly means transferring information from one PC to another via modem and phone lines (or fibre-optic cables).
Hawaii is a group of islands located in the centre of the Pacific Ocean that became the 50th state of the United States of America in 1959. The 130 islands are of volcanic origin. Only seven of the eight major islands are inhibated :Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii's Big Island… GEOGRAPHY Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, over 2,000 miles from the nearest landfall. Distance makes for splendid isolation - these Polynesian islands are removed from all else but one another.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (7,33 kB)
Z. Oh, this party was pretty cool, but I and My friends were only in official part. I come home at 5 o’clock in the morning and what do you think about this party? M. Oh, this party was not bad but I was only in official part too and after this I with...
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (0,81 kB)
My dream house
The topic of my talk is my dream house. As an introduction to my talk I want to say that I feel fine in our house, but everyone wants to live better, I think. Firstly, I’d like to tell you about lifestyle of living in a city and living in a country. The townies are more private people than the villager. Often the peoples, who live in the city, know their neighbours just by sight.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,61 kB)
Style in letter
Tai vienuolika skirtingomis temomis parašytų rašinėlių, kurie pravers besiruošiant anglų kalbos egzaminams ar kalbėjimo įskaitoms.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (10,77 kB)
Už šį monologą gavau 9, sakįė labai geras turinys. I am going to speak about clothes. I really think that clothes are very important in our life and it has always been so. The statement that you can tell much about people from their clothes is true. When you meet a person you always judge about him from his clothes. For example, if a person is neatly dressed and wears clean clothes most probably he is tidy and diligent.
I have read the first part of the book “Well done, Secret Seven”. It was written by Enid Blyton. I don’t know why, but this book admired me for the first look. This book tells an adventure story about Secret Society, where seven young children are involved.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (0,97 kB)
Private schooling
Private Schooling Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that private schools offer a better education to children and better prepare them for college. Thesis Statement: Private school children are more involved in community service, are generally provided with a better education, and are more likely to apply and succeed in college.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,38 kB)
Neblogas tyrimas (research) apie kūno kultūros svarbą. Geras "main body", yra ir anketos pavyzdys. Tik grafikai išgalvoti, nes tikra apklausa nebuvo atlikta :)
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,53 kB)
KTU socialinių mokslų fakulteto 1 kurso anglų kalbos tiriamasis darbas (gavau 10). "Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets." That’s what once said Ronald Reagan about taxes and what it is collected for. Of course, it was a joke, but I may bet there are lots of people, who would agree with that thought. Sometimes they even feel that they are caught in the behemothian jaws of government.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,09 kB)
Kompiuterio virusai
Virusų atsiradimas. Virusai ir antivirusai. Antivirusinių programų efektyvumas. Virus Hoax: netikri virusai. Pagrindiniai užkrėtimo šaltiniai. Virusų rūšys ir pavojingumas. Kompiuterių virusas – programa, kuri savavališkai trikdo kompiuterio programų darbą bei keičia kompiuteryje esančią informaciją: įrašo naują, ištrina esamą, modifikuoja vartotojo programas (ar bylas), įterpdama į jas savo pačios kopijas (ar perdirbtus variantus), ir šiaip pakenkia programų darbui.
Informatika  Referatai   (11 psl., 39,13 kB)
Keli sakiniai kalbėjimui.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 2,55 kB)
Class life
Autumn for students is necessarily related with school. To some this relation reminds of time spent the best possible way but to some it is the most horrible thing. I myself don’t long for school so much as I do for my classmates. That is easily explained: we’ve already spent nine years together (that isn’t aimed for all the students).
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 2,73 kB)
Great Britain
London. Wales. Windsor castle. London was not built as a city in the same way as Paris or New York. It began life as a Roman fortification at a place where it was possible to cross the River Thames. A wall was built around the town for defence, but during the long period of peace which followed the Norman Conquest, people built outside the walls. This building continued over the years, especially to the west of the city. In 1665 there was a terrible plague in London, so many people left the city and escaped to the villages in the surrounding countryside. In 1666 the Great Fire of London ended the plague, but it also destroyed much of the city.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 psl., 18,63 kB)
Nowadays a lot of people live in block of flats, which are in a smutty towns. They often don’t have time to be in nature. So eating out of doors is very relaxing and good way. When you are eating out of doors, you can breathe fresh air, enjoy open space, not to sit behind four walls at home. Associate with people is much more interesting outside than inside. You can make a bonfire and roast some hot dogs or meat.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 2,58 kB)
Kashmiri struggle
Those who are trying to project the present struggle as religious one are deliberately trying to confuse the issue. Their aim is very clear - they don't want the issue to be resolved. It is clear to everyone that by projecting the Kashmiri struggle as religious (which is known as "Islamic fundamentalist struggle"), we are only trying to deprive it from desperately needed internal and external support. Also by projecting it as a fundamentalist or extremist movement, an attempt is being made to frighten off the non Muslims of Kashmir. Already a lot of damage has been done to the social and community harmony, and such attempts are made to ensure that the minorities of Kashmir remain divided.
Politologija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (2 psl., 4,72 kB)
Europos istorija
Europos istorija nuo Frankų imperijos laikų iki NATO 1999 m. oro antpuolių nutraukimo Jugoslavijoje. Nuo XI a. Europoje prasidėjo skaldymosi laikotarpis. Pradžią tam davė Frankų Imperijos suirimas. Kol Karolis Didysis buvo gyvas, jam pavyko išlaikyti Imperiją, o po jo mirties kilo kovos dėl valdžios ir, negalėdami vienas kito įveikti, trys jo anūkai 843 m. pasidalijo valstybę į tris dalis: Italiją, Vokietiją ir Prancūziją. Kiekviena iš šių valstybių dar suskilo į daug dalių, tačiau Karolio Didžiojo mirties nereikia laikyti susiskaldymo priežastimi. Priežasčių reikia ieškoti feodalinės valstybės ir ūkio struktūroje.
Istorija  Konspektai   (53 psl., 111,21 kB)
Žmogaus dvasinis grožis J.Biliūno kūryboje. V.Krėvė “Perkūnas, Vaiva ir Straublys”. Ko šiandien nebėra?. J. Aputis “Horizonte bėga šernai”. J. Baltrušaitis “Būties psalmė”. Žmogus novelėje “Polaidis”. Lietuvių partizanų dainos. A. Škėma “Žilvinėėli”. Liaudies menininko paveikslas P.Cvirkos romane “Meisteris ir sūnūs”. Lietuva išeivijos poezijoje. K. Binkis “Atžalynas”. J. Grušas “Herkus Mantas”. J. Aputis “Erčia kur gaivus vanduo”. Moteris Žemaitės apsakyme “Marti”. V.Krėvė “Skerdžius” Pagrindinio veikėjo charakteristika. Lietuvių liaudies pasakos, jų analizė. Gamta ir žmogus K. Donelaičio “Metuose”. Miškas ir lietuvis A.Baranausko “Anykščių šilelyje”. Tėvynės praeitis ir dabartis Maironio lyrikoje. A. Vienuolis “Paskenduolė”. Kūrinio analizė. V. Krėvė “Skirgaila”. Kūrinio analizė. B. Sruoga “Dievų miškas” – žmogus prievartos pasaulyje. V.Mykolaitis – Putinas “Altorių šešėly”. Kūrinio analizė. I. Simonaitytės romano “Vilius karalius” problematika ir veikėjų charakteriai. B. Radzevičius “Priešaušrio vieškeliai”. Kūrinio analizė. R. Granausko “Gyvenimas po klevu”. Kūrinio analizė. J. Grušas “Meilė, džiazas ir velnias”. Kūrinio analizė. MAIRONIS “Seniai aš laukiu išsiilgęs…”. M. Martinaitis “Ašara”. M. Martinaitis “Kukutis važiuoja pilnu troleibusu”. S. Geda.Iš ciklo “6 Meilės ir nevities eilėraščiai”. V. Šekspyras. Sonetas (12). S. Geda “Strazdas “. Dalies “Šungalviai” analizė. S. Geda ” Strazdas”. Dalies” Tardymas” analizė. A. Mačėnas “Pavasario vėjas”. Kūrinio analizė. Meilės tema žemininkų kūryboje. M. Martinaitis “Ruduo inscenizuoja tuštumą…” interpretacija. S. Nėris “Krinta žvaigždės”. Analizė. “Žemė maitintoja” – socialinis romanas. Algirdas Pocius “Žilasis brolis”. Interpretacija.
Lietuvių kalba  Analizės   (38 psl., 75,18 kB)
Anglų k. rašinėlis ("Informal letter" tipo). Jame kvieti savo draugą pas tave pasisvečiuoti.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 7,55 kB)