Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 149 rezultatai

Atliekamo darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti mados ir laisvalaikio centro „ AKROPOLIS“ esančių drabužių parduotuvių specifiką. Aktualiausia buvo išsiaiškinti koks yra prekių asortimentas, jų paskirtis, svarbus ir paties pirkėjo pobūdis, prekiniai ženklai, jų kilmės šalys, taip pat ir kokios yra nuolaidų sistemos ar jos yra taikomos. Informacija yra pateikta apie šias parduotuves: aprangos galerija, auksinė antilopė, bison, city, cropp town, denim dream, france, lelija, mango, monton, mosaic, vero moda, actine friend, impresija, imitz, reserved, seppala, espirit, lindex, apranga, celio . Darbas atliktas klausimo – atsakymo forma, apklausiant konsultantus, bei šių parduotuvių internetinių tinklalapių pagalba.
Architektūra ir dizainas  Tyrimai   (24 psl., 2,79 MB)
Fortūnos duktė Manau knygos nagrinėjimą reikėtų pradėti autorės netiesioginiais žodžiais. Ji sakė, kad Eliza, gali gerai atstovauti autorę kitame gyvenime. Allende praleido septynerius metus moksliniams tyrimams ir parašė savo penktąjį romaną, kuriame ji aprašo, jaunos moters ieškojimą savęs, pažinimo istoriją. Allende taip pat mano, kad knygoje ji išreiškė savo kovą apibrėžti feminizmo vaidmenį savo gyvenime. Knygoje, Eliza keliauja psichologinę kelionę per laiką ir erdvę, taip kaip ji keliauja iš Čilės į Aukso karštinę Kalifornijoje. Ši kelionė taip pat yra dvasinis ieškojimas. Eliza, pažadina save į žmogaus pasaulio nuotykius ir agresiją, tobulina save ir sugrįžta į naują apibrėžimą: būti laisvai ir nepriklausomai moteriai.
Filologija  Referatai   (5 psl., 21,67 kB)
Pagrindindiniai šio amžiaus labiausiai paplitę muzikos stiliai ir jų šakos, kas jiems būdinga ir pagrindinės savybės.
Muzika  Referatai   (34 psl., 64,04 kB)
Nuoseklus muzikinis auklėjimas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, neatsiejant jo nuo dorinio ir estetinio lavinimo. Vaiko gebėjimų atskleidimas, kūrybinių galių ugdymas, individualybės formavimas, – tai svarbiausia kiekvieno mokytojo darbe[1]. Taigi kiekvienas, įvaldęs improvizaciją (amatą), gali išbandyti savo kūrybinį potencialą! Ar tai ne pats demokratiškiausias būdas išaiškinti talentingus žmones? Ar tai ne pats patikimiausias būdas formuoti masinę kompetenciją, kaip priešnuodį prieš profesionalizmo degradaciją? Šiame darbe atskleidžiami psichologinis improvizacijos mokymo aspektas susideda iš klausos - regos - dinaminio stereotipo t.y. logiškai instrumentu išdėstyti muziką taip, kaip ją įsivaizduojame "galvoje" ar mintyse. Tai kaip tik tas muzikinio lavinimo būdas, kuris leidžia stabiliai groti, panašiai, kaip stabiliai galime skaityti, rašyti ir skaičiuoti.
Muzika  Kursiniai darbai   (45 psl., 94,14 kB)
Dear Sir or Madam, Although I had never left my native country and saw other places, I have always been interested in other cultures, the way people are thinking and what they are doing to make the world better place to live. Since my early age, this interest spread in all over my mind, so after many researches and thinking I found out that Bachelor's Degree in International Management program in Aarhus University - Institute of Business and Technology of Denmark would be the best choice for my further studies. This program will give me valuable knowledge on how to deal with issues among others like globalization, international marketing and global supply chain management. Also I have some arguments that I would be a relevant candidate for Aarhus University.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 4,48 kB)
Vienas svarbiausių žmonių prisidėjusių kuriant pasaulio istoriją yra Kristupas Kolumbas. Jo kelionės į Naująjį pasaulį nebuvo pirmosios, tačiau 1492 metais buvo pradėtas rašyti naujas pasaulio istorijos knygos lapas. Europai atsivėrė naujos durys tyrinėjant Žemę, praturtėjo Ispanija ir Portugalija, jos tapo galingiausiomis Europos valstybėmis, atgabentos bulvės, tabakas ir kiti dalykai be kurių dabartinis žmogus sunkiai išsiverstų. Į Europą buvo atvežtos baisios ligos, europiečiai pasėjo nesantaiką naujoje žemėje, prasidėjo nenuilstanti koove su užkariautojais, buvo išžudyta begalė žmonių. Beto manau, Kristupas Kolumbas yra vienas paslaptingiausių istorinių asmenybių.
Istorija  Kursiniai darbai   (29 psl., 48,41 kB)
My dream house
To begin with, I must say that for the meantime I live in a five storied building with other buildings around it. My flat is on the fourth floor. The flat has all modern conveniences, but is not very large. As I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,53 kB)
Mao Dzedunas
Visais laikais kiekvienoje tautoje iškyla tokių asmenybių, kurie savo pasiekimais, nuopelnais, reformomis ar tiesiog valdymo stiliumi palieka nepamirštamą įspūdį tiek žmonių atmintyje, tiek istorijoje. Toks buvo ir Mao Dzedunas, kitaip dar vadinamas Pirmininku Mao. Jis prilyginamas Aukso amžiaus laikų Kinijos imperatoriams dėl savo populiarumo ir iškilumo.
Istorija  Referatai   (19 psl., 243,22 kB)
The first documentary reference to Vilnius dates back to 1323, when the Great Duke Gediminas proclaimed Vilnius the capital of Lithuanian state and invited foreign artists, scientists, builders to come live and work here. Vilnius has got a very beautiful Old Town, which reminds us the history of our native country. In the centre of the Old Town, on the Castle hill, stands the Gediminas Tower, a part of an old castle built 6 centuries ago. There is a square in slope of the Castle Hill. It's called the Cathedral square, because there is a cathedral in the centre of it. This cathedral, reconstructed in the end of the 18th century by the famous Lithuanian architect Stuoka-Gucevichius, is the most important catholic church in Lithuania. Vilnius is a mixture of the main architectural styles: Baroque, Classicism, Renaissance and Gothic. The church of St. Anna is considered to be a Gothic masterpiece, the Gediminas castle is a representative of Gothic style too. Well-known representative of Baroque is the church of St. Peter and Paul. The Italian sculptors worked on the masterpieces of art of this church. There are thousands of sculptures in it. Classicism dominates in some Cathedral, University buildings. Vilnius University is very old, it was established in 1579. There are many new districts built in the latest 30 years: Lazdynai, Baltupiai (shame of Vilnius), Karolinishkes, Fabijonishkes, Justinishkes. I don't admire such "modern" houses of blocks, factories, standing in the centre of the city. Despite this, I don't want to criticise Vilnius more. It's my native town and I couldn't live in any other town.
The Eiffel tower
The structure was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle, a World's Fair marking the centennial celebration of the French Revolution. It is located at geographic coordinates 48°51′29″N, 2°17′40″E. The tower was inaugurated on 31 March 1889, and opened on 6 May. Three hundred workers joined together 18,038 pieces of puddled iron (a very pure form of structural iron), using two and a half million rivets, in a structural design by Maurice Koechlin. The risk of accident was great, for unlike modern skyscrapers the tower is an open frame without any intermediate floors except the two platforms. Yet because Eiffel took good care of his workers with movable stagings, guard-rails and screens, only one man died, during the installation of Otis Elevator's lifts. The tower was met with resistance from the public when it was built, with many calling it an eyesore (Novelist Guy de Maupassant ate at a restaurant at the tower regularly, because it was the one place in Paris he was sure he wouldn't see it). Today, it is widely considered to be one of the most striking pieces of structural art in the world. Originally, Eiffel had a permit for the tower to stand for 20 years(when ownership of it would revert to the City of Paris, who had originally planned to tear it down; part of the original contest rules for designing a tower was that it could be easily torn down), more than recouping his expenses, but as it later proved valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to remain after the expiry of the permit. The military used it to dispatch Parisian taxis to the front line of the Marne, and it therefore became a victory statue of that battle. It was also used to catch the infamous "Mata Hari," and after this, its demolition became unthinkable to the French population.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (62,33 kB)
Tale of Two Cities
There were a king with a large jaw and a queen with a plain face, on the throne of England; there were a king with a large jaw and a queen with a fair face, on the throne of France. In both countries it was clearer than crystal to the lords of the State preserves of loaves and fishes, that things in general were settled for ever. It was the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five. Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period, as at this. Mrs. Southcott had recently attained her five-and-twentieth blessed birthday, of whom a prophetic private in the Life Guards had heralded the sublime appearance by announcing that arrangements were made for the swallowing up of London and Westminster. Even the Cock-lane ghost had been laid only a round dozen of years, after rapping out its messages, as the spirits of this very year last past (supernaturally deficient in originality) rapped out theirs. Mere messages in the earthly order of events had lately come to the English Crown and People, from a congress of British subjects in America: which, strange to relate, have proved more important to the human race than any communications yet received through any of the chickens of the Cock-lane brood. France, less favoured on the whole as to matters spiritual than her sister of the shield and trident, rolled with exceeding smoothness down hill, making paper money and spending it. Under the guidance of her Christian pastors, she entertained herself, besides, with such humane achievements as sentencing a youth to have his hands cut off, his tongue torn out with pincers, and his body burned alive, because he had not kneeled down in the rain to do honour to a dirty procession of monks which passed within his view, at a distance of some fifty or sixty yards. It is likely enough that, rooted in the woods of France and Norway, there were growing trees, when that sufferer was put to death, already marked by the Woodman, Fate, to come down and be sawn into boards, to make a certain movable framework with a sack and a knife in it, terrible in history. It is likely enough that in the rough outhouses of some tillers of the heavy lands adjacent to Paris, there were sheltered from the weather that very day, rude carts, bespattered with rustic mire, snuffed about by pigs, and roosted in by poultry, which the Farmer, Death, had already set apart to be his tumbrils of the Revolution. But that Woodman and that Farmer, though they work unceasingly, work silently and no one heard them as they went about with muffled tread: the rather, forasmuch as to entertain any suspicion that they were awake, was to be atheistical and traitorous. In England, there was scarcely an amount of order and protection to justify much national boasting. Daring burglaries by armed men, and highway robberies, took place in the capital itself every night; families were publicly cautioned not to go out of town without removing their furniture to upholsterers' warehouses for security; the highwayman in the dark was a City tradesman in the light, and, being recognised and challenged by his fellow-tradesman whom he stopped in his character of "the Captain," gallantly shot him through the head and rode away; the mail was waylaid by seven robbers, and the guard shot three dead, and then got shot dead himself by the other four, "in consequence of the failure of his ammunition:" after which the mail was robbed in peace; that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature in sight of all his retinue; prisoners in London gaols fought battles with their turkeys, and the majesty of the law fired blunderbusses in among them, loaded with rounds of shot and ball; thieves snipped off diamond crosses from the necks of noble lords at Court drawing-rooms; musketeers went into St. Giles's, to search for contraband goods, and the mob fired on the musketeers, and the musketeers fir on the mob, and nobody thought any of these occurrences much out of the common way. In the midst of them, the hangman, ever busy and ever worse than useless, was in constant requisition; now, stringing up long rows of miscellaneous criminals; now, hanging a housebreaker on Saturday who had been taken on Tuesday; now, burning people in the hand at Newgate by the dozen, and now burning pamphlets at the door of Westminster Hall; to-day, taking the life of an atrocious murderer, and to-morrow of a wretched pilferer who had robbed a farmer's boy of sixpence. All these things, and a thousand like them, came to pass in and close upon the dear old year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five. Environed by them, while the Woodman and the Farmer worked unheeded, those two of the large jaws, and those other two of the plain and the fair faces, trod with stir enough, and carried their divine rights with a high hand. Thus did the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five conduct their Greatnesses, and myriads of small creatures- the creatures of this chronicle among the rest- along the roads that lay before them.
In 1919 the Russian army was driven from most of Lithuania. A peace treaty was signed, and Russia recognized Lithuania’s sovereignty over Vilnius. But Poland, which had been seeking to recover territory lost during the 18th century, seized the city, after which Kaunas became the capital of Lithuania. From 1920 Lithuania was independent until, as a result of the 1939 pact between the Nazis and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), it was invaded by Soviet forces. During World War II, the USSR lost possession of Lithuania for a short time, but by 1944 it had re-established firm control. Thousands of armed partisan fighters, known as the “Forest Brothers”, continued their fight for national sovereignty, but during Stalin’s regime Lithuania suffered repression and mass deportations. Relations were less confrontational after the 1950s, but Lithuanians never gave up their goal of independence. In 1990 the country was one of the first republics to declare independence from the USSR, which was by then too unstable to force Lithuania back into the Union. Many countries quickly recognized Lithuania’s sovereignty, as did Russia and other former Soviet republics after the break-up of the USSR in 1991. The Lithuanian government, led by members of a political coalition called Saj?dis, embarked on a radical programme to reform the economy and other social structures, but progress was slow and painful. In national elections held in 1992, voters rejected the Saj?dis leadership in favour of former Communists, who had formed a new political party advocating slower reform and closer ties with neighbouring countries, especially Russia. The new government pledged to remain committed to democracy, but slowed privatization and other reform measures to soften the impact of political and social change. In August 1993 all remaining Russian troops withdrew from Lithuania, leaving the people free to concentrate on building a stable and prosperous country. Economy There was rapid industrialization after World War II, and by 1991 industry accounted for 43 per cent of Lithuania’s gross domestic product (GDP), and agriculture for about 28 per cent. The country makes precision machinery and spare parts, processed foods, and light industrial products. The main exports are machinery and parts, meat and dairy products, and consumer goods. Lithuania has very few natural resources, so the country depends heavily on imported raw materials. Imports include oil and gas, chemicals, metals, and equipment. Output declined after independence, because traditional supply arrangements were interrupted, but Lithuania is seeking ties with Western governments and neighbouring countries to increase revenue, foreign investment, and productivity. After independence, the Sajūdis government introduced a radical reform programme involving privatization and price liberalization. As in all former Communist countries that are moving towards a market economy, the initial results were rising inflation and falling living standards. By 1994, however, there were signs of recovery. The national currency is the litas.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (22,56 kB)
Everyone needs at least one profession in his life. So when you begin spending sleepless nights, thinking about a job and money, when you think of the plans for the future it's no doubt about it you're ready to choose most suitable career for you. So in the world there are a lot of different professions: you can work with people as a doctor, lawyer, receptionist, teacher; on the enterprise, bank, school or state institution. And what kind of a profession you choose is mainly depend on yourself. And I think it's very difficult task for everybody. And now there is such situation in the life that it is very difficult to find some worthy job especially suitable for you. So if you want some-how to get a job, you can make plans for the future when you study still at school or university. It's a good idea to take different factors into account: job satisfaction - your future job must satisfy you; money - it's important that your future profession must be well-paid or you must have a high salary to support the family, good conditions; training; traveling, the place of work -in the office, from home, in the open area or abroad. For example I'm still not sure about my workplace and conditions because I know the fact that my future career will be my central part of my future life. Everybody wants to breathe fresh air, and even I want to locate myself in a clean place. I don't want to work in a city because there are so many problems like heavy traffic and population. If I have a chance to choose a place where I prefer, I would choose a quiet and peaceful place near the Baltic sea. I think the "working condition" should fit and care about my lifestyle. I have seen several people who get stresses from their jobs. If I always have bad moods and get so much stresses from my work, I would rather be unemployed than be a worker. I would like to make enough money to provide myself and my family. Sometimes, I have felt I'm greediness because I want to have so many things such as a big house, a nice car, and many others. So nowadays more and more students are trying to find a part-time job. There are a lot of reasons for it, but the common one – lack of money. It maybe a bad economical situation of a whole family or teenagers just need money for their entertainments. Starting a part-time job, not every young person thinks about pros or cons of this decision. On the positive side, extra incomes improve economical situation of the family. If students earn money for their needs, they also help parents – don`t ask them for additional pocket money. What is more, young people become more independent among their friends. On the other hand, part-time job can become harmful for studies at school on in another educational institution. Students can skip courses, motivating that their job and money they earn are much more significant, then studies. To sum up, it`s obvious that working and studying at the same time is a very complicated task. In my opinion, not everybody can manage to do all things perfectly depend only on person`s qualities. So nowadays more and more people are very busy with work and other activity. Never before in the history of the world have businessmen traveled so much as they do today. It is not surprising because we are living in a world of growing international trade and expanding economic and technical cooperation. Fascinating though it is for tourist travelling, however, has become the most tiring of all the occupations for many businessmen and experts. Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is the fastest means of travelling.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,13 kB)
1. a choice of sth 2. a combination of sth 3. alien to sb 4. a limit on/to sth 5. all in all 6. at midnight 7. at noon 8. at regular times 9. at the right moment 10. from one place to another 11. in action 12. in any weather 13. in a sense 14. in danger of sth 15. in detail 16. in disbelief 17. in September 18. in the streets 19. it‘s typical of sb 20. mile after mile 21. on average 22. on/by request 23. on my own 24. on 25th April [on the 25th of April] 25. the loss of sb/sth 26. to arrive at the office 27. to arrive in a city 28. to ask about sth (enquire) 29. to ask for sth (request) 30. to be an example of sth 31. to be associated with sb/sth 32. to be at risk 33. to be attractive to sb 34. to be aware of sth 35. to be behind bars 36. to be bored with/by sb/sth 37. to be confined to a place 38. to be dependent on sth/sb 39. to be far away sth from sth 40. to be fed up with sb/sth 41. to be high in calories 42. to be ideal for sb/sth 43. to be important to sb/sth 44. to be in search of sth 45. to be in taxi 46. to lacking in sth 47. to be married to sb (but: to marry sb) 48. to be on a bike 49. to be on a plane 50. to be on display 51. to be on the train 52. to be pleased with/by sb/sth 53. to be popular with sb 54. to be proud of sb/sth 55. to be responsible for sth/sb 56. to be restricted to an area 57. to be serious about sth 58. to be suitable for sb/sth 59. to be terrified of sth 60. to be the key to sth 61. to be threatened with extinction 62. to be transformed into/by sth 63. to be unsure of/about sth 64. to be well-known for sth 65. to be worried about sb/sth 66. to blame sb for sth 67. to blame sth on sb/sth 68. to boast about/of sth 69. to care about sb/sth 70. to care for sb/sth (to like/look after) 71. to cater for sth/sb 72. to cling to sb 73. to combine sth with sth else 74. to compete with sb 75. to complain about sb/sth 76. to concentrate on sth 77. to deal with sb/sth 78. to decide on sth 79. to depend on sb/sth 80. to discuss sth with sb 81. to dream about sth 82. to dream of sth (imagine) 83. to fall in love with sb 84. to feed sb with sth 85. to fight for sth 86. to get rid of sth 87. to go on a trip 88. to go on foot 89. to graduate from sth 90. to have a variety of sth 91. to head for somewhere 92. to hear about sb/sth (to be told about sb) 93. to hear from sb (have news) 94. to invest in sth 95. to laugh at sb/sth 96. to lead to sth 97. to live with sb 98. to miss out on sth 99. to occur to sb 100. to participate in sth 101. to pay for sth 102. to prefer sb/sth to sb/sth else 103. to plevent sb from doing sth 104. to plunge into sth 105. to protect sb from sb else/sth 106. to provide for sth 107. to put the blame on sb/sth 108. to rely on sth/sb 109. to remind sb of sth 110. to result in sth 111. to search for sth 112. to share sth with sb 113. to socialise with people 114. to succeed with/in sth 115. to suffer from sth 116. to take a photo of sb/sth 117. to test sb on sth 118. to think of/about sb/sth 119. to travel by plane 120. to travel by taxi 121. to wander through 122. to warn sb about sb 123. without any difficulty
1. a choice of sth 2. a combination of sth 3. alien to sb 4. a limit on/to sth 5. all in all 6. at midnight 7. at noon 8. at regular times 9. at the right moment 10. from one place to another 11. in action 12. in any weather 13. in a sense 14. in danger of sth 15. in detail 16. in disbelief 17. in September 18. in the streets 19. it‘s typical of sb 20. mile after mile 21. on average 22. on/by request 23. on my own 24. on 25th April [on the 25th of April] 25. the loss of sb/sth 26. to arrive at the office 27. to arrive in a city 28. to ask about sth (enquire) 29. to ask for sth (request) 30. to be an example of sth 31. to be associated with sb/sth 32. to be at risk 33. to be attractive to sb 34. to be aware of sth 35. to be behind bars 36. to be bored with/by sb/sth 37. to be confined to a place 38. to be dependent on sth/sb 39. to be far away sth from sth 40. to be fed up with sb/sth 41. to be high in calories 42. to be ideal for sb/sth 43. to be important to sb/sth 44. to be in search of sth 45. to be in taxi 46. to lacking in sth 47. to be married to sb (but: to marry sb) 48. to be on a bike 49. to be on a plane 50. to be on display 51. to be on the train 52. to be pleased with/by sb/sth 53. to be popular with sb 54. to be proud of sb/sth 55. to be responsible for sth/sb 56. to be restricted to an area 57. to be serious about sth 58. to be suitable for sb/sth 59. to be terrified of sth 60. to be the key to sth 61. to be threatened with extinction 62. to be transformed into/by sth 63. to be unsure of/about sth 64. to be well-known for sth 65. to be worried about sb/sth 66. to blame sb for sth 67. to blame sth on sb/sth 68. to boast about/of sth 69. to care about sb/sth 70. to care for sb/sth (to like/look after) 71. to cater for sth/sb 72. to cling to sb 73. to combine sth with sth else 74. to compete with sb 75. to complain about sb/sth 76. to concentrate on sth 77. to deal with sb/sth 78. to decide on sth 79. to depend on sb/sth 80. to discuss sth with sb 81. to dream about sth 82. to dream of sth (imagine) 83. to fall in love with sb 84. to feed sb with sth 85. to fight for sth 86. to get rid of sth 87. to go on a trip 88. to go on foot 89. to graduate from sth 90. to have a variety of sth 91. to head for somewhere 92. to hear about sb/sth (to be told about sb) 93. to hear from sb (have news) 94. to invest in sth 95. to laugh at sb/sth 96. to lead to sth 97. to live with sb 98. to miss out on sth 99. to occur to sb 100. to participate in sth 101. to pay for sth 102. to prefer sb/sth to sb/sth else 103. to plevent sb from doing sth 104. to plunge into sth 105. to protect sb from sb else/sth 106. to provide for sth 107. to put the blame on sb/sth 108. to rely on sth/sb 109. to remind sb of sth 110. to result in sth 111. to search for sth 112. to share sth with sb 113. to socialise with people 114. to succeed with/in sth 115. to suffer from sth 116. to take a photo of sb/sth 117. to test sb on sth 118. to think of/about sb/sth 119. to travel by plane 120. to travel by taxi 121. to wander through 122. to warn sb about sb 123. without any difficulty
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (8,35 kB)
The main part of London is city. It's the places where London started. Now it's business centre. Few people can afford living in this part of the town - it's very expensive, so most people come there to do their job and leave this region in the evening. Westminster -- it's the central part of the town. Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, National Galleries are situated there. There are many government offices. In one tower of House of Parliament is Big Ben -- the main clock of Great Britain. Just across the street is Westminster Abbey -- main Church of England. New monarch is crowned there, wedding ceremonies of the Royal family take place there. It is also famous for its poets' corner - many famous people are buried there. Not far you can see Trafalgar square with Admiral Nelson's statue. Under his leadership English fleet defeated united Spanish and French forces. Another interesting place is Buckingham Palace. If the Queen is in, you can watch changing guards. West end is the residential part. It's the richest part of London. Not far from there Hyde Park is situated with famous speakers’ corner. East part is the poorest part of London. It is industrial region, so air is polluted; a lot of slums are there. The tower of London is famous for tower and Tower Bridge. Tower is museum now, but it used to be a fortress, state prison, the mint, and treasury. The tower of the bridge in middle ages was used like place of execution. There is one more place of interest - British Museum.
Firstly, I should speak about the reasons why more and more young people prefer living apart from their parents. What really matters is that living apart parents capacitate for free life without any interdictions and limits, as well. Entering university causes another reason. Usually, chosen university is in another city. Due to this youth has no other choice as to leave parents home, and move to a new place. We must not forget and one more point about this. For the meantime, living on one’s own is more fashion than necessity. Of course, there are a great majority of other reasons, but those few mentioned I think do the most influence to youth. Talking of my living place after finishing secondary school, I must say that it depends on university which I will enter. There is no doubt that after finishing school I will be constrained to leave my native town. It goes with the territory, that in these days I think more and more about my future living apartments. I don’t find myself very happy when I think that in near future I will have to live in students hostile. I am strongly determined to rent a flat. I’ve made decision like this as I don’t like living in huge groups without any private life. Also, I am expected to mention what difficult is might students have while living in students hostiles or rented flats. One of the negative sides of living in students’ hostiles or rented flats is living on one’s own. Not all school leavers are ready to cook food, do some other house duties. In addition to this, youth experience hard life. Moreover, living in new place where one doesn’t know anybody causes stress. Youth undergo depression. Finally, it costs a lot to live in hostile or rented flat. As a result, youngsters must look for a job, save money. They are not able to conduct whatever they want. In conclusion, all changes give a lot of satisfaction to young people, but we can’t forget about the hard which it does.
Golden Rose str. 15, P.O. Box 2312, London Dear Carla, Thanks a lot for your letter and sorry for not writing before – I was soooooo busy! You know, school, music, friends and so on.:) So, you decided to come to my country – it’s so great! I can’t wait for you to come! You said that you have no ideas what places to visit and where to go. Well, I have some. First, I recommend you to stay in capital – Vilnius – or in Kaunas. It is the second largest city in Lithuania and it’s where I live. :P Next – if you want to make an acquaintance with our culture you’d better stay in Vilnius. There you can visit lot great places. For example – Gediminas Castle, or a Television Tower with a valiant (and expensive, of course) cafe “The Milky Way”, from where you can see a view of town. Also the Royal Palace of Lithuania and amazing St. Ona church which is inflexible fascinating. And because of that Napoleon wanted to take it on him palm to France! If you’ll decide to stay in Kaunas, you should visit Liberty Avenue which is a symbol of town. But because of that, that in it is now very much shoe shops it’s sometimes called “Shoes Avenue”. We also have Kaunas Castle, a lot of museums, Nemunas and Neris confluence, which is very beautiful place, and ctr. So, I promise – you won’t be bored. Can’t wait for you to come, Love, Emily
We have already seen pyramids, but they have not done a big impression to me. In addition, we have been snorkeling and scuba diving. The Red Sea’s underwater world is fascinating. There are many things we have not done yet. We have not visited the Egyptian museum. I heard that it is very beautiful. I have tasted some Egyptian food. It was not very tasty, because they cook without milk and they do not eat pork. Cairo is remarkable city – you must visit it one day! Well that will be all for now. Hope to see you soon.
Informal letter (2)
Hello Saulius, Hi! How are you? I hope the summer job is going well. Have you decided where to go on holiday? I am writing to you from Cairo. My mother, father, sister and I came here four days ago. We are staying in a wonderful hotel near the Red Sea. The weather is sunny and boiling hot. We have already seen pyramids, but they have not done a big impression to me. In addition, we have been snorkeling and scuba diving. The Red Sea’s underwater world is fascinating. There are many things we have not done yet. We have not visited the Egyptian museum. I heard that it is very beautiful. I have tasted some Egyptian food. It was not very tasty, because they cook without milk and they do not eat pork. Cairo is remarkable city – you must visit it one day! Well that will be all for now. Hope to see you soon. All the best. Edvinas 160 word’s
The living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from the factories are polluting the air. Furthermore, the rivers and sea are being polluted by chemicals from the factories and people are suffering from breathing difficulties and stomach problems. We should do something it is too late. Air pollution is very important problem in our town. The biggest air polluters are cars. They give off dangerous fumes. Consequently, people get sick breathing diseases. To prevent from polluters governments should improve public transport, people can buy better pollution protecting cars or often to walk it. Water pollution is a serious problem caused by human activities. Factories are dumping their garbage into the sea or rivers! We have to teach world that water is our life and we must to save it! For example we can stop using the products of companies whose factories cause pollution and so on. There is a lot of rubbish in the streets in our town. And I think that we have provide more litter bins in the streets and parks. Our town denizens like picnics near the river. After picnic they leave a lot of plastic bottles, packing and disposal container. It is very pathetic sight… But when we will change it? When we will give though that we are killing myself, our nature that we all are part of the nature?... We have to say our friends and survivors not to litter because it is very bad indeed for our environment! All things considered there are many solutions to all the problems. The sooner we put them into practice, the better our lives will become.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,62 kB)
Greece is a landscape of mountains and islands, many only tiny specks where a handful of people live.It was in the capital. Athens(Athina), that democracy,theater, philosophy, and the Olympic Games were born.The Parthenon still dominates the modern city center, a reminder of a noble past.
Dream house
To begin with I must say that many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different. So my dream house is located about few kilometers from the big city in a very picturesque place near the endless river and forest. When you are in a bad mood you can go for a walk in a forest or along the river. There you can recover your strength and take a breath. My dream house is not as big as a castle, but it is airy and up-to-date. There are a huge flower-bed and orchard outside. Also there is a swing for unrepeatable moments. Inside there are just a few and necessary rooms. There are living-room, kitchen, lavatory and studio on the ground floor. Walls are full of color. Every room is different. One is painted with striking color, other with blind. There is a huge aquarium in a living room in order to relax. On the first floor there are my bedroom, bathroom and spare room. You can see that there is nothing special in my dream house. The main thing in my house is the atmosphere. If the atmosphere in you house is unfriendly and unpleasant, no matter how many rooms and bedrooms you have, you wont be happy of living in this house. That’s all about my dream house. I hope that one day my dreams will become a true. It would be great to live in house which is in my dreams.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,97 kB)
Dream house
My dream house is located about few kilometers from the big city, in a very picturesque place near the endless river or bottomless lake. I dream about place like this as I prefer clean fresh air and unpolluted water. I don’t find myself very happy in little and uncomfortable house, so my dream house is very cozy, comfortable, well planned, with lost of gigantic windows. If you asked about rooms, I must say that I don’t need many of them, but it is very important that all these rooms were as large as it is possible. The modern front door opens into a spacious hall, where are many portraits of family members, exotic flowers. As far as bedrooms they are very large, comfortable and elegant as well. There are soft, huge beds and many antique things. It makes me to feel comfortable. By the way, every bedroom has bathroom and toilet, which are spacious and modern. There are a majority of mirrors and wardrobes. There is no question that the accent of the house is living room, as it is the place where I can relax, watch TV, listen to music or just sit and look at the fire. In case I am speaking about my dream house, I must say that there without fail are sports hall with all modern and expensive sports equipment, and little relaxing sauna. There I could get a great rest for my body after hard day. In addition to this, I am able to add that there is a big kitchen in my dream house. The kitchen must be light and have all modern equipment such as huge fridge, microwave, modern oven, vacuum saucepans, dishwasher and some other things as dresser with amazing dishes. Oh, it just occurred to me that I’ve forgot to tell about furniture. My dream furniture is upholstered, comfortable, and elegant. Usually, it must make my dream house as cozy as it is possible. Another important thing which needs to be mentioned is that dominating color in my dream house is blue, as blue color is beautiful like a dream and I love this color. That’s all about my dream house. I hope that one day my dreams will become in to a true. It would be great to live in house which is in my dreams.
Charles Chaplin
At the age of 14, Charlie became a dancer in the music hall. After some time he joined the actors group where he played the main comedy parts. In 1913 Chaplin went to the United States. There he became the world famous star. Later the actor built his own film studios and in 1920 was the producer of his owns work. Charles Chaplin worked in Hollywood till 1952. The actor had several invitations from the Academy to receive a special Academy award for his films. His most famous films are: “A dog’s life”, “The kid” (1917-1918), “The gold rush” (1925), “City light” (1931), “Modern times” (1936). His last American film, “Limelight”, was made in 1952. “A king in New York” which Chaplin made in England in 1957, reflected his bitterness towards America. Charles Chaplin made his film “A countess from Hong Kong” at the age of 77 in London in 1966. The film was not a critical or commercial success. In 1952 the famous actor went to Switzerland. People loved him as a circus clown. During the intervals of film making Charles Chaplin wrote “My autobiography”. The world famous comedian died in 1977.
Avril Lavigne
Rock & roll wild child Avril Lavigne hit big in summer 2002 with her spiky-fun debut song "Complicated," shifting pop music into a different direction. Lavigne, who was 17 at the time, didn't seem concerned with the glamor of the TRL-dominated pop world and such confidence allowed her star power to soar. The middle of three children in small town Napanee, Ontario, Lavigne's rock ambitions were noticeable around age two. By her early teens, she was already writing songs and playing guitar. The church choir and local festivals and county fairs also allowed Lavigne to get her voice heard, and luckily, Arista Records' main man Antonio "L.A." Reid was listening. He offered her a deal, and at 16, Lavigne's musical dreams became reality. With Reid's assistance and a new Manhattan apartment, Lavigne found herself surrounded by prime songwriters and producers, but it wasn't impressive enough for her to continue. She had always relied on her own ideas to create a musical spark and things weren't going as planned. Lavigne wasn't disillusioned, though. She headed for Los Angeles and Nettwerk grabbed her. Producer/songwriter Clif Magness (Celine Dion, Wilson Phillips, Sheena Easton) tweaked Lavigne's melodic, edgy sound and her debut, Let Go, was the polished product. Singles such as "Complicated" and "Sk8er Boi" hit the Top Ten while "I'm With You" and "Losing Grip" did moderately well at radio. Butch Walker of the Marvelous 3, Our Lady Peace frontman Raine Maida and Don Gilmore (Linkin Park, Good Charlotte) signed on to produce Lavigne's second album, Under My Skin, which appeared in May 2004. ~ MacKenzie Wilson, All Music Guide. Unapologetically original. Unabashedly in your face. Avril Lavigne's 2002 debut Let Go gave young women a defiant voice and set it to music they could rock out to. Fourteen million albums and eight Grammy nominations later, the Canadian chanteuse returns with Under My Skin but if you're expecting a whole lot of the same, you've got another thing coming. This is not a girl who rests on her laurels. Under My Skin opens with the dramatic tracks "Take Me Away" and "Together," which set the scene for the kick-ass guitars and radio-ready chorus of "Don't Tell Me," a song of willful female empowerment that picks up where "Complicated" left off. From there it's a one-two punch of three-chord guitar licks ("He Wasn't") and head-bopping optimism ("Who Knows") alongside swirling, brooding melodies ("Freak Out") and moody tracks ("Forgotten," "Nobody's Home") that reveal a darker side of Avril Lavigne. "I grew up so much in the past two years," admits the Napanee, Ontario, native. "I've been through a lot, I've learned a lot, and experienced a lot both good and bad. These songs are about all of that, and each is very personal to me." Working with producers, Butch Walker (of the Marvelous 3), Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace), Don Gilmore (Linkin Park, Pearl Jam), Avril co-wrote the dozen introspective songs on Under My Skin in near secrecy. "I'd just come off my world tour and got back to Toronto and was writing right away," the 19-year-old says. "I had no idea what I was going to do. No one did. People wondered if I'd run out of things to write about, but it was the opposite." After a lunch date with fellow Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk turned into a major chick-bonding session, Avril and Chantal sat down to write. The chemistry was ineffable. "We got together one night and all of a sudden we had a song," she says. "No one knew what I was up to, not my management, not my label." The duo got together the next night and wrote another song. "We did that for two weeks and wrote 12 songs." Momentum took over and by summer Avril was moving into Chantal and her husband Raine Maida's Malibu house to record. "I was only off my tour for a couple of weeks, and I was ready to record," Avril recalls. The California air provided a needed escape from Avril's frantic life. "It was a great time for me, living out there, being out of the public eye, and having my independence. And my friendship with Chantal evolved into one of the best I've ever had." Chantal and Avril would spend all night in the studio perfecting the songs. During the day, Avril learned the city by driving to and from the studio and where ever she needed to be. No photos, no interviews, no pressure. Eventually they recorded most of the songs in Raine's studio, and those songs appear unaltered on Under My Skin. The rest of the tracks, co-written with her guitarist Evan Taubenfeld (and one track with former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody), were cut just up the road. "I was involved in every aspect of making this record. I'm very hands-on," she says. "I knew how I wanted the drums, the guitar tones, and the structures to be. I understand the whole process so much better this time because I've been through it. I'm really picky with my sound."
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (11,54 kB)
Abraham Lincoln Born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky In 1842, he married Mary Todd a women from Lexington, Kentucky In 1847, Lincoln was elected to the House of Representatives In 1856, he went to the ran against Stephen A. Douglas in a losing effort to get to the U.S Senate as a Republican In 1860, he ran for President against Stephen Douglas and won the election John Wilkes Booth Born May, 10 1838 in Bel Air, Maryland--a Southern city Began interest in theatrics in 1855 at the Charles Street Theater in Baltimore Booth became a common actor at the theater In September 1858 Booth moved to Richmond, Virginia to act at the Marshall Theater At Richmond, Booth became accustomed and sympathized to the southern politics Booth never joined the Confederate army but did smuggle medical supplies from the North during the Civil War The Plot: Summer 1864 Booth developed plans to give the Confederates an advantage in the war Planned to kidnap Lincoln with a group of friends Wanted to hold Lincoln for ransom to free Confederates Co-conspirators included Samuel Arnold, Michael O’Laughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt and David Harold with the help of Dr. Samuel Mudd Booth would use John Surratt’s wife Mary Surratt’s boarding house to hold his meetings about his plans
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (948,97 kB)
Certainly an Englishman, it was more doubtful whether Phileas Fogg was a Londoner. He was never seen on 'Change, nor at the Bank, nor in the counting-rooms of the "City"; no ships ever came into London docks of which he was the owner; he had no public employment; he had never been entered at any of the Inns of Court, either at the Temple, or Lincoln's Inn, or Gray's Inn; nor had his voice ever resounded in the Court of Chancery, or in the Exchequer, or the Queen's Bench, or the Ecclesiastical Courts. He certainly was not a manufacturer; nor was he a merchant or a gentleman farmer. His name was strange to the scientific and learned societies, and he never was known to take part in the sage deliberations of the Royal Institution or the London Institution, the Artisan's Association, or the Institution of Arts and Sciences. He belonged, in fact, to none of the numerous societies which swarm in the English capital, from the Harmonic to that of the Entomologists, founded mainly for the purpose of abolishing pernicious insects. Phileas Fogg was a member of the Reform, and that was all. The way in which he got admission to this exclusive club was simple enough. He was recommended by the Barings, with whom he had an open credit. His cheques were regularly paid at sight from his account current, which was always flush. Was Phileas Fogg rich? Undoubtedly. But those who knew him best could not imagine how he had made his fortune, and Mr. Fogg was the last person to whom to apply for the information. He was not lavish, nor, on the contrary, avaricious; for, whenever he knew that money was needed for a noble, useful, or benevolent purpose, he supplied it quietly and sometimes anonymously. He was, in short, the least communicative of men. He talked very little, and seemed all the more mysterious for his taciturn manner. His daily habits were quite open to observation; but whatever he did was so exactly the same thing that he had always done before, that the wits of the curious were fairly puzzled. Had he travelled? It was likely, for no one seemed to know the world more familiarly; there was no spot so secluded that he did not appear to have an intimate acquaintance with it. He often corrected, with a few clear words, the thousand conjectures advanced by members of the club as to lost and unheard-of travellers, pointing out the true probabilities, and seeming as if gifted with a sort of second sight, so often did events justify his predictions. He must have travelled everywhere, at least in the spirit. It was at least certain that Phileas Fogg had not absented himself from London for many years. Those who were honoured by a better acquaintance with him than the rest, declared that nobody could pretend to have ever seen him anywhere else. His sole pastimes were reading the papers and playing whist. He often won at this game, which, as a silent one, harmonised with his nature; but his winnings never went into his purse, being reserved as a fund for his charities. Mr. Fogg played, not to win, but for the sake of playing. The game was in his eyes a contest, a struggle with a difficulty, yet a motionless, unwearying struggle, congenial to his tastes. Phileas Fogg was not known to have either wife or children, which may happen to the most honest people; either relatives or near friends, which is certainly more unusual. He lived alone in his house in Saville Row, whither none penetrated. A single domestic sufficed to serve him. He breakfasted and dined at the club, at hours mathematically fixed, in the same room, at the same table, never taking his meals with other members, much less bringing a guest with him; and went home at exactly midnight, only to retire at once to bed. He never used the cosy chambers which the Reform provides for its favoured members. He passed ten hours out of the twenty-four in Saville Row, either in sleeping or making his toilet. When he chose to take a walk it was with a regular step in the entrance hall with its mosaic flooring, or in the circular gallery with its dome supported by twenty red porphyry Ionic columns, and illumined by blue painted windows. When he breakfasted or dined all the resources of the clubits kitchens and pantries, its buttery and dairyaided to crowd his table with their most succulent stores; he was served by the gravest waiters, in dress coats, and shoes with swan-skin soles, who proffered the viands in special porcelain, and on the finest linen; club decanters, of a lost mould, contained his sherry, his port, and his cinnamon-spiced claret; while his beverages were refreshingly cooled with ice, brought at great cost from the American lakes.
Indijos šiaurinės ir pietinės dalies turistinės infrastruktūros ir išteklių palyginimas“ šiame darbe yra pateikta bendra informacija apie Indiją ( kad lengviau įsivaizduotumėm kokia yra šioje šalyje padėtis).Išskirta Indijos pramonė, transportas ir maistas.Pasirinkti miesteliai esantys šiaurinėje ir pietinėje Indijos dalyje ir smulkiai išnagrinėti, lentelėje. ( kad galėtumėm įsivaizduoti kaip skiriasi Indijos miesteliai esantys skirtingose šalies dalyse, savo turistine infrastruktūra ir ištekliais).
Kita  Kursiniai darbai   (20 psl., 359,54 kB)