Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 82 rezultatai

What is orthognathic (maxillofacial) surgery? Orthognathic (pronounced /ˌɔrθəɡˈnæθɨk/) surgery combines orthodontic treatment with surgery of the jaw to correct or establish a stable, functional balance between the teeth, jaws, and facial structures. The goal of maxillofacial surgery is to treat any jaw imbalance and the resulting incorrect bite, which could adversely affect the cosmetic (esthetic) appearance as well as the proper functioning of the teeth. This procedure involves diagnosis, treatment planning, and execution of treatment by combining orthodontics and oral/maxillofacial surgery to correct musculoskeletal, dento-osseous, and soft tissue deformities of the jaws and associated structures.
Maistas, sveikata, higiena  Pristatymas   (13 psl., 104,38 kB)
Referatas tema "Elektroninis parašas" arba "Kaip pasirašomi dokumentai elektroniniu būdu?". 10 dėstymo puslapių. Darbas įvertintas l. gerai.
Aplinka  Referatai   (14 psl., 305,1 kB)
Daug informacijos, kuri padės pasiruošti kalbėjimo temai: "kaip kinta lietuvių kalba keičiantis komunikacinėms reikšmėms?"
Dzūkė mergaitė
Netikėtumų pilna knyga, kurioje nuklysti į kitą pasaulį.
Lietuvių kalba  Interpretacijos   (1 psl., 7,69 kB)
Streso samprata. Stresas, jo įtaka sveikatai. Stresų priežastys, požymiai, įveikimas. Metodų parinkimas priklausomai nuo temos, besimokančiųjų amžiaus, žinių, gebėjimų, vertybinių nuostatų. Praktikinė pamoka.Pamoka skirta labiau atsipalaidavimui ir streso įveikimui. Kovai su juo.
Etika  Paruoštukės   (6 psl., 28,05 kB)
Maži vaikai visada smalsūs, betarpiški, konkrečiai mąstantys, trokštantys patekti į suaugusiųjų pasaulį. Vienas iš raktų - kalbinė raiška. Kalba yra vienas iš svarbiausių psichikos komponentų. Psichologų ir fiziologų įrodyta, kad žodis, kalba vienaip ar kitaip dalyvauja visose žmogaus psichikos apraiškose. Vaiko mąstymo raida susijusi su jo kalbos tobulėjimu. Kaip plytą būtų sunku padaryti, neturint formos, taip ir mintį sunku išreikšti, neturint atitinkamų žodžių ir gramatikos priemonių. Kalba yra minties reiškimo forma. Tik tada, kai mintis išreikšta žodžiu, ji yra aiški ir tampa realybe kalbančiam ir kitiems – klausantiems.
Pedagogika  Kursiniai darbai   (22 psl., 40,69 kB)
Literatūros rūšių skirtumus lemia pasakotojo santykis su tikrove. Jei kūrinio pasakotojas tarsi iš šalies stebi įvykius, žmones, turime epinį kūrinį. Jei pasakotojas vienaip ar kitaip išreiškia savo vidinius nusiteikimus, laikome lyriniu. Kūriniai, kuriuose nėra pasakotojo, o veiksmo įvykiai perteikiami veikėjų poelgiais ir pokalbiais, yra draminiai. Kiekviena iš trijų literatūros rūšių skaidoma į porūšius, vadinamus žanrais. Tarp pagrindinių grožinės literatūros rūšių ir žanrų griežtų ribų nėra.
Lietuvių kalba  Paruoštukės   (5 psl., 35,62 kB)
Trumpi 16 rašytojų aprašymai ruošiantis rašyti interpretaciją.
Lietuvių kalba  Interpretacijos   (2 psl., 9,56 kB)
Trumpas faktų konspektas istorijos egzaminui 12 klasei.
Istorija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (3 psl., 61,68 kB)
B. Vilimaitė - lakoniškos prozos kūrėja. Rašytojai svarbu ne modernistinė saviraiška, bet objektyvus gyvenimo stebėjimas ir skvarbi socialinės tikrovės ir žmogaus vidinių būsenų analizė. Jai nerūpi gamtos grožio paslaptys bei tautinės kultūros formos, svarbiausia jai – žmogus. Į žmogaus gyvenimą B. Vilimaitė žvelgia paprastai ir aiškiai, stengdamasi kuo teisingiau aprašyti jo šviesiąją ir tamsiąją pusę, vengiant perdėto dramatizmo ir nepagrįsto idealizavimo.
Literatūra  Konspektai   (1 psl., 314,77 kB)
Šią tema pasirinkau neatsitiktinai, mane sudomino tai, kad paklausus „ kas yra feminizmas?“ daugelis negalėjo atsakyti. Nors šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje ši sąvoka, nuolat girdima. Tačiau ją sukonkretinki man sunkiai sekėsi. Pasirinkau feminizmą, nes pati norėjau plačiau sužinoti apie šį judėjimą, jo istoriją, raidą bei kryptis. Bet labiausiai man rūpėjo sužinoti vyrų nuomonę apie moterų feminizmą. Todėl bandžiau plačiau pasidomėti, kokia vyrų nuomonė, ką jie žino apie tai.
Psichologija  Referatai   (11 psl., 84,25 kB)
Vincas Krėvė
Vincas Krėvė - Mickevičius gimė 1882m. spalio 19d. Subartonių kaime, Alytaus apskrityje. Kaime Mickevičiai dar buvo vadinami Krėvėmis, todėl tą pavardę rašytojas pasirinko slapyvardžiu.
Literatūra  Pateiktys   (14 psl., 123,19 kB)
Šiame darbe panagrinėsime apie Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo sistemą ir jos reformas. Taigi, pabandysisme atsakyti į keletą, musų nuomone, svarbių klausimų, tai : kas yra švietimas, Lietuvos švietimos sitemos raida, kokie yra Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo reformos etapai, svarbiausi ugdymo tikslai, švietimo sistemos principai, taip pat smulkiau paaiškinsime apie švietimo sistemos struktūrą.
Pedagogika  Referatai   (16 psl., 27,93 kB)
Šiandieninėje visuomenėje nebegali gyventi šia diena, svarbu numatyti įvykius į priekį, kad galėtum išvengti problemų. Dėl to ekonominiams ir socialiniams procesams tirti yra atrasta begalės įvairiausių būdų, tačiau labai svarbu pasirinkti tinkamiausią, kuris tiktų turimų duomenų pobūdžiui.
Vadyba  Kursiniai darbai   (29 psl., 319,76 kB)
V.Juknaitė parašė nedaug. Jeigu dviem dešimtmečiams padalintume, išeitų po naują knygą kas penkeri metai, bet visos tos knygos labai pastebimos, o lietuvių moterų prozos raidoje - etapinės.
Literatūra  Analizės   (2 psl., 8,39 kB)
Realizmo atsiradimo veiksniai. Svarbesnieji realizmo bruožai. Realizmo stiliaus bruožai. Realizmo raidos etapai. Svarbesnieji realistinės literatūros žanrai. Garsiausi pasaulio realistai. Garsiausi lietuvių realistai.
Lietuvių kalba  Pateiktys   (17 psl., 290,5 kB)
Aliteracija – tikslingas priebalsių kartojimas. Pvz. : Gaisro dūmuos, degėsiuos, pro apkaso moli, / Kai dundėjimas tyla padangių plačių... K. Nastopka pažymi tos aliteracijos motyvuotumą, ryšį su turiniu: ji „tarsi imituojanti pabūklų dundesį“. Aliteracija – vienodų ar panašiai skambančių priebalsių kartojimas kalboje: „Rymo ramunėlė rudenio arimuos“ (S. Nėris).
Literatūra  Konspektai   (12 psl., 26,14 kB)
1979 m. Suomijoje “Ericsson” kompanijos darbuotojai kartu su kita “NOKIA” kompanija pasiūlė Suomijos gyventojams naudotis mobiliųjų komunikacijų paslaugomis. Netrukus mobiliosios komunikacijos buvo pasiūlytos ir kitoms šalims. Bobiliosios komunikacijos greit paplito Vakarų Europoje, Amerikoje ir kt. šalyse. Šiandian skandinavijos gyventojai užima 1 vietą pagal mobiliųjų telefonų kiekį 1000 gyv. Suomijoje šis skaičius siekia 33% visų Suomijos gyventojų. Nuo 1992 m. Lietuvos gyventojai gavo galimybę naudotis mobiliomis komunikacijomis. Šią paslaugą pasiūlė “Comliet NMT” . Po trijų metų įsikūrė kita komunikacijų įmonė “OMNITEL”, kuri pasiūlė korinį GSM ryšį, po pusės metų įsikūrę “Bitė” GSM, vėliau TELE2. Jau po 6 metų 100% Lietuvos gyventojų gali naudotis mobiliųjų komunikacijų paslaugomis ir pasirinkti 1 iš 4 kompanijų. Vis didėjanti konkurencija verčia mažinti kainas ir gerinti paslaugų kokybę. Per šiuos šešerius metus telefonų ir paslaugų kainos nukrito nuo 4 iki 20 kartų, todėl kiekviena firma teikianti mobilias paslaugas turi paisyti vartotojų poreikių įdiegiant naujoves. Mobilusis telekomunikacijų ryšys yra nepakeičiamas pagalbininkas ne tik operatyviai sprendžiant darbo klausimus, bet ir turistinių kelionių bei atostogų metu. Kiekviena mob. telekom. Bendrovė gerbia savo abonentus ir nuolat dirba, siekdama pateisinti jų lūkesčius. Norėdami sužinoti, ko reikia klientams, nuolat atlieka jų poreikių analizę. Nuo abonentų priklauso, kokias naujas paslaugas pradeda teikti ar tobulina jau esamas. Mūsų tyrimo tikslas - ištirti privačių mobilaus ryšio telekomunikacijų kompanijų teikiamas paslaugas Lietuvoje.
Ekonomika  Referatai   (68,13 kB)
Tiger Tigers (Panthera tigris) are mammals of the Felidae family and one of four "big cats" in the Panthera genus. They are apex predators and the largest feline species in the world, comparable in size to the biggest fossil felids. The Bengal Tiger is the most common subspecies of tiger, constituting approximately 80% of the entire tiger population, and is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, and India. An endangered species, the majority of the world's tigers now live in captivity. Physical traits Tigers are the heaviest cats found in the wild. Although different subspecies of tiger have different characteristics, in general male tigers weigh between 200 and 320 kilograms (440 and 700 lb) and females between 120 and 181 kg (265 and 400 lb). On average, males are between 2.6 and 3.3 metres (8 ft 6 in to 10 ft 8 in) in length, and females are between 2.3 and 2.75 metres (7 ft 6 in and 9 ft) in length. Of the living subspecies, Sumatran tigers are the smallest, and Amur (or Siberian) tigers are the largest. Most tigers have orange coats, a fair (whitish) medial and ventral area and stripes that vary from brown or hay to pure black. The form and density of stripes differs between subspecies, but most tigers have in excess of 100 stripes. The now-extinct Javan tiger may have had far more than this. The pattern of stripes is unique to each animal, and thus could potentially be used to identify individuals, much in the same way as fingerprints are used to identify people. This is not, however, a preferred method of identification, due to the difficulty of recording the stripe pattern of a wild tiger. It seems likely that the function of stripes is camouflage, serving to hide these animals from their prey. The stripe pattern is found on a tiger's skin and if shaved, its distinctive camouflage pattern would be preserved. Like most cats, tigers are believed to have some degree of colour vision. There is a well-known mutation that produces the white tiger, an animal which is rare in the wild, but widely bred in zoos due to its popularity. The white tiger is not a separate sub-species, but only a colour variation. There are also unconfirmed reports of a "blue" or slate-coloured tiger, and largely or totally black tigers, and these are assumed, if real, to be intermittent mutations rather than distinct species. Similar to the lion, the tiger has the ability to roar. Tigers' extremely strong jaws and sharp teeth make them superb predators. Most tigers live in forests or grasslands, for which their camouflage is ideally suited, and where it is easy to hunt prey that are faster or more agile. Among the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes, and rivers and are known to kill while swimming. Tigers hunt alone and eat primarily medium to large sized herbivores such as sambar deer, but they also have the capability to eat much smaller prey such as birds, and other such things, wild pigs, young gaur, water buffalo and domestic cattle. They also kill such formidable predators as sloth bear, dogs, leopards, crocodiles and pythons as prey, and occasionally prey on creatures as small as langurs, peacocks and hares. Old and injured tigers have been known to attack humans or domestic cattle and are then termed as man-eaters or cattle-lifters which often leads to them being captured, shot or poisoned. Adult elephants are too dangerous to tigers to serve as common prey, but conflicts between elephants and tigers do sometimes take place. Tigers often ambush their prey as other cats do, overpowering their prey from any angle, using their body size and strength to knock prey off balance. Even with great masses, Tigers can reach speeds of about 60 km/h (37 mph). Once prone, the tiger bites the back of the neck, often breaking the prey's spinal cord, piercing the windpipe, or severing the jugular vein or carotid artery. Tigers prefer to bite the throats of large prey. After biting, the tiger then uses its muscled forelimbs to hold onto the prey, bringing it to the ground. The tiger remains latched onto the neck until its prey dies. The Sundarbans mangrove swamps of Bengal have had a higher incidence of man-eaters, where some healthy tigers have been known to hunt humans as prey. In the wild, tigers can leap as high as 5 m (16 ft) and as far as 9-10 m (30-33 ft), making them one of the highest-jumping mammals (just slightly behind cougars in jumping ability). They have been reported to carry domestic livestock weighing 50 kg (110 lb) while easily jumping over fences 2 m (6 ft 6 in) high. Their heavily muscled forelimbs are used to hold tightly onto the prey and to avoid being dislodged, especially by large prey such as gaurs. Gaurs and water buffalo weighing over a ton have been killed by tigers weighing about a sixth as much. A single blow from a tiger's paw can kill a full-grown wolf or human, or can heavily injure a 150 kg (330 lb) Sambar deer.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (285,79 kB)
Having a pet
Touching some other bases, I must say that there are many reasons of having a pet. The most important is loneliness. However I can’t deny that some people keep pets for fun. There are strong arguments both for and against keeping a pet. I would like begin with advantages of owning a pet. The first reason of having a pet is that their benefits for children are undeniable. Keeping a pet is an important part of every child’s childhood and plays a big role in both their physical and mental development. It teaches children how to play, look after them, while at the same time aiding tolerance and understanding of each other. From a social standpoint, pets play a large role in many lonely people’s lives. Nowadays more than ever lonely people are fond of keeping pets, because it helps to raise their mood, when they are in low spirits, and not to feel so extremely lonely. The final advantage of having a pet is that it makes fun for people who are crazy about attending various animals’ exhibitions and showing the best points of their pets to others. However, there are many disadvantages of keeping a pet as well. Perhaps the most obvious one is that pets cause a lot of damage. In fact, a lot of people face with this problem. To avoid that they always have to look after their pet and try not to keep them in rooms which are full of valuable things. Secondly, some people can’t keep pets because of their health. Usually they are allergies and can not live with a pet in the same place. Furthermore, some pets, especially dogs, dislike little children and they are likely to bite them. So it is advisable to think twice before buying a pet and consider both advantages and disadvantages. Talking about pets, I am able to say that I have a pet too. I have big, fat cat. He is called Meilas. He is Persian race. All my family’s life changed when we got this cat. This cat brought to our lives more fun. I feel very happy when Meilas meets me coming back from school. He is my best friend. To sum it up, I must say that if you love your pet, he makes you life as fun as you can imagine.
Global Warming
Global Warming has many threats on the climate and even the health of the people on this planet. Some of these threats include the altering of crop seasons and even effect the way organisms survive on the planet. The first thing I think I should discuss when talking about global warming is what causes it to occur. Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are known as greenhouse gases, all build up in the atmosphere of the earth. All these gases make it so that it becomes harder for the radiation that the sun shines into the atmosphere to escape. The heat continues to build up and this is what causes the temperatures to increase. I know this seems like the temperatures increase massively but in the last hundred years the average temperature of the Earth has gone up between 0.8 and 1.0 degrees farenheight. Also in the last fifteen years, we have had the ten warmest years in record. Global Warming also helps the Earth and it has been for many years. Without global warming, the Earth’s temperature would be a lot lower than the 60-degree average. Unfortunately due to there being many more harmful “greenhouse gases” being placed into the atmosphere, instead of the temperature staying at a constant, its rising. What are many of the dangers of the Earth’s temperature rising? First of all it cause many of the glaciers that are floating in the Arctic and Greenland to melt. This in turn causes the sea levels to rise around the world. In the last hundred years alone the seas around the planet have risen anywhere from four to ten inches. I know it does not sound like a massive change but being able to raise all the seas in the world a whole ten inches is a huge problem. Sea levels also continue to rise is because the hotter temperature cause the ocean water to expand. An example of the sea level causing problems could happen on a little Native Island in the middle of an Ocean. On these islands usually where native tribes live, if the sea level rises three fourths of a meter then half of the island will sink. This could happen in many different islands around the world and if the water keeps on rising as it is, then farming land near the seashores will be flooded and the crops will be destroyed and many farmers will be left without much to live off of. The melting of the glaciers are also causing some problems in the Himalayas. Many of the tips of the mountain’s in that area. Massive flooding and rivers that are well above their normal levels are threatening the crops and homes in the area. Many of the locals that live in the area and many of the scientists that are surveying the area are saying that the glaciers are melting at a phenomenal rate. Another danger that comes with the changing of the climate is that the increased heat causes more evaporation to occur in the hotter climates. This causes there to be more precipitation in many other climates that are not used to handling massive rainfalls. The increased rainfall also leads to speeding up the process of the sea levels rising. Health is also something that becomes threatened because of global warming. Heat becomes a huge factor in the health of humans, especially the elderly. Incidents such as heat stroke head exhaustion and diseases increase drastically. The heat makes it possible for mosquitoes and other insects to transmit diseases. This is something that happened in New York during this summer. A very rare disease called St. Louis Emphyitis (spelling?) that would spread in puddles of water that mosquitoes would drink out of due to the heat. These mosquitoes would then bite humans and infect them with this disease. I don’t recall how many people, if any died due to this, but it did cause a bit of a panic in the New York Metropolitan area. Heat is not the only weather problem. Global Warming doesn't only increase temperatures in hot areas. It also decreases temperatures in cold areas. An example of this has been the cold spell that struck the Midwest. In Montana, temperatures plummeted to 30 degrees below and stayed there. The coldest weather ever recorded plagued our country's heart for over three weeks and still hasn't returned too normal. A related incident has been the blizzards of the East Coast. Some places in New York State got over twenty feet of snow. So what is in store for Earth in the future? Possible nothing. There are many people that believe global warming is nothing more than the normal rise of temperature around the world. So if this is the case, we have nothing to really worry about. Unfortunately, this scenario of normal raise in temperature might not be the case. If it isn’t, Scientists estimate that the global temperature will rise between five and nine degrees by the middle of the 21st century accompanied by a sea-level rise of one to four feet. Once the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the polar ice caps will began to melt. While those living in the Arctic may find that a nice surprise, the implications for the rest of the world are serious. Even a partial melting of the polar ice caps will cause sea levels to rise so much as to completely wipe out most coastal cities. This includes such big cities such as San Francisco and New York. Those cities that are not totally wiped out by the water will eventually be hit with hurricanes much more severe than any other one in history. Of course, inland cities are not safe either. Rather than surging seawaters and hurricanes, they will face drought. So what can be done in order to keep from all of that from happening? We need to stop putting so much pollution in to the air. No matter what there will always be a little bit of Carbon Dioxide omitted into the atmosphere. If we could just limit all the coal and fossil fuels that we burn, there will not be so much “greenhouse gases” and it would keep all of that from happening so quickly. There have also been many attempts by the United States Presidents Administrations in order to help slow down the effect. In my lifetime I know that I won’t see anything too drastic happen due to global warming, but there is a chance that my children and grandchildren will.
Mūsų pasirinkta organizacija yra AB „TEO“. Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti kaip darbuotojai bendrauja savo organizacijoje. Darbo pradžioje pristatome organizaciją, jos siekius, veiklos principus, kryptis ir konkurentus(supažindiname su pačia organizacija); Mūsų tikslas yra peržvelgti ir suvokti kaip šios organizacijos darbuotojai bendrauja su klientais telefonu, kokie yra reikalavimai ir kokia iš tikrųjų yra dabartinė esama padėtis.
Etika  Referatai   (24 psl., 1,3 MB)